1 ~ONE~ : I like the look of this tribe, know a couple of people in it. I don't see them going anywhere soon, unless they get unexpected internal issues. Hopefully they dont build up a big presence in K33 just yet :icon_smile:
2 Ya Bro : Not sure about Ya Bro, been number 1 for quite a while, will prob drop a few more places which im sure they expect. Im just not a big fan of them just yet. Maybe just to far for me to take an interest. Nevertheless still a good tribe. And as typing this, they are now below PITA.
3 PITA : Low member count, nice position, not a lot of competition, look good for the future. And *FAKES* is from W55, he attacked me many times with lots of fakes

only person i recognise
4 shAve : similar to PITA, just taken on a few tribes and came out on top, looking good for the future. Be curious to see if anything happens between shAve and Ya Bro in the future.
5 RobRob : Looking good after the joining of the 2 tribes. Possibly future competition with ~ONE~ not sure, never know.
6 VIRUS : I won't say they are noobs, however they looks to be mass recruiters, with some experienced players in there.
7 ~GOH~ : In the same K as OnFire i believe, i think majority of them will just make for good noble targets

8 ~SW~ : Not sure about them yet, got low members and good average. Looking good, maybe a lil close together but im sure they could sort that out okay if they got noble trains.
9 ~RF~ : Same position as ~SW~ so looking pretty hopeful. Little bunched up, but less members only 32, so lots to expand really.
10 =GTC= : Are they involved in fighting Ya Bro, not been paying attention, but look like mass recruiters to, dont see them lasting.
13 OnFire : Low member count, plenty to noble, looking very good, hope to see them dominating the K
17 VS : on the rise, also low member count. Nice spread, maybe too spread. Still look good, hope to see them stay