Hi Hefty, :icon_eek: You know me?
Yessum, Ex NeuWar, Now SIN who are getting owned =)
Hi Hefty, :icon_eek: You know me?
Btw, whats the history on gzila? They apeared and disapeared so quickly
but -PRD- also merged into who? or part of it no?
And PRD came from the former K.T and -T.C- i believe...but i guess thats not too significant^^
Btw, whats the history on gzila? They apeared and disapeared so quickly
Who? (Along with NMA) Declared on BEYOND family:
Reason for Declaration:
A push from K53 players due to barbarian nobling issues. Who? and BEYOND worked well together in the past, but, due to minor issues building up, war broke out. Who? managed to get N.O? to be obsorbed by BEYOND family and then was able to bring in NMA to declare on BEYOND family, as N.O was at war with NMA and therefore NMA were upset about this. A very good, trippy move from Who?
Neither tribes were brought down. This war changed many things in this region, one thing being that K62 falling to BEYOND hands due to -ANSA- merging in an attempt to fight off NMA. Another change was the fact that Prime forced a merger with NMA, recruiting their better memebrs and thus claiming K52 into their collection. Although, WHo? and BEYOND still fought, bringing out the best and worst in BEYOND, and only the best in Who? ... some note-able players during this war are Mclovinn and Lilairen, and Lilairen still being the only one to have such a successful nobling rate against Who?
Hmm...im interested in Who?s history before Runican joined in...that part of the history isnt too well explained anywhere i think? How was the tribe?
To sum up, they were formed from 3dom and Nerv, at the time of the merge Nerv had recently attacked some noob tribe and won fairly easily, they may also have been having skirmishes with AoS, imo they were quite an effective tribe with little deadweight, they also bordered with 3dom. 3dom had I think 3 continents(ish) under their control and was fighting a fairly one sided war against AoS, then this conflict died down, I don't know why.
Then they merged to form NA3, changed their name to Grinch for the holiday luls then Gzila when Kong declared, I don't know why they disbanded but I have a feeling that it was because all their supposed allies abandoned/backstabbed them, I was quite ashtonished to see FLB didn't help against Kong as I had always pictured them both walking hand in hand through a park of daisys.
I think thats more or less their brief history although I may be wrong.
did my post got deleted?
please old Skool if ya delete my post can u give me infraction in the way?
ahh well i still think there too many of those post
'New top 20'
'True rankings: The real top 10.'
and this one seems to be pretty close looking?
Leader: Don Funk
Former Leader: oP)DeLiRiuM
Dominant Continents:
K31 ... K32 ... K41 ... K42 ... K51 ... K52
Total: 6
I believe that they have previously owned K46.
Past Wars & OutComes:
Prime (Along with Scorch) Declare On Fire*F
Reason for Declaration:
Although I am not 100% sure, I believe that this was a good move to help growth and gain another continent ... they were also assisting their ally, Scorch. See http://forum.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?t=92447 for more details.
With Fire*F being hit by both Scorch and Prime, they went down as what was expected. Although, after the tribe was disbanded, Who? recruited a few players, evidently helping to connect K53 to the main cluster/strengthening K53 cluster. Prime then took dominance of K43, unfortunately this was lost later on when Who? claimed the Scorch villages in k43, bumping them to rank 1 in continent dominance.
Prime Declare On *NI*/*NR*
Reason for Declaration:
I am not 100% sure on this, but I think that after Prime recruited Erion111 and von Deather that there was no real reason for keeping what was in K51 around. Therefore, they declared on *NI*/*NR*.
This was an easy victory for Prime, with the remants of the disbanded tribe fleeing to rZr for refuge. It was almost a slaughter, especially as their new recruits, von Deather and Erion111 new who the inactives were, which allowed for more easier nobling.
Prime Declares On NATO
Reason for Declaration:
Eventhough NATO was first to publically declare war on Prime, Prime were first to start operations. This war was long overdue, especially as there was a declared war long ago, with NATO in the lead. Tensions began to grow between Prime and NATO ... it was only a matter of time for this to happen.
NATO was quickly disbanded, Prime continues to gobble up any villages originally from NATO ... the NATO members either joined -NE-, joined SOG or were brought down under Prime attacks. This wasn't a big war for Prime, but shows how quickly a tribe like NATO (GRINCh is another) can be disbanded when under pressure.
Prime Declare On rZr Family
Reason for Declaration:
The main reason behind this declaration was because of rZr family harbouring refugees. these refugees came from *NR*, when *NR* was collapsing.
This war is still ongoing, at least it looks like rZr and rZrA are fighting back, but what doesn't help is the fact that PH-S has jumped in, in an attempt to go on Prime's good side. The failing of rZr and rZrA is inevidable, epspecially as the supporting tribe - DUCK family are now at war and have had to pull all support, leaving many areas wide open.
Other Comments:
Prime have been around for a while ... they have been known for things like, barbarian nobling, poor/mass recruitment ... but that was in the past, they cleaned up quite a bit and now have unfortunately have been hit with a wave of inactivity. They have also had a recent leadership change. One other thing worth of note is the forced merger with NMA, which left a great relief for BEYOND in Who? & NMA vs. BEYOND & B3YOND war. Prime have also been noted for bullying other tribes to their will, this was particulary evident with BEYOND, that reputation has now passed, as has strangely their public forum posting.
sorry but we used to control K22 and 43 NOT 46.
Typo, I meant K43 ... obviously not K46.
*NI* was once a ally and decided after the NMA merger to declare war on Prime cause they knew that we no longer had a reason to be allys. The recruitments took place because not everyone agreed on the war.
Hmmm ... not from what I heard, I will clear that up.
What BS is this??? ( we fought Nato before rZr )
We had a short exchange, that was mostly between one prime member and 2 or 3 Nato memebers... Thanks for clearing that up, I always hear different stories when it comes to Prime.
Later on after all the BS Cann was doing with them we declared war on them.. yes the war was overdue.
Lots of Nato members are still fighting in Gold... <<< Actually, not many are fighting back at all, just trying to defend.
True but the war is nearing its end.... If what I hear comming out of rZr is true then they will be gone from the top 20 soon.
Ummmm...... HELLO!
And get over that NMA thing... Sheesh.... We are "Bullying" somone who can come to the same concluison just by looking at the MAP!
Dude, I am over it, I am not saying that it was a bad move or anything ... I am just saying that was the general look on Prime at that time.
Prime Declares On NATO
Reason for Declaration:
Eventhough NATO was first to publically declare war on Prime, Prime were first to start operations. This war was long overdue, especially as there was a declared war long ago, with NATO in the lead. Tensions began to grow between Prime and NATO ... it was only a matter of time for this to happen.
As for colonelabbas's additions, everything there is good. Although the faking was more to pin you down and not allow you to help your tribe mates (real attacks were coming if you decided not to join) than they were to try to scare you. We had figured out in the day prior who the active people in scorch where who would likely help the rest, and wanted them targeted. You fell on two lists, the one where we hoped you joined, and the one where we were targeting you early if you didn't. :icon_twisted:
I've been told that Hinde was the one who did that but when I asked him after it had been pointed out by you guys he denied it and I just took his word for it. I'll stand by that statement because I have never had any interaction with that N.O? tribe. I think NMA would have been quite willing to join us even if you guys didn't merge with them.
Since there isn't that many leaders left from NMA I can't really say anything but my own opinion.
I wasn't for the war in the beginning. First of all since we weren't relly prepared for it. I myself had something like 8-10 nobles and had recently moved into K53.
But as time went by and the launch date came I could see (since I was the WarCommander at that time) that we would be ready for it.
So in the end we probably would have joined Who? in the war even if N.O? hadn't merged.
You forgot
BANNED>>>Care (or wasnt it that?)