Top 20 Tribes Opinions #2


If I was BMF I would look to make secure NAPs with their neighbors, or try to crush the neighbors they think would hurt them, then get all of Deceit's neighbors to attack them (pretty close to that happening anyway) then try to topple Deceit with a 3 front war.

All in all, its going to take a lot to oust Deceit, not including any cards that the tribes still hold.

to be honest its more likely gona turn into a northern world war, I can see all the rim tribes on the east attacking BMF and all the western rim tribes attacking deceit. so both superpowers have a chance of both being gang banged by noob tribes lol...

both BMF and deceit are bully tribes that have equal amount of enemies.

I hope you guys take that last line as a compliment :icon_wink:


Already been addressed, please use the time to research tribes you feel compelled to insult.

Research done, you're still not addressing the situation.

Side 1:
Tribes: Deceit
Side 2:
Tribes: SHorde, EHorde

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 10
Side 2: 0
Difference: 10


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 77,990
Side 2: 0
Difference: 77,990



As much as everyone (from the smaller tribes) wants to see a Deceit - BMF war, in my opinion, this world, as boring as it already is, would come to a stand still if these 2 tribes war each other. It would be a stagnant war as both are huge and would only leave holes for the smaller tribes to capitalize on. With that being said, go go go Deceit (100 million) - take care of Hordes.

Belated Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to everyone.


Congrats, you finally took villages that are in k43, thats a huge accomplishment to take villages from 2 continents away from our core and dead center in yours :icon_rolleyes:

Oh, and Ethan II taking a village from a <100k points player, again, congrats for the amazing display of skill :icon_rolleyes:


bhawb, I understand you are a female. Is your IGN pronounced "BOB"? Just curious how you came up with your name!


Congrats, you finally took villages that are in k43, thats a huge accomplishment to take villages from 2 continents away from our core and dead center in yours :icon_rolleyes:

Oh, and Ethan II taking a village from a <100k points player, again, congrats for the amazing display of skill :icon_rolleyes:

congrats on your caps as well


bhawb, I understand you are a female. Is your IGN pronounced "BOB"? Just curious how you came up with your name!

1. I'm a guy.

2. Yes it is, my friend came up with it for me in 8th grade, I have since used it as my IGN in almost everything online.

congrats on your caps as well

Thank you very much, it is incredibly taxing to continue taking so many of Deceits villages but somehow I manage, especially all those villages they camouflage in gray to throw us off, those are the hardest to take.
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Congrats, you finally took villages that are in k43, thats a huge accomplishment to take villages from 2 continents away from our core and dead center in yours :icon_rolleyes:

lol, thank you as that was me that removed those ugly little red dots from our core, maybe recruiting into our territory isn't the smartest thing... and coming here to taunt is only sure to get you some attention, you would think with all that fail going on down hordes way you would be looking to defuse the situation not exacerbate it. but i'm fine taking your villages too, your not that far to be talking so cocky little guy...:icon_twisted:


lol, thank you as that was me that removed those ugly little red dots from our core, maybe recruiting into our territory isn't the smartest thing... and coming here to taunt is only sure to get you some attention, you would think with all that fail going on down hordes way you would be looking to defuse the situation not exacerbate it. but i'm fine taking your villages too, your not that far to be talking so cocky little guy...:icon_twisted:

I'm not really taunting people, just trying to pass the time. Really I would love to hug my way to win the world with a 20 tribe alliance, if anything just to see what they would do. As for recruiting, agreedy has been in our tribe for quite a long time, same with Drunken Hatred.

As for attacking me, I would prefer you not. I am perfectly happy playing sim city here in my little corner with my gray dots that are slowly turning yellow.


I'm not really taunting people, just trying to pass the time. Really I would love to hug my way to win the world with a 20 tribe alliance, if anything just to see what they would do. As for recruiting, agreedy has been in our tribe for quite a long time, same with Drunken Hatred.

As for attacking me, I would prefer you not. I am perfectly happy playing sim city here in my little corner with my gray dots that are slowly turning yellow.

LOL whoever told you that we had a 20 tribe alliance from the beginning can go screw himself 10 times over. The fact is that we played our cards to precision, so what we didn't entertain the world audience by valiantly declaring on the biggest tribes? We ensured that no weeds crept up on our backyward and became a thorn in our path later on. With that being said, Deceit has been #1 from like July of 2010, isn't it? If we were so bad and all newbish, how come all you "pro" guys haven't been able to take us down? The truth is we took care of most of the competition one by one without endangering our survival. I know you would pitch for 1/0 because they kept all of you on your seats with awesome declarations, but look where they ended up? Being gangbanged - they tried to bite more than they could chew (no disrespect intended towards 1/0 players as I know they're good).

I understand that you're butthurt that your carefully engineered plan of seeing the downfall Deceit has been going down the drain for months right from the start when you planned to use an alliance against us while we were fighting Tag! (another victim who got overwhelmed by us).

Tribal Wars isn't only about brute force, it's about careful planning and strategy too and that has helped us prosper. Go on bashing us because that's all you can do, being a lone whiner from the losing side. I have a tip for you:

"If you don't want to make a fool out of yourself every time you come on the forums by challenging the #1 tribe (who are there for a reason), I'd suggest you take the backseat, KID, and go play with your little toys instead of steaming the fire. :icon_wink: "

I would love to come back and take hold of the Pharsstin account which I co-played with Sergei just to smack some sense into you, but I am in Australia on vacation and have sightseeing to do, so I'd pass on this offer. :p
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uhh, i'm not quite sure that's what he meant... i could be wrong, though

i think bhawb said he'd love to do that, and unless there's like some inside story about winning the world with 20 alliances then i'm sorry lol

but your points are good ones nonetheless. if you look at all the successful tribes from any world they all look the same. fight the good fight, the fight they can win, the fight they'll have fun fighting, and then take in new players. it's how it works


Just some info for you "PRO's" in EHORDE. Nobling all those grey dots will eventually be your downfall. Either when the red dots get closer or you all turn on each other cause theres no farm villes left and you starve!

But theres always FARMVILLE on FACEBOOK for you guys.


I think this is getting more than a wee bit off topic. Can we get back to the actual discussion and stop flinging insults? Im interested in hearing peoples actual thoughts on the kick off of the after break combat.


lololol, I meant that I would love if all the big tribes just made a huge alliance (relevant to this topic tyvm) and we all won the world like a big Brady Bunch, if anything just to see what the game devs would do, not implying that Deceit has a huge alliance, which I know isn't true.

I also find it funny you guys get your panties in a bunch every time I say something.

I have said I am impressed by Deceit many times, and I do respect their abilities and what they've done.With Tag! we were actually plotting against SV-K51/BFI, seeing as you were still quite some distance from us. In fact, the Horde as a tribe has really only made large efforts to plot against BFI for the most part, outside of us talking to our neighbors who have also been attacked by you.

In more on-topic news, DALR has passed up EHorde to become #11, I am assuming they have pretty good diplomats to stay alive in the area they are for so long without losing many villages.

And there seems to be a bit of a break between the 12 spot (almost 14mil points) and the 13 (9mil)


As for attacking me, I would prefer you not. I am perfectly happy playing sim city here in my little corner with my gray dots that are slowly turning yellow.

ermmm...that's your tribemates Bhawb


i wanted to point out something here. i know you call yourself a nub but its truely a noob... not newb but full blown noob... as you see your errors yet do nothing to correct them or make yourself a better player.

stats don't tell everything but they do show somethings. Lets compare now i'm far from great but i have decent stats.

Player: Bhawb
[spoil]Rank: 197
points: 789,231
villages: 86
ODA: 470,895 .
OD: 226,404

97 caps:

53 Barb villages - 55%
32 internal villages - 33%
5 enemy villages - 5%
7 self conquests - 7%[/spoil]


Player: Darwin00537 (rich26ca)
Rank: 54
Points: 1.751.749
Villages: 184
ODA: 10,36 Mio.
OD: 1,32 Mio.

214 caps:

1 Barb - 0.5%
63 internal villages - 29.4%
131 Enemy villages - 61.7%
19 self conquests - 8.9%

These are horrible stats... 5% of your caps are against enemies and your tribe is at war and there actions are starting other wars so you should have plenty of enemy targets to noble. if you as a leader in the tribe aren't going to risk sending troops and horde them for yourself then why would anyone else in the tribe. Honestly the best thing for horde players is to disband and start over in another established tribe that is actually doing something rather then barb nobling which does only a few things.

1. You reducer your tribes farms & your own resources
2. You piss of other players in the area that are farming
3. you slow your progress down as it takes longer for you to build that village up to complete then it is to noble a complete vill and recruit full troop ques.
4. you box yourself into an area.
5. you learn virtually nothing from attack barbs
6. you learn nothing about defending your account

Its tribal wars if your not gonna go to war with active players then why play? i don't get it there is already a sim city or farmville games out there.

you asked for direction, if you have to ask then you shouldn't be leading a tribe. as people put there trust in you and if you don't know or don't have experience in leadership then you shouldn't do it until you have watched other people to get the hang of it.

also Points in this game alot of the time mean very little so mass recruiting your way into the top 20 isn't a great idea either as it puts you at a level that other tribes will see and recognize you. if your skill doesn't match you standing then you will get eaten alive.
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also Points in this game alot of the time mean very little so mass recruiting your way into the top 20 isn't a great idea either as it puts you at a level that other tribes will see and recognize you. if your skill doesn't match you standing then you will get eaten alive.

I wanted to reiterate this- Rich makes a very important point here. Same thing happened with the tribe that I was on the leadership team for, we recruited just enough to become a pain and noticeable to Deceit, but nowhere near skilled or strong enough to keep them out. It's the same with quite a few tribes who hit the top 10/20 and aren't ready for it, even if they thought they were. Obviously, until a world is won or close to being won, there will be more then one other tribe, and the top 20 has to be filled by others, even if the number 1 tribe control 99% and the other tribes control 1% together.... But we're not at that stage yet. The world (minus Deceit and BMF) is still pretty fractured. Many of the tribes could do with dropping their inactive faster (like the bigger tribes do) and merging with another smaller tribe, taking on their best players. Just look at the BMF/Haze merge, and see what it did for them. I know it's tribal wars, but if we all split into 40 man tribes with about 4-10 mill points each, while there are two tribes over 80 mill, you won't stand a chance unless you stand together. Just take a look at the drop in points (and OD- though some of the top 20 where created well after some who have been there since the beginning)- you'll see what I mean.
"Divided we fall, united we conquer".