Top 10 tribes (opinions)


Moral of the story, you can't have a tribe without recruitment. As players lose interest and quit, they need to be replaced. Taking in quality members as time goes on and other tribes fall is not exactly unprecedented behavior. Taking in players at random for the sole purpose of gaining numbers, however, is another story.


thats why i said lets see how long they can last - eg : see how well there new players can cope with the bth way, and see how well they do in your wars.

not just meaning you recruited your way to get more points, i know recruitment is natural, but taking in 9-10 in one go, for a tribe your size is quite alot, it will be interesting to see how they match your current members.


civicgod you are being a bit biased on bth once again.

If you compare them and uruz based on the last week in size and number of people they recruited, you would see they have recruited about the same percent of players.

Not sure what you have against bth, but it seems like you don't really like them, you even suggested they have the "bth way".


civic hates any tribe that is not Omega or allied with Omega


civicgod you are being a bit biased on bth once again.

If you compare them and uruz based on the last week in size and number of people they recruited, you would see they have recruited about the same percent of players.

Not sure what you have against bth, but it seems like you don't really like them, you even suggested they have the "bth way".

civic hates any tribe that is not Omega or allied with Omega

If you knew how he talked he wasnt meaning it in a bad way necessarily or does he have anything personal against bth that im aware of. Cant speak for him but to me it says lets see how those players fit in bth and work together efficently. Could be wrong but thats my opinion.


civicgod you are being a bit biased on bth once again.

If you compare them and uruz based on the last week in size and number of people they recruited, you would see they have recruited about the same percent of players.

Not sure what you have against bth, but it seems like you don't really like them, you even suggested they have the "bth way".

sorry, not meaning it like that,

"bth way" i was meaning, how bth run the tribe,

like everytribe has differant methods, i was meaning, lets see how those new players adjust to bth,

and now that you pointed it out, lets see how well uruz's members take to the uruz playing style,

@ankaar - who isnt bias towards their own tribe? if you dont have self belief in your tribe, then why be there?

am pretty sure i have read you posting about your tribe in a bias manner. and anyway, i like multiple tribes, and aint even mentioned omega's allies.. and i dont actually have anything against a whole tribe, just some players, as i am sure every tribe is the same...

@ everyone, am not trying to be biased, or flame about other tribes, its just the way i talk, i dont think you all understand how i try to put my points across..


Civicgod, I think we can all suggest who omega has good terms with from by what you have posted previously:

2Uruz18.296.12918.296.12930609.87119809.240 - by far the best tribe.
3T.E.C17.853.06619.015.16650380.30321568.820 - good tribe, not recruiting more members to keep there top spot, but they will regain it soon enough.
5OMEGA11.893.39413.512.25359229.02116248.320 - immense.

1bth18.737.70919.240.71944437.28922848.424 - recruited there way to the top - see how long they can last
4PwN15.900.73317.406.10552334.73320288.583 - are going to loose to uruz.
6wheggs10.628.64111.848.69253223.56013808.586 - not really heard much from this tribe, are they alive?

7~AMI~9.203.1829.203.18223400.13810868.474 - dont care.
8~FU~6.321.0346.321.03417371.8267238.743 - dont care
9NE5.621.1375.621.13726216.1986998.042 - dont care
10*BP*5.463.1975.463.19738143.7686688.178 - really dont care.

I may not be completely right on this, but by what you are suggesting here, it speaks for itself. You are doing right in the thread though with staying on topic and doing nice expressing yourself! :icon_smile:


sorry, not meaning it like that,

"bth way" i was meaning, how bth run the tribe,

like everytribe has differant methods, i was meaning, lets see how those new players adjust to bth,

and now that you pointed it out, lets see how well uruz's members take to the uruz playing style,

@ankaar - who isnt bias towards their own tribe? if you dont have self belief in your tribe, then why be there?

am pretty sure i have read you posting about your tribe in a bias manner. and anyway, i like multiple tribes, and aint even mentioned omega's allies.. and i dont actually have anything against a whole tribe, just some players, as i am sure every tribe is the same...

@ everyone, am not trying to be biased, or flame about other tribes, its just the way i talk, i dont think you all understand how i try to put my points across..

Off the top of your head, which tribe would you say Im in? Ive scarcely mentioned my tribe at all in these forums, as we have done nothing worth mentioning in a long time.


Off the top of your head, which tribe would you say Im in? Ive scarcely mentioned my tribe at all in these forums, as we have done nothing worth mentioning in a long time.

Fixed the quote... but it's not like any tribe in this world has done anything worth mentioning yet. so *shrug*

xD Anyways, am i allowed to say?




Off the top of your head, which tribe would you say Im in? Ive scarcely mentioned my tribe at all in these forums, as we have done nothing worth mentioning in a long time.

well Homeini i wonder what tribe you are in...

NE of course. same as epic beard man, remember i rated you before :p

only reason i dont care about your tribe is cause its sooooooooooo far away from me.


Civicgod, I think we can all suggest who omega has good terms with from by what you have posted previously:

I may not be completely right on this, but by what you are suggesting here, it speaks for itself. You are doing right in the thread though with staying on topic and doing nice expressing yourself! :icon_smile:

last 4 tribes are too far away for me to be caring about right now,

and i dont actually have anything against bth, even though some of you think i do, i just find it interesting to see how long new recruits last in there tribe, cause some are cowards and run and cry at the thought of a war.


last 4 tribes are too far away for me to be caring about right now,

and i dont actually have anything against bth, even though some of you think i do, i just find it interesting to see how long new recruits last in there tribe, cause some are cowards and run and cry at the thought of a war.

This thread is not made to rate the tribes as per your wish. You need to post your opinion about them. If you cant, dont post here.


This thread is not made to rate the tribes as per your wish. You need to post your opinion about them. If you cant, dont post here.

saying i dont care is a opinion.

like me saying i dont give a crap about your god awful pointless, meaningless spraff that you post,

thats my opinion.

if you want an opinion on the last 4 tribe then fine i'll give one.

~AMI~9.398.2309.398.23024391.59311138.4448 - good players, but are surrounded, matter of time before they are gone,
~FU~6.328.4096.328.40917372.2597238.7539] - spread out, and dont seem to be that great players.
NE5.798.2515.798.25127214.7507267.98710 - again few good players, but are surrounded again, dont have that great map coverage and probably wont last when the big wars begin.
*BP*5.513.9255.513.92539141.3836728.205 - giving wb1066 a hard time, see how the wb1066/BP mini war turns out.

@ Tiger - there you go cause my opinions must mean so much to you. i hope this has made your day.


1bth18.737.70919.240.71944437.28922848.424 -
Reminds me of Brotherhood of W17.A big sleeping giant, or so, towards the end of their reign. bth is a bit quiet,no wars. They should clear K34 of TEC and then clear NE out of their corner so they could use it as a safe area.

2Uruz18.296.12918.296.12930609.87119809.240 -
may get gangbanged?..they are a threat,and 3-4 tribes are around them.

They are good O.O
3T.E.C17.853.06619.015.16650380.30321568.820 -
So far doing OK.But many tribes have access to frontlines with them.

Composed of VEX and Skittl(Or FU and AMI)
I'd recommend taking out TEC from their territory since TEC is expanding south, getting a NAP with Uruz, and taking out all of those small tribes.

5PwN15.900.73317.406.10552334.73320288.583 -They still have several Ks in control, all is NOT lost if they regroup NOW.

6OMEGA11.893.39413.512.25359229.02116248.320 -
I'd like to see WB vs Omega :)
They are blocked from expansion, all they can do is clear their K and prepare for a big war.
7wheggs10.628.64111.848.69253223.56013808.586 -
Descend upon TEC,TEC has less villages on the frontlines in K35, Wheggs would numerically overwhelm them, and with TEC being a bit attracted to the south(k47), they would have advantage. Here, bth could also get rid of TECs in K34

8NE5.621.1375.621.13726216.1986998.042 -
Will get cleaned by BTH
Either attack Wheggs,or BTH.

9*BP*5.463.1975.463.19738143.7686688.178 -

At war with TEC, will have big problems there since there is a big difference in sizes.
WB has also a large area from where they can support, therefore they should block the advance of TEC in k47,take them out of K57,and clear WB.


1bth18.737.70919.240.71944437.28922848.424 -
Reminds me of Brotherhood of W17.A big sleeping giant, or so, towards the end of their reign. bth is a bit quiet,no wars. They should clear K34 of TEC and then clear NE out of their corner so they could use it as a safe area.

2Uruz18.296.12918.296.12930609.87119809.240 -
may get gangbanged?..they are a threat,and 3-4 tribes are around them.

They are good O.O
3T.E.C17.853.06619.015.16650380.30321568.820 -
So far doing OK.But many tribes have access to frontlines with them.

Composed of VEX and Skittl(Or FU and AMI)
I'd recommend taking out TEC from their territory since TEC is expanding south, getting a NAP with Uruz, and taking out all of those small tribes.

5PwN15.900.73317.406.10552334.73320288.583 -They still have several Ks in control, all is NOT lost if they regroup NOW.

6OMEGA11.893.39413.512.25359229.02116248.320 -
I'd like to see WB vs Omega :)
They are blocked from expansion, all they can do is clear their K and prepare for a big war.
7wheggs10.628.64111.848.69253223.56013808.586 -
Descend upon TEC,TEC has less villages on the frontlines in K35, Wheggs would numerically overwhelm them, and with TEC being a bit attracted to the south(k47), they would have advantage. Here, bth could also get rid of TECs in K34

8NE5.621.1375.621.13726216.1986998.042 -
Will get cleaned by BTH
Either attack Wheggs,or BTH.

9*BP*5.463.1975.463.19738143.7686688.178 -

At war with TEC, will have big problems there since there is a big difference in sizes.
WB has also a large area from where they can support, therefore they should block the advance of TEC in k47,take them out of K57,and clear WB.

TEC fan. must be frm Wheggs