Top Tribes


Preventative maintenance. Keeping that from being a launching point later on. We have the village now, and the nukes have already been rebuilt and just now used again. I don't see what's wrong with our action.

Wouldn't your tribe do the same if I nobled in the middle of K65 and stacked it with ungodly amounts of D?

Do it and lets find out, We can all enjoy the chaos it ensues on the public forums >:)


Haha, fun little convo you made up. Mind getting a screenshot of it? ;)

Nice try though!
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Haha, fun little convo you made up. Mind getting a screenshot of it? ;)

Neither of us handle diplomacy issues, and Conspik doesn't live in Cali. Nice try though!

Made up? Im willing 2 hand over my skype pass 2 someone trustworthy from [V] so they can see for themselves.

Well i dont handle anything in Dvader.. so dunno why the heck i was asked... I never said Conspik lived in Cali.. i still want 2 meet up... How would I know your from St. Louis if we dont talk? eh? :icon_rolleyes:


OOOOOOO and bobo edits his post to make it look like he isnt wrong, this getting to you much boobo?


Made up? Im willing 2 hand over my skype pass 2 someone trustworthy from [V] so they can see for themselves.

Well i dont handle anything in Dvader.. so dunno why the heck i was asked... I never said Conspik lived in Cali.. i still want 2 meet up... How would I know your from St. Louis if we dont talk? eh? :icon_rolleyes:

Because if you just search "bobofatt" in skype is shows me in St Louis. Same with Conspik and Cali. And Valk, I edited because I was mistaken about where Conspik lived. Guess I need to adjust my travel plans!


edit your travel plans as in go up north or carry on going south


Because if you just search "bobofatt" in skype is shows me in St Louis. Same with Conspik and Cali. And Valk, I edited because I was mistaken about where Conspik lived. Guess I need to adjust my travel plans!

If you say so... I still do want 2 meet up with you 2. Its a long way from "Spain" but worth it for a good deserved drink and some california women. =]


This brings new meaning to the word shady, guess it didn't take long to start clutching at straws.


all i see in that supposed chat is dvader wishing war on [v]. i see nothing in it of PNP bringing up the matter. maybe [v] should revise their stance on dvader, to more mirror the same type attitude.


DVADER - Looking good, as they always have.
XVI - Same as DVADER. With the change of leadership, tribes future might change as well.
ACTIVE - (kiss)
[V] - <3. Finally split from PnP. Have a better future now.


all i see in that supposed chat is dvader wishing war on [v]. i see nothing in it of PNP bringing up the matter. maybe [v] should revise their stance on dvader, to more mirror the same type attitude.

David really? All I can see in this thread is PnP supposedly going to Vader to ask for a NAP and then in turn attacking us. Where do you see Vader trying to attack us (V)? Please, show me the quote.


If you say so... I still do want 2 meet up with you 2. Its a long way from "Spain" but worth it for a good deserved drink and some california women. =]

If your so eager for someone from [V] to look at the skype chats, hit me up in game


[09:44:43 AM] Victor - Nikolagief - Minifridge15: Well alright how about this.... Whenever you guys attack [V] hostilities cease and i talk 2 Jamie about an NAP

power nowhere in that chat did anyone in pnp say they wanted to attack us.
from my reading i see dvader demanding a pnp strike on us to gain a cease fire. one which i might say was never accepted. doesnt matter where the nukes come from, its the orders behind it that dictate where the actual strike came from. read closely power. in that supposed chat, pnp asked what it would take to gain a nap. dvader responded and i quoted "how about this.... Whenever you guys attack [V] hostilities cease", which came from dvader. but nowhere in that copy and paste job did ether member of pnp say they had any interest in hitting us. so from my reading, true or false the chat might be, that dvader ether is tring to gain other tribes to attack us, or if a false chat, they show whats really on their mind towards us. but thats my reading of it.


[09:43:20 AM] Conspikuous: What more do you want?
[09:43:22 AM] Conspikuous: With Active so close we cant do much

[09:45:53 AM] bobofatt:Let us think about it.

[09:46:16 AM] Conspikuous: Yea we will need to think about it.

lol david. No need to analyze. The whole thing is made up. I don't even have minifridge (nor ANY member or DVADER) on my skype contacts.

Anyone who's spoke with conspik on skype should be able to easily tell it's not him. Con never uses capitalization or periods. He also doesn't type that fast (09:43:20, 09:43:22). Also, where's the space here (bobofatt:Let)? I also don't end single skype messages in periods. Those who speak with us, look at your own histories and compare.


why i keep saying supposed chat. i believe it like the sky is red. but even faked info shows a tribes or persons thoughts on a matter. and my reading on dvaders thought in this misinfo is creating problems for [v]. which shows their mindset in regards to us, and their timetable. foolishness like this only gives [v] warning and turns their attention to them.


I don't think it's their intention to create trouble between DVADER and [V], but to start something between [V] and PnP because... well I don't know why. Because they don't want to take us one-on-one?


then id say they did a very poor job. even in that supposed chat its dvader not pnp requiring the attack. but ill leave this to people more skilled then me to debate. but i hope they remember it wouldnt be the first time [v] has struck south. i believe they have a few ex-dice members that can attest to that.


then id say they did a very poor job. even in that supposed chat its dvader not pnp requiring the attack. but ill leave this to people more skilled then me to debate. but i hope they remember it wouldnt be the first time [v] has struck south. i believe they have a few ex-dice members that can attest to that.

That's the same thing I got from it, maybe there's a subliminal message hidden in there someplace :D

On a serious note, I've never known Conspikuous to be two faced, if anything, his downfall has been being "brutally honest" to people straight to their faces; thus, rubbing them the wrong way.

He's always spoken highly of them. Can't picture him going to Dvader, asking for an NAP to attack (v), doesn't make too much sense.

This one doesn't pass the smell test. :icon_confused:

If this does turn out to be false information, I'd say this is a pretty foul move on Dvaders part.
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