*TLA*'s Declaration on Treason


Sadly, we knew the day would come when we would have to make some hard decisions in regards to those who have left TLA. I have offered time and time again to have them return, but they are not interested. Our truest enemy has always been Grind, and any of those allied with them.

When the voting had come for the timeframe of when to end this world, we know they had rallied for 100% dominance, thus prolonging the inevitable end to this world and continuing the misery of our foe's under our axes. In so doing, they voted to have any player who is not in TLA be rimmed before we could win the world.

It is with a heavy heart that I write this announcement, however I know it is for the betterment of TLA, and towards furthering our goal of ending this world.

TLA Reborn therefore declares war on FdaTsNxDs

Best of luck my old comrades and friends, you know you will need it. Remember that the delete button is probably the least painful way out.

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way to go jv..

i knew TLA consisted only off power hungry mongerals who cared for nothing other than their own accounts, you sure have done it now jv, divided TLA, turned on those that fought long and hard for TLA and now choose to push others into attacking those they regard as friends..lol.. brillant..lol..
Sadly, we knew the day would come when we would have to make some hard decisions in regards to those who have left TLA.
i could name a few more who left then cameback jv, and dont follow TLA rules are they not included?
I have offered time and time again to have them return, but they are not interested. Our truest enemy has always been Grind, and any of those allied with them.
so as you clearly state jv you have offered them to return, maybe it was because off you they never.. and in another sense would it not be better to just nobel you out and have whatever points and players they have return..
When the voting had come for the timeframe of when to end this world, we know they had rallied for 100% dominance, thus prolonging the inevitable end to this world and continuing the misery of our foe's under our axes. In so doing, they voted to have any player who is not in TLA be rimmed before we could win the world.
has it not occured to you jv that those you deem to be playing a game of misery (your foes) are actually enjoying the game and voted to prolong it because of their enjoyment?
Best of luck my old comrades and friends, you know you will need it. Remember that the delete button is probably the least painful way out.
perhaps you have not grasped the concept in which you have declared this jv, but from what i can see and read from it, is that you wish this game to be over quickly and are now asking for TLA members to attack those that they regard as friends etc, and you seem to highlight the delete button as a way out for them.. but tell me jv, if you wish for it to be over and are now prepared to have friends turn on friends, perhaps the best solution is for you to hit that delete button.. the game will then be over for you and you will not have been responsible for having TLA members turn on their friends and from as far back as i can remember you have always believed TLA will win anyway.. so unless your prepared for another year atleast of world 29 jv, my advice to you is keep isolating those that followed TLA and pursue your own agenda as i will be having fun watching it and will pick up on TLA having a new front..lol..


I find it odd how you continue to allude to the fact that Daryl1000 and Simon Yuen have left TLA purely because of me and that they would have happily returned had I quit, when in fact that is completely incorrect. I have not talked about you as a friend and wishing you to come to TLA, nor do I speak of Saxon Blade and Mouth, as I know very little about them.

I made a promise to a dear friend of mine that I would see W29 through and I very much wanted Daryl and Simon to be with me till the end. I have spoken with Daryl on countless occasions and asked him to come back, asked him what he would want to come back, and what his plans were. Things have obviously reached boiling point when Penguin and Homeini had begun nobling off eachother, paladayi took a bunch od Saxon's villages, and Daryl had retaliated with a number of attacks and a noble train on him. All of this was before the declaration.

Now go on, keep flaming me, and put words in to my friends' mouths. I am sure they would happily come on here to say otherwise, if not I would like them to come on here to at least state their position on me being in TLA.


i knew TLA consisted only off power hungry mongerals who cared for nothing other than their own accounts, you sure have done it now jv, divided TLA, turned on those that fought long and hard for TLA and now choose to push others into attacking those they regard as friends..lol.. brillant..lol..
I care for other accounts, but noble with mine. What does that have to do with a war declaration? Do you simply expect players to not noble other players? Is that not the entire purpose of this game? War is not declared to simply fill an empty void in our lifes with vengeance towards those around us. It is the nature of the game. You noble those not in your tribe. Simple facts.

i could name a few more who left then cameback jv, and dont follow TLA rules are they not included?
If people are tribemates, then it is the tribe that deals with anyone not following rules. but thanks for your concern dear.

so as you clearly state jv you have offered them to return, maybe it was because off you they never.. and in another sense would it not be better to just nobel you out and have whatever points and players they have return..
lol. Cute. JV is awesome and anyone who disagrees can suck my nukes.

has it not occured to you jv that those you deem to be playing a game of misery (your foes) are actually enjoying the game and voted to prolong it because of their enjoyment?
Now I love this. Please. Continue playing the game. I'd hate to see more players quit in Grind and FdTnD. Really kills my joy when my targets go belly up on me.

perhaps you have not grasped the concept in which you have declared this jv, but from what i can see and read from it, is that you wish this game to be over quickly and are now asking for TLA members to attack those that they regard as friends etc, and you seem to highlight the delete button as a way out for them.. but tell me jv, if you wish for it to be over and are now prepared to have friends turn on friends, perhaps the best solution is for you to hit that delete button.. the game will then be over for you and you will not have been responsible for having TLA members turn on their friends and from as far back as i can remember you have always believed TLA will win anyway.. so unless your prepared for another year atleast of world 29 jv, my advice to you is keep isolating those that followed TLA and pursue your own agenda as i will be having fun watching it and will pick up on TLA having a new front..lol..
Bert. Its war. If people are not in our tribe, they are red. We have given opportunities to our friends to reunite together in the same tribe, but they wish to continue on their own way. No one has a problem with it. They want to be red, thats fine by them, and its fine by us. Seriously, what's the big deal?


Unless you're drunk as hell, there is no need to spell mongrel's that way.


Things have obviously reached boiling point when Penguin and Homeini had begun nobling off eachother, paladayi took a bunch od Saxon's villages, and Daryl had retaliated with a number of attacks and a noble train on him. All of this was before the declaration.
when i look at the map, i see a sea of barbs there around wfa etc i also see some cross-nobeling also (is there a shared planner, if not thats your reason) as for saxon and having spoken with him paladayi took it upon himself to nobel his villages and i can only assume daryl has responded by supporting saxon (is that not fair to do?..)

whilst i am here jv..

Please join in however you can, I should expect all players local to any villages within this tribe to do their best to attack and noble. I understand there may be some who have long term friendships with [player]Daryl1000[/player] and so would not like to attack him, and I can appreciate that, however there are 4 more players in his tribe who you can attack, so please do.

Judging by stats, only [player]Penguin426[/player] and [player]Daryl1000[/player] are active, but this may change once our attacks are launched.

Best of luck to all involved.

too me that sounds like a premeditated line of thought not something that justifies having friends turn on friends.. and yes jv and as you more or less know i am in your house, as to where thats for later..

am i trying too put words into others mouths, no i am not, but when you yourself wish for the game to end and are now using low tactics like that to bring around chaos amongst TLA i can only see what i have always tried to do become a reality.. you have and are creating division within TLA..

so in essence jv, its not daryl and co that have done that, it has been you, bloodfest quit rather than attack those he regarded as friends.. thats to be admired..


Unless you're drunk as hell, there is no need to spell mongrel's that way.

He is a trollongeral though :lol:

Bert - You enjoy(ed) the game so much as you say, yet you hit delete? You are a walking contradiction. You are one of the last ones around here that should be running his yapper about deleting, or how other people play the game.


when i look at the map, i see a sea of barbs there around wfa etc i also see some cross-nobeling also (is there a shared planner, if not thats your reason)

Bert i think you forget we declared on the world so if your not in tla we had in effect already declared war on you so why would we share a planner?

too me that sounds like a premeditated line of thought not something that justifies having friends turn on friends.. .

Bert this may be hard for you to understand but its a game. you play your friends at games everyday assuming you do have some, just because your on oppersit sides does not necessarily mean in real life you cant remain friends, Daryl was given leway out of the tribe because of his history but at the end of the day he made his choise he did what he thought was best


Bert i think you forget we declared on the world so if your not in tla we had in effect already declared war on you so why would we share a planner?
nope, i never forgot rollo..
Bert this may be hard for you to understand but its a game. you play your friends at games everyday assuming you do have some, just because your on oppersit sides does not necessarily mean in real life you cant remain friends, Daryl was given leway out of the tribe because of his history but at the end of the day he made his choise he did what he thought was best
not hard to understand at all rollo.. just seems and from what i have seen to be premeditated.. not how it has been portrayed..

Bert - You enjoy(ed) the game so much as you say, yet you hit delete? You are a walking contradiction. You are one of the last ones around here that should be running his yapper about deleting, or how other people play the game.
guess you really are in the dark of things then..


Where is the BigBert24 account that was in Grind! then? Did you not hit delete? Inquiring minds want to know...


you can look at the stats of that account to see where it has went.. as to where i have been and am now, where i have always been.. hence you being in the dark..


Of course it was premeditated... Do you really think *TLA* was going to allow FdTnD to remain there if the players within didn't want to come back... If you consider how long they have been gone, they have had ample opportunity to return yet chose not to.

Eventually we were going to do something about them if they weren't to return. FdTnD has been around for almost 2 months having gone mostly unchecked in what they were doing in our territory as we still hoped for them to return one day... After almost 2 months of them clearly not wanting to the time came that we had to do something.


Of course it was premeditated...
hence friends turning on friends = divisions = splits = loss of interest = players becoming isolated..

and to think i spent months upon months of feeding it and here TLA are doing it themselves.. well done.. :)


Everyone in *TLA* knew the day that we would have to attack friends would come if they continued to ignore the option of returning. We may not like having to do it but it is something that was inevitable tbh.


too me that sounds like a premeditated line of thought not something that justifies having friends turn on friends..

Premeditated, I don't think I follow you, if you are trying to say that I wrote that purely because you said what you did, then you have not looked at the time of the mail. I know Daryl has many friends in TLA, I am one of them. Most in TLA have mailed me personally over the past few months asking various questions about Daryl, his tribe, their intentions, and our intentions towards them. I have always said and honestly believed for a long time, that I am trying to work things out with him and that I do not wish for a war to break out, I have asked people not to attack anyone in his tribe, even if people had been attacking Saxon Blade previously. The truth of the matter is that delay after delay meant that plans could be put in place, accounts could be grown, and alliances could be struck with Grind! in that time frame. I will not force anyone to attack someone they do not want to, some (who are his friends) will attack purely because this is a game and a game to attack as outlined in the name, and some will decide they do not want to attack him, or Simon, or someone else for that matter. I simply said that I respect that decision but would like them then to attack someone else in that tribe, perhaps the players who used to be in Grind, or the player who is an unknown.

and yes jv and as you more or less know i am in your house, as to where thats for later..

I know you have said this before, I don't know if I believe you, and frankly the concept is starting to be a bore. I don't really care where you are, if you had the balls to come out and say where you were we could probably have a bit of fun. I am sure it will be revealed in the future, or else you will be rimmed without us even knowing it. Oddly enough, for someone who has nothing to do with Daryl and his tribe, you sure do defend his honour a lot, in fact it would seem the only people you are defending on the externals of late are those within that tribe, sounds a bit like you may be there already.

am i trying too put words into others mouths, no i am not, but when you yourself wish for the game to end and are now using low tactics like that to bring around chaos amongst TLA i can only see what i have always tried to do become a reality.. you have and are creating division within TLA..

Low tactics, this is quite funny really. By asking time and time again for them to come back home, by leaving an open invitation for them to join at any time they wished until a declaration of war was made, by giving a time frame to which point that open invitation would end and that war would be inevitable, and then giving an extra 3 weeks on top of that, seems as though I have been quite fair. True, the war itself will not be terribly fair, but then again we are fighting the tribe that was by far the largest in W29 for quite some time, who declared on us by surprise attack while we were still in a NAP on the other side, so now we are fighting 2 wars on either side. Oddly enough, I suspect Daryl and Penguin will be the best opposition we have had in over a year now.

As far as me creating a division within TLA, that was done by Bloodfest, having been trying to rally for support for his cause against TLA and attempting to bring people over to his tribe to fight against us alongside Grind. Have people had to choose, yes. But I did not have the luxury of being able to choose, my choice had been made for me, as I would not let someone trample on my beloved TLA and her people, big or small.

bloodfest quit rather than attack those he regarded as friends.. thats to be admired..

This has really made me chuckle, as unless Bloodfest was lying to me, and his closest friends in game, he did not quit rather than attacking, he lost his password and the email account he registered on Tribal Wars from, some 3 years ago has since been deleted, thus having no way of getting back in. He said he tried a number of different ways and times to, but then gave up trying. Bloodfest was in fact the person who said he had been planning an attack on TLA for over a year and that I as Duke was the reason for this (where I have not been duke for over a year, the best Duke, in my opinion, in W29 history was duke of TLA a year ago). That being said, like Daryl, I consider Bloodfest a friend and once the world is over I hope to continue to chat with him and keep up if he will me.

So Bert, keep on stirring, it is in fact what you do best, too bad you could not be half as good in game as your mouth is on the externals.


jv. tla are nothing but a bunch of cowards you press declare. war on us today when you have been attacking for over a week . so it does.t matter if your tribe win.s in the end or not . not one of you can hold your heads up . it seem.s to me the one.s who did leave tla are the one.s that can hold there heads . not the cowards who are still there .


So Bert, keep on stirring, it is in fact what you do best
i dont need too jv.. you have more than you realize for me by doing what you have done..lol..


Hang on, how exactly does a couple of people (I don't actually know the number) attacking you for their own reasons make the whole of TLA cowards?

And the people that abandoned their friends for their own selfish reasons aren't cowards? I believe you need to rethink that.


you can look at the stats of that account to see where it has went.. as to where i have been and am now, where i have always been.. hence you being in the dark..

What was I thinking? Of course you have been here all along. I guess it is a figment of my imagination that you deleted your account. "Always" is a word that I don't think you quite grasp the meaning of kiddo.


What was I thinking? Of course you have been here all along
I guess it is a figment of my imagination that you deleted your account.
wrong.. BB24 is long gone..
"Always" is a word that I don't think you quite grasp the meaning of kiddo.
sometimes i do.. sometimes i dont.. kinda just depends on what mood i'm in... and thanks for the kiddo remark.. (i hate being old) but your still in the dark with it regardless..