Top 10 most influential personalties


I can go along with you most of time but not on this one. :lol: You probably threw this in just to start a nice debate. :)

Uhm, OCD agreed upon a NAP on Axes' terms as they wanted to focus elsewhere.
This included Axes getting K33-34 if I remember correct.
OCD had just begun to win ground, but todd, let's face it, you guys got swept away at the start.

Maybe your name wasn't OCD yet, I can't remember exactly.
I wouldn't want to debate you, you know that. It would be too easy. :icon_neutral::icon_razz:


This is why I can't wait for World 53, because all the great players we once had in different tribes now playing together. Except for you som, I said Great players your only in it cause your name on the externals is purple :lol:


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actually jona it was you who pushed me to attack ocd along with mpmp's tribe, you were supposed to attack aswell, but.. maybe your old friendships had a soft spot in your heart :p

so dont act all innocent in this you had blood on your hands...


actually jona it was you who pushed me to attack ocd along with mpmp's tribe, you were supposed to attack aswell, but.. maybe your old friendships had a soft spot in your heart :p

so dont act all innocent in this you had blood on your hands...


Cody, serious: I didn't convince you to attack OCD?


dos are you upset with me with the little joke of the thingy in the corner i was laughing at?:icon_rolleyes:


That top10 is a hoax.

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Uhm, OCD agreed upon a NAP on Axes' terms as they wanted to focus elsewhere.
This included Axes getting K33-34 if I remember correct.
OCD had just begun to win ground, but todd, let's face it, you guys got swept away at the start.

Maybe your name wasn't OCD yet, I can't remember exactly.
I wouldn't want to debate you, you know that. It would be too easy. :icon_neutral::icon_razz:

Thats because you hit us in the back while our support was focused two continents away against maccyd or some such core tribe i cant remember. I rememeber their being alot of threads about this ages ago :lol:

Yes you had more war caps in the begining but once we turned our attention to you it was a different story and im pretty sure one of the reasons why the NAP was agreed upon your end. Otherwise if you were sweeping us under our feet why did you agree to it ?

You are right we let you have k33 in the agreement but what did we have there ? 10 -15 villages ? :icon_wink:


Thats because you hit us in the back while our support was focused two continents away against maccyd or some such core tribe i cant remember. I rememeber their being alot of threads about this ages ago :lol:

Yes you had more war caps in the begining but once we turned our attention to you it was a different story and im pretty sure one of the reasons why the NAP was agreed upon your end. Otherwise if you were sweeping us under our feet why did you agree to it ?

You are right we let you have k33 in the agreement but what did we have there ? 10 -15 villages ? :icon_wink:

I wasn't in Axes yet at that point, just a fyi. :icon_wink:


i think the one who had most influence in w41 is JAP. :)))))) looool


I guess I wasn't controversial enough. I'll try to insult more people next time :)