
Before the vault of W17 memories seal shut, we would like to take one last look at the world and its history. The settings, tribes, events, and players that made W17 possible, the personalities that captivated your interest 'til the end, all of these memories should be preserved and remembered for all who have embarked on this journey.
For this last blog issue of W17 I'll need your help. I haven't played W17 and the world, so close to the end, is closed to joining. I'll need your input, your valuable information, to write the final chapter.
I'd like to know anything and everything regarding W17. Interesting stories, histories, interviews, anything at all pertinent to W17 I would love to hear from you. Just contact me via forum mail or on skype at buddylee101 and you can 'write your own ending' to the world that is...