Top 20 players


Seriously anyone that says it is too early is just either a plain nub following the flock of sheeps or a tryhard thinking he is right but is really allways wrong.

It is not too early for this, this is the best time for it tbqh, we can make more assumptions and all that with dif people in the top 20 everyday, unless you want this forum to be boring like the rest like your boring self just saying what others say. So shut your mouth and throw up your gobbledygoop elsewhere K?


Make more assumptions o_O Only assumption we need is that most or all wont be in the top 20 in the weeks to come.


If you wish to think of it that way, you can keep the entire forum closed with 1 topic about who the winner of the world will be...

Useless or not, it keeps people busy, and to some it can be interesting. Alright, to others it might get interesting later. Does that mean it is too early for such a topic? No, it merely means it's too early for these people to look at this topic.


I dont really see anyone discussing the top 20 :s Only people discussing if it should be here.


Few of the top 20 will stay there, and now that I say that, they are all gonna be there a month from now lol :p


slick engineer will go far

I'm not sure who is playing the account... but by the name, I would guess Slick. and Genetic Engineer?

Anyways, if it is both of those players, the account will do very well


my highest rank was 44 and I'm still not growing at the pace i wanted :( I'm gonna have to do too much work tomorrow for my plans to work well :(


Ranking(11.|158 P)

Strange that the buildings you need to get a stable give you quite a few points, isn't it?


Why on earth would you go for stables? If you wanted to rush lc, the first two days, you would build as many sp as possible, preferably 250+, at that point you would go all out for lc the last day, in a 3-day bp world. Just saying, if someone is already going for lc, they have failed, unless they have huge resource levels or 250+ spears, which I highly doubt.
so either they aren't going for stables, or they are quite stupid :lol:



Why on earth would you go for stables? If you wanted to rush lc, the first two days, you would build as many sp as possible, preferably 250+, at that point you would go all out for lc the last day, in a 3-day bp world. Just saying, if someone is already going for lc, they have failed, unless they have huge resource levels or 250+ spears, which I highly doubt.
so either they aren't going for stables, or they are quite stupid :lol:

Actually I lolled quiet hard at this. You're saying you're stupid if you go for stables before 2 days have passed??? Dude, By that time I should have my first 10 LC ready, and you're actually then starting to consider going for stables :icon_confused:

Honestly, I don't often laugh at other people, but you're calling someone stupid? :icon_rolleyes:

Light One

I was ranked 3rd for a fair few hours, then i switched mainly to troop production, now im ranked like 700th stupid point whores. :'(