Almighty Lord Core moves within 1 percent again as the easy conquers put five Wobble members into the red this week. No big movers but we do welcome Drop350 back to the top 20 as well as Hawk10j and tman93 for the first time.
NUTS move back into the top 5 tribes and we welcome one of the longest standing tribes in this world - -AZ- - to the top, just shows that persistence pays off.
We have a new #1! Almighty Lord Core becomes the second player to make #1, dethroning Azazel Aziz after one month of negative percentage growth. Drop350 and Addicted to Love both make big leaps while Kugyuuu falls below double digits. And once again we welcome Sdcz6 back to the top 20.
Due to the plethora of barbs left by NIR every tribe except !BOOM! continues to fall, and the only explanation for such a huge drop by ~AZ~ is calculating errors by me last time
Almighty Lord Core moves over 1% in front of 2nd placed Azazel Aziz, who continues to fall from grace with all most of the other big Wobble players. .Tricky22 and Drop350 move within 3% of number 2. And we welcome Dark Civnuj to the top 20, starting just outside the top 5 in ratio.
I've removed the tribe stats as I cbf doing them considering how much we're changing at the moment
Aye, the penalty for nobling a lot of villages recently unfortunately. We've been generating plenty of ODA, but the large amount of conquers negatively affects this metric. Ho hum!