Top 10 most influential personalties


I would like to know each others opinion on this one

Who are the top 10 people who you think influenced this Axes-controlled world.

For me:

1. Faaaaaaaaark

2. Jonathan1979 (real one)

3. Booza

4. zerox

5. mpmp

6. Mohua

7. Copenhagan

8. Kriegselend

9. Codygoodthegreat

10. Cecil31

totally noob opinion. so please let your opinion be heard! :)


I don't think that mpmp influenced the politics of this world greatly. Great pointwhore yes, but not a huge influence on the long haul of the world.

Otherwise, I would have to agree with most of those if we are purely talking about the politics of the world.


1. Faaaaaaaaark

2. Jonathan1979 (real one)

3. Booza

4. zerox

5. mpmp

6. Mohua

7. Copenhagan

8. Kriegselend

9. Codygoodthegreat

10. Cecil31

This is the best list of nubs that you could make? :icon_rolleyes:

Cope - sure as hell wasn't
Krieg - doesn't he usually get rimmed in the middle of posting his text walls?
cecil - he was all about the smallest dick contest :lol:
cody - well cody's tribe could/shoulda kicked the shit outa axes, but after that he wasn't very influential imo :icon_razz:


TW secret societies they see all I said to much they are going to kill me now!!!!


Hm, lots of people who actually dont even play the world anymore. Seems to me their influence for the most part left with them.

The exceptions to that are probably Faaaaark and J1979.

My list has 1 guy on it, its Booza. Why? Because he successfully kept everyone playing against each other and never really had his tribe fighting on multiple fronts until the very last second, and even then caused the front to crumple somehow (even if it wasnt directly caused by him im crediting him, because why not). Hes a damn leprechaun.

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I'm pretty sure SM has a place in this list, he manages to influence everyone to attack him, AND some how survives every time :lol:


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but these people still shaped the world,


by making decisions, like what tribe they will war, what tribe they will ally. what players they keep intrested in the game, these guys all could have decided to attack axes then who would be here?

would things be the same if knock wasnt gangbanged? or if ocd helped knock fight axes?

would things be the same if knock and mpmp didnt attack ocd while they were hitting legacy would things be the same?

there is 10000000 decisions made in this world that made this world what it is, and alot of these people on this list were big parts of it..

not taking anything away from booza, he did a great job all of axes leadership did, but would it have ended the same if we took those 10 players from w41 the day they started?

btw i think dos wanted people to add to the list :p

this could be a good thread if discussed properly


You make valid points, of which springs more questions, what about the players who sit on the side lines so to speak, those who coach or make it happen for those who are considered influential? One thing I noticed in the military is many people take credit inadvertently.

Are we speaking on the forums? their are many who were very influential in flaming and creating drama.
Are we speaking in actual game play, mezonis & purely & many others were #1 for a long while before the OCD mass delete, their are many very strong players who helped shaped the world.
Are we speaking on diplomatic matters? Their are always discussions in council before the duke makes the final decision.
Are we speaking about those who are granted credit based off the position they are in?
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all of the above,

the list of people you think made the most impact on the world.

there are lots of names missing, but who were they?


sanchez your just mad that you were in nearly all tribes on w41 and never had a nice tribe like knock :p

I wasn't in nearly all tribes :icon_eek:
Nut you are right, I was never in one like knock.
I was in one that was much better, SOF :icon_razz:


There are a few names that have not been mentioned yet.

Check-mate (Emperor Taizu - Founder of DNY in W12):
If he had not chosen to return to the game, I and many other players would never have joined this world. Check-mate planted the seed for the downfall of MaccyD and several other tribes.

This guy convinced me to come back to W41 after being banned and he had quite a lot of influence over several tribes that not many people know about.

The OCD leadership group - Mezonis, Tbolling, Pardon Me and a few others
If OCD had been a dictatorship, every Knock player would have been removed as I would have declared on Knock for the sake of it after winning the core. As it stood, my council wanted to give our southern guys a frontline war for once and Motive was chosen as our final war target. Furthermore, If the new AXES players had waited for us to finish the Motive war, AXES would have been given a perfect war to end the world. Ultimately, I had the Knock players clearly in my sights and my council outvoted me and decided to war Motive. That allowed Knock players to move to AXES. Lucky you... hey. It's like flopping a set on the flop and the fish next to you calls you to the river and hits a runner runner gut shot straight... simply lucky.


i think faaark,best leader ever played with ,but i must say dont think many of you will remember but heaven sword what a player ,he was a great ,he was unstopable and a team player,41 was and still is a great world to play:)


Oh Delboy, your so simple. Your right about one thing. w41 is still a fun place to play :icon_wink:


There are a few names that have not been mentioned yet.

Check-mate (Emperor Taizu - Founder of DNY in W12):
If he had not chosen to return to the game, I and many other players would never have joined this world. Check-mate planted the seed for the downfall of MaccyD and several other tribes.

This guy convinced me to come back to W41 after being banned and he had quite a lot of influence over several tribes that not many people know about.

The OCD leadership group - Mezonis, Tbolling, Pardon Me and a few others
If OCD had been a dictatorship, every Knock player would have been removed as I would have declared on Knock for the sake of it after winning the core. As it stood, my council wanted to give our southern guys a frontline war for once and Motive was chosen as our final war target. Furthermore, If the new AXES players had waited for us to finish the Motive war, AXES would have been given a perfect war to end the world. Ultimately, I had the Knock players clearly in my sights and my council outvoted me and decided to war Motive. That allowed Knock players to move to AXES. Lucky you... hey. It's like flopping a set on the flop and the fish next to you calls you to the river and hits a runner runner gut shot straight... simply lucky.

"I had the Knock players clearly in my sights"

more like you were looking at sergei's and som's vills :lol:

more opinions pls :) i really dont know what Fatal did to w41. (Fatal = Tribe)

Maccyd. dsqd. coc.chuck. dvadr. -----. KTOBC i dunno i remember a lot of tribes :p but dont know their dukes and somewhat their decisions all has chain reactions to what w41 is today :)


"I had the Knock players clearly in my sights"

more like you were looking at sergei's and som's vills :lol:

more opinions pls :) i really dont know what Fatal did to w41. (Fatal = Tribe)

Maccyd. dsqd. coc.chuck. dvadr. -----. KTOBC i dunno i remember a lot of tribes :p but dont know their dukes and somewhat their decisions all has chain reactions to what w41 is today :)
No, I wanted to war Knock... simple. My council and I discussed the fact that our southern players had been fighting long range wars for quite a while and the decision was made to war Motive to give them a frontline war.

You got lucky... simple.


It would have been nice to see OCD going at Sergei.
I've had the pleasure of fighting him myself, I can tell, he's a wall.


give your opinions booza :) youve been in the loop of w41 since the start I assume. :)


we iz lucky. big huggles!