Top 5 Tribe Reviews:


I dont actually want to write any reviews just want to get this topic started ;)

Give your opinions of the top 5 tribes of world 83!


Give it another few days for the noobs to get bumped out of their top ranks.


Rank 1- Blood wont be here for too long
Rank 2- GG Wont be around too long
Rank 3- OBP See above
Rank 4- SCO look above the above
Rank 5- DED, will probably end up DED


Here we go:

Rank 1 - Blood.
Their profile; Their profile looks alright, In my opinion spoilers are called spoilers for a reason they spoil everything and make it look tacky. They also have the noblemen crowns on their which make it look like a 15 year old made it. But when it comes to the description it has detail but also false facts as I have never seen a tribe called "Blood" dominate any world that I know of in the past. Makes them liars or very imaginative.
Their Players; Their players have obviously never played a no-haul world before as their ODD is on "9" already, This means they will slow down eventually as their pits aren't as high as others.
Will they last; Seriously doubt it.

Rank 2 - GG
Their Profile; Their profile is looking so tacky as they have around 4 spoilers with 1 word in each of them, They are also a 3 way family tribe who everyone knows a 2 family tribe never works out so having a 3rd.. one will cross they other basically for power.
Their Player; Their ODD is basically unreal for having 3 days of the world.. They've slowed themselves right down wasting troops like that.
Will they last; No

Rank 3 - OBP
Their Profile; Seen this tribe so many times on different worlds, Always has different leaders which always disappoint.. Why can't someone be creative and think of a new name.. Try "Minions" as their everywhere these days. Their profile is simple and straight to the point. Why they would have diplomacy open at this stage though.. God knows.
Their Player; Seem to have a good start for a change, They also have a player which is 1#.. how long will that last though.
Will they last; If they play the game right & their duke isn't noobish I give them around a month.

Rank 4 - S.C.O
Their profile; I believe this was a before the world starts tribe.. Done better than the others i suppose, Their profile isn't very detailed.. Makes it look like their duke doesn't know much english.. for example of the "have Question???" They are also a family tribe.. Can see this being like "
Ted!" from world 82.. Similar beginnings. .
Their players; Again wasting resources early on troops.. I must be playing tribalwars wrong these days huh.. But yet I do so well.
Will they last; Definitely not, Give them 1 week maximum.

Rank 5 - Ded
Their Profile; I like it, Short & sweet.. 1 spoiler with a quote.. unlucky objection I have against this tribe is the fact they have recruitment closed at this stage? Obviously bad move if their serious. They also are playing by their pits which is the way to do it.
Their players; I believe these have popular players in from world 82, Example -
The Norseman (Hey again!:*), IdentityTheft., Grizzly nr.1.. It's a mixture of SCAR & Rehab.
Will they last; This will be a tribe too look out for, Think there will be disagreements as their is so many different dukes & styles in there though.
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I should point out the quest that throws a spear at you gives you an ODD rank of 1 point. So its probably people doing that quest.


To be attacked by barbarian village you have to recruit 10 swords after making smith... So, having ODD now is quite stupid :)


To be attacked by barbarian village you have to recruit 10 swords after making smith... So, having ODD now is quite stupid :)

You just completely read my mind there, I was going to reply but you beat me too it.


Rank 5 - Ded
Their Profile; I like it, Short & sweet.. 1 spoiler with a quote.. unlucky objection I have against this tribe is the fact they have recruitment closed at this stage? Obviously bad move if their serious. They also are playing by their pits which is the way to do it.
Their players; I believe these have popular players in from world 82, Example -
The Norseman (Hey again!:*), IdentityTheft., Grizzly nr.1.. It's a mixture of SCAR & Rehab.
Will they last; This will be a tribe too look out for, Think there will be disagreements as their is so many different dukes & styles in there though.

Surprised you didn't mention all our jäger members either :p tbh recruitment is only closed cause we have a waiting list. Glad you like my script!
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surprised you didn't mention all our jäger members either :p tbh recruitment is only closed cause we have a waiting list. Glad you like my script!

Didn't really feel the need too, Choose the better tribes.


I think a prospective top 5 review would be more interesting at this stage.


Tbh, top ranked tribes, at this point, do not mean anything....

So yeah, Estimated Future Top Tribes thread would look more useful and a better read

Maybe estimated top 10 in 2 weeks time :)


I'm not expecting any of the current top tribes to last very long unless they make huge changes and start filtering out the bad players.


Top Tribes this early in the game never really keep their status, they'll either slow down massively due to pathetically low pits or be nobled out :)

Arin kannazuki

I agree that's why I've gone with no tribe yet because it is too early in the game yet to be in a tribe