Top 10 ODA/Points ratio


Just a different perspective on rankings, the top 10 players ODA/point ratio...
I think we agreed on 3-4 being average, over 5 being great and below 2 being poor.

really it just shows who has used the most troops to get their points.

RankPlayer (Tribe)ODAODD
1Azazel Aziz (Apathy)5.601.58
2Tubrez (Yarr)5.482.67
3Trust? (Yarr)4.820.91
4ScarletUndieS (Wobble)3.963.85
5Raveman9 (AAA)2.560.34
6idanokim (AAA)2.440.72
7Garry09 (Yarr)1.890.20
8El Valiente (Apathy)1.810.51
9Underground Authority (NIR)1.790.70
10Godliss (Yarr)1.690.29
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While I realize some of you may disagree with me here, fancy putting up the ODD ones too?

Here is my logic behind this:
If a player has never been seriously attacked (below 1 million ODD), then it is very easy to climb the rankings well. Pretty much any good player could do this (of-course making top 20 does require other things, like co-players too)
If a player has over say 5 million ODD, then at this stage he has been hit very hard, so it is even more impressive how they still hold a top rank.
While I agree, ODA is vital to earning a top rank, and being worthy of it, I dislike how everyone discounts ODD as useless, when in-fact it can be useful.
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True, I'll add that in a few minutes. I agree that someone who can keep growing whilst getting hit heavily (hence ODD) clearly has a claim to be better than someone who has grown with zero pressure on them


I dont know if you were talking about the ODA/point ratio of the TOP 10 Players in points, or about the TOP 10 player ODA/points if you are talking about the second option I would like to add some ratios (if you werent, they I apologize for spam/troll yor threat)

Babyfacenelson(aka me): 3.07/542=5.66
D Army:4.19/743=5.64
Mikeys: 3.43/814=4.21

Just another examples...and I am sure if you look a little harder there will be better ones.


I'm talking about the top 10 points players ODA to points ratio... because I'm sure there's some 2k point player somewhere with ratios of 10 plus :p

ODD has been added purely for interest, wont affect the rankings.


You cant really measure ODA just simply from the ingame stats as it can be very much misleading... For all we know someone could get 4mil ODA and not take a village off of the intended target, then go on and get 30 villages of freebies. People would think yep his OD is big he has a lot of points he did a nice job...

While I realize some of you may disagree with me here, fancy putting up the ODD ones too?

Here is my logic behind this:
If a player has never been seriously attacked (below 1 million ODD), then it is very easy to climb the rankings well. Pretty much any good player could do this (of-course making top 20 does require other things, like co-players too)
If a player has over say 5 million ODD, then at this stage he has been hit very hard, so it is even more impressive how they still hold a top rank.
While I agree, ODA is vital to earning a top rank, and being worthy of it, I dislike how everyone discounts ODD as useless, when in-fact it can be useful.

Just like the ODA, ODD in my opinion is even harder to measure someone can get a village or 2 stacked in the enemy territory and just have nukes splatting on walls racking up that ODD while doing nothing...


I am aware of all this, I just find it interesting to get different statistical perspectives on the world.

And I can tell you from w33 it was indeed all the barb munchers and mass internallers at the bottom of this list, and all the guys doing all the fighting up the top


Most of them got there by internals (not saying this is bad)

The only one who seems to be tested OD wise is the top 4.


Internalling is like the law in non-haul worlds specially when someone goes inactive in the tribe. However, ODD can be gained with many ways. If you get like 2k incomings and the whole tribe supports you without doing anything special (tagging, sniping, re-capping) then ODD can be gained very easily and you can climb the ranks just by playing casual.
But besides the tribe, if you manage to defend yourself while get support from the tribe then you deserve a top place. Climb the ODA is easy just by sending random nukes and some trains. Climbing the ODD or generally defending is much more difficult when your tribe does not do the whole thing.


I'm Just saying 2 things I feel That FRODO and Budint Needs to be on this List, Hot Damn Frodo aint in the TOP10 But he sure is a ODA/ODD WHore... and Among one of the Top players around....


I must say, I do enjoy this new thread and I do agree my OD is a little low. However this is due to the fact that I never get attacked and most of the players I have attacked have ended up quitting. They never put up a fight unfortunately.

I was really hoping our war with NEW would last a little longer so I could get some decent OD. However they fell in 3 days, therefore I don't see my OD jumping anytime soon. Before anyone goes off on one about internals, yes of course I have some, who doesn't take free villages when they are right beside you or on a front with a tribe you may be facing in the near future?


I must say, I do enjoy this new thread and I do agree my OD is a little low. However this is due to the fact that I never get attacked and most of the players I have attacked have ended up quitting. They never put up a fight unfortunately.

I was really hoping our war with NEW would last a little longer so I could get some decent OD. However they fell in 3 days, therefore I don't see my OD jumping anytime soon. Before anyone goes off on one about internals, yes of course I have some, who doesn't take free villages when they are right beside you or on a front with a tribe you may be facing in the near future?
i forsee a drop to 6th in ODA to Points pretty soon for you Rave ;) <3


You was one of them :icon_neutral:

Mhm and who do you see passing me? Cause only got a few hours left to attack before the break :icon_rolleyes:
Lets just say Idano wants first in everything in AAA ;)


Lets just say Idano wants first in everything in AAA ;)

I been trying to catch him for weeks and he is all ways right in front of me :icon_evil:

Also I copied your signature hope you dont mind got tired of the other one :xmas biggrin:
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I must say, I do enjoy this new thread and I do agree my OD is a little low. However this is due to the fact that I never get attacked and most of the players I have attacked have ended up quitting. They never put up a fight unfortunately.

I was really hoping our war with NEW would last a little longer so I could get some decent OD. However they fell in 3 days, therefore I don't see my OD jumping anytime soon. Before anyone goes off on one about internals, yes of course I have some, who doesn't take free villages when they are right beside you or on a front with a tribe you may be facing in the near future?

Then attack bigger players who wont quit when you attack them. :icon_rolleyes:


Then attack bigger players who wont quit when you attack them. :icon_rolleyes:

There are no bigger players around me I am pretty much in the core of AAA only front line villages I have are with well was with NEW. I hit one of the largest players in NEW on our first OP and I was still 3 times the size of him.