Top 10 most influential personalties


I never had a plan, I always went with my gut feeling.

On most ocassions, I was right... but every now and then I ballsed it up good and proper.


and the days he was eating chili WATCH OUT! His gut was doing flip flops and had us at war with everybody.


I never had a plan, I always went with my gut feeling.

On most ocassions, I was right... but every now and then I ballsed it up good and proper.

I don't really have a plan neither.
I just build up good relationships with the other important people of the world, and take decisions accordingly.


Grott, the motive leader, I found him so dislikable in the end I asked Booza for an NAP. If he had of attacked Axes at anytime during that 6 weeks it would have been enough, you had too many huggers, people who suck up to the strongest. You can debate that all you like, but I lost 1 village and took 30, it was my 1st time playing.
Booza, you lead this bunch of sheep herders to victory, that takes some serious diplomacy mate. Nice work.
The other main contributing factor was not one individual but the mass deleting of accounts. I forget their names, may they never be spoken again. Those in the East formed SCC, anyone else pretty much signed up to Motive or Axes. I think we ate fundamental 1st for the role that account played. If they had of stayed and fought instead of getting upset and quiting I think we would have been fine. It's a game, a war game, if there is anytime to attack the strongest tribe, it's once we had started fighting another major tribe right? lol, fight you cowards :)