Rejected by Developer Train troop layouts and customisation


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Hello everyone :) I just have a suggestion based on the way the game auto fills your troops when adding nobleman for your train.

1) I am suggesting that there should be a feature implemented that allows you to have pre-set builds on how you would like to have your troops filtered in when using a noble train. I would imagine it similar to the troop template system where you can select a certain build for example, a split train and have an extra option instead of attack and support saying noble train or something similar which when pressed would fill your first noble and every noble added to the desired format you selected. I believe this feature would mainly help mobile sending especially and pc in the form of eliminating the need to delete the auto filled troops and having to type the number of say axes and lc you want in each noble within the train. It would give you a higher amount of efficiency and help with units that don't split when adding nobleman in such as heavy cavalry. I also feel that as their might be a problem for example when sending a train and you don't have the specific troops to send your desired layout, say a heavy cavalry nuke split, in which your layout is 500hc and 1500axe but your village only has 5800axe and 1900hc, auto fill would still have some presence and provide the last noble with less troops or have some other method of accommodating this troop insufficiency.

2) On top of this feature, a nice side improvement would also have a "don't auto fill" option where by the player can choose to have this train not be auto filled and also which certain units can actually be auto filled, giving the player far more more customisation and less annoyance when sending trains.


Awesomest CM Ever
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There is an ongoing improvement suggestion (from DE) relating to yours, so i'll just mention this one there!

Thanks for your suggestion!