Tribal Significance & Achievements.


Ok, TAIKR Declared on H-BOMB and Atomic OFFICIALY, but they were already under attack, Atomic just chose not to put it up on public forum.


No, we aren't fighting because we are allies and actually like each other(excluding Runican; I mean who likes him?:lol:)

Honestly, if we wanted to fight someone we would, no matter who they are or how many we're already fighting.

Come to think of it. The ranked no1 KONG,and the ranked No.2 WHO? are allies. They like work as one tribe dominating about 20 continents . I think the question now is how will the small tribes fight them?
IF Prime and H-Bomb will become allies. with KONG and WHO? they will control the world. But that would be no fun.:)

Hells Toy Master

Come to think of it. The ranked no1 KONG,and the ranked No.2 WHO? are allies. They like work as one tribe dominating about 20 continents . I think the question now is how will the small tribes fight them?
IF Prime and H-Bomb will become allies. with KONG and WHO? they will control the world. But that would be no fun.:)


everyone else out there needs to start thinking of their own way to beat who? and Kong with out relying on Prime.

If you depend on anyone else but yourselves to beat then then you are only going to be disapointed.

Leave us out of your plans... we will do our own thing at our own pace...

If you think you can beat them then go for it... Kong has aready delcared war on you. :)


You misunderstood me Hell's Toy Master, what i'm saying IF Prime, Who?, Kong, H-Bomb are allies they will control the world and that would be no fun.:)

Imagine they will have approximatetly 50,000villages controlling about 54 continents.


only a noob tribe would want that many allies to begin with. Prime and H Bomb have a common enemy, but even they were not allies the last time I had a peek. In the last few weeks that may have changed but I doubt it.


only a noob tribe would want that many allies to begin with. Prime and H Bomb have a common enemy, but even they were not allies the last time I had a peek. In the last few weeks that may have changed but I doubt it.

Thats why the word IF.:)


if ALL the tribes on W20 were allied, we would control 100 continents....then we could declare war on those n00bs on W21, right ? :p


Nah, if we all allied it would still be fair to the rest of the world. I mean, look we dont have anything really....



IF Prime and H-Bomb will become allies. with KONG and WHO? they will control the world. But that would be no fun.:)

Oh. I don't think HTM misunderstood you since it's your fault from the start. ;)


Nah, if we all allied it would still be fair to the rest of the world. I mean, look we dont have anything really....


Interesting constalation...looks like a guy on a horse with a bow in his hands. Or a half skeleton rider half horse...not sure theres a name for that...




Since this thread died, I forgot about it.

I have updated it with the new Hulk.

When I come home from training later tonight I will add yet a few more tribes and will update the others.

Please feel free to make corrections on the current Hulk.

Don't make any corrections on the others until AFTER I return, because I know it's riddled with un-updated remarks.



You forgot to add total continents to Hulk and Prime owns more then six K's


You forgot to add total continents to Hulk and Prime owns more then six K's

This was done in March, and as I said, please don't point out my un-updated work prior to me returning ... which is now, I can finish it ... suppossedly.


This was done in March, and as I said, please don't point out my un-updated work prior to me returning ... which is now, I can finish it ... suppossedly.

Just letting you know It's there. W20 is so dead at the moment you should have time :icon_rolleyes:


I think you should repost it so we dont have to go through all the other pages to view it.