To Haul or not to Haul

  • Thread starter DeletedUser115733
  • Start date


What are your views on the no haul........:icon_rolleyes:


I like no haul more than haul worlds, You no need to spend so much time on TW, no need farming, no need worry in first week/-s when some one can attack and to loot resources from You, also too no need co-player, perhaps later when world turns more interesting - wars, than yes.. but yes, nice when is also too no haul world.


Like I absolutely hate farming, but no haul does leave something to be desired for the first few weeks. I suppose thats where limited haul hits its stride - pretty effective for your first village, but really by the time you get nobles, the farming becomes almost inconsequential because you quickly reach the limit


This is my first no haul world and i have to say its harder than a normal one. With a normal world you can just ignore pits at the start and go for troops straight off. Here you have to balance pits and troops. And now with nobleing you cant increase your res income just by being a little more active and looting a few more villages, all you are left with is choosing where you will put your fixed amount of res. Its frustrating not to be able to build/recruit and mint nonstop all the time.


I like having no haul in the world, it gives the new players a better chance at starting without the bigger players farming from them (been there done that, got the t shirt, in the bin). Once you get farmed once its never ending.


Like I absolutely hate farming, but no haul does leave something to be desired for the first few weeks. I suppose thats where limited haul hits its stride - pretty effective for your first village, but really by the time you get nobles, the farming becomes almost inconsequential because you quickly reach the limit



Well I love to farm but at times it feels just so easy not to be able to farm as if your time is limited u know?