Im rank 18 for now. haha
Yeah thats so good mate, soooo good, Can i haz your handsign :icon_rolleyes:
Im rank 18 for now. haha
Yeah thats so good mate, soooo good, Can i haz your handsign :icon_rolleyes:
Go away. We don't like you.
You want xshahzad's signature or what?
Again, this is weeks, if not months too soon.
slick engineer will go far
Basically anybody in the top 20 is pointwhoring atm.
Basically anybody in the top 20 is pointwhoring atm.
Ranking(11.|158 P)
Strange that the buildings you need to get a stable give you quite a few points, isn't it?
Why on earth would you go for stables? If you wanted to rush lc, the first two days, you would build as many sp as possible, preferably 250+, at that point you would go all out for lc the last day, in a 3-day bp world. Just saying, if someone is already going for lc, they have failed, unless they have huge resource levels or 250+ spears, which I highly doubt.
so either they aren't going for stables, or they are quite stupid :lol: