Tribal Tribune Chaper X


Black flags strikes again.

Black flags is back everyone and this time he is in control of a tribe in k46 by the name of IR I was told by player Sir Mayhem III he was a good player and that i would do well in his tribe. Not knowing who black flag was or otherwise known as Drowngod i sooner realized i was being lead to my suicide.

It wasn't shortly after i joined i realized this tribe “leader” Black Flag was a tyrant leader with a ugly attitude. Sure enough it was only a matter of time before he reared his ugly head.

It was not but 10 worlds ago this player got a bad reputation for himself as a duke of a tribe. Time and time again under many aliases he has used players for his own gain. Has has wasted many armies not of his own then walked in with his nobles clapping his hand like he did something. He made a sitter use all the account holders troops to attack a play. That player lost all his troops and had to restart.

Black flag aka drowgod is the worse leader i have come across and i have come across many leaders from my tribunal chapters. From the ego of ghio1 to the war happy Lord BillyNoMates who's leadership skills have been questioned by other players do not come close to that of black flag.

Here is my story. As your fully aware the tensions between tribes Serene and IR who recently became legio2 sister tribe of legio, where on the rise. Rumor has it that black flag aka Drowngod was going after Lord Eastwood because the player would not join his tribe. This later on became a battle of 60 vs 1.

Lord eastwood evaded attacked and defended for quite a good amount of time until earlier today he was nuked by Black flag. Who was suppose to attack him? you guessed it. me.

I was approached by Black flag the duke of the tribe i was a part of at the time telling me i have to send all my troops to Lord eastwood and get a report back to him within 6 hours or i was going to be dismissed from the tribe.

6 hours???? I would need more then 6 hours just t get all my troops home! yet along send a full army out to their certain death and have a report ready! But 6 hours it was decided if i didn't have a report send to black flag in 6 hours he was going to boot me. Seem kinda harsh? why of course not I was only given orders by my DUKE. And this time i knew something was fishy. After being told that Drowngod was indeed blackflag the behavior patterns matched up. He was a 700 point player (at the time) to send a army of maybe 1400 men with no catapult! with no rams! straight to the gates of lord eastwood who had been stacked by fellow tribes matese serene. He stated that my army suicide was necessary and had to be done and if it was not then i would be kicked.

this is the conversation between me and this thing called a leader

Drowngod Apr 28, 08:42

Coordinates: 636|489

Points: 2.584

Player: Lord Eastwood

Tribe: Serenity

Im a war duke i love war it tells me exactly who is worth anything in my tribe . It highlights the warriors and supporters and bench sitters

U have 1 enemy only 1 and he was trapped and lost 400 axes 100 lc 85 rams/cats your tribe did that . Another scouted him in last 18 hrs

IF u think for 1 second clearing those inactives villages under 600 is your enemy your a noob . That is exactly what lord eastwood wants u to do and then he will farm them ..

Everyone in lord eastwoods area is lower in POINTS BUT lord eastwood is all alone and his closest tribemate is cleared and NEVER got support ..

SO london its time u use that offense and suicide attack and lead that area and just like the scout attack helped the tribe and the trap helped the tribe your tribemates will be alot more inclined to attack him after u and finish him

YOU Have TOns of tribemates arround u and were never attacked so u can rebuild in peace lord eastwood cant

Drowngod Apr 28, 08:44

U saw the full report on lord eastwood

If u have what u said u have 1500 total offense uuuu need to attack your enemy and your tribes enemy now ..

Kill as many as u can add luck flag and boosts for axe and lc be a warrior

we need warriors not diplomats

Drowngod Apr 28, 08:47

If your not going to attack lord eastwood or make 100 excuses

Please stop making offense and be a supporter

we kill the enemy and that will take dead soldiers

London Apr 28, 08:49

diplomacy is just as important as troops. i have been trying to tell you that going adjacent serene is not a good idea. they are not even worried about us. there plan is to go north we need to focus on legio who is more of a threat.

Idk about you but i don't want to be going up against ~LP~ and Bah

I also know if you want that allaiance with NOOBS attacking serene won't make it happen.

you are acting like Lord BillyNoMates and right now that won't work. we need to be strategic not just throw over 100,000 resources at a village and watch it all wash away.

send fakes and nuke other villages that will be supporting eastwood force them to recall support. then we hit east wood. Divide and concur

Drowngod Apr 28, 08:50

LONDON im the duke your leader follow orders or leave

Drowngod Apr 28, 08:52

I heard your advice and made my decision

YOur orders are to attack the tribes enemy lord eastwood and do it asap today

Your orders are same as everyone support three villages

Ill make final decisions and i did we attack lord eastwood if u dont like that we have no use for a soldier with offense who doesnt follow orders

stop thinking so dammm much your not the duke

London Apr 28, 08:54

I do a lot more then you think

you have no idea.

London Apr 28, 08:55

I have been working on a alliance with NOOBS since you have been looking for one. Bah hasn't intervened and come to serene aid because of me

Same with ~LP~ and Bah2

Drowngod Apr 28, 08:56

Ill ask u one more time

ARE U going to attack this tribes enemy and your #1 threat and everyones threat in your 20x20 who has attacked at least 3 of your tribemates .

WE dont need your offense farming and clearing Inactive NO threat Village

soldiers follow there dukes orders u have yours now

NOT following this order u will be dismissed

Drowngod Apr 28, 08:58

STOP NOW all your diplomacy !!!

YOUR NOT the duke and Your not the baron and we have our diplomacy

ITs kill serenity or die ..

Now ill ask for your answer to attacking with your 1500 soldiers u claim to have at lord eastwood final answer now

London Apr 28, 08:59

Im going to send my attack when my troops all get here your going to have to be patient black flag.

As for your decision to attack lord east wood with clearly out numbered troops

you have lost respect from me. But dukes orders ill do them. Ill send them in about 40 minutes ill have close to my whole army home

London Apr 28, 09:00

your the most impatient person ever

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:01

Dude soldiers follow orders

If i have to ask u 100 times and here the bs fall off your chin 100 times

I really dont need u in my tribe

DIPLOMacy is posted serenity is enemy thats it...

YOU havent attacked the enemy so do it or leave

London Apr 28, 09:02

man what did you just read?

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:03

paladin axes and lc ok

add luck or attack flag

add your best attack boost u can and

Be victorious your tribemates will love u more if u win or loose

London Apr 28, 09:03

yea sure

London Apr 28, 09:04

ill post the report when i get it

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:04

whats your axe speed to lord eastwood

please mail me time it lands

London Apr 28, 09:05

2:41 minuets ill send around 9:40 server time 12:20 give or take 30 mins

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:06

do u have any rams even 1

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:07

I promise uuu all his soldiers will die

so if all your offense dies just remember what i promised

his army will die

London Apr 28, 09:08

nope. i was rushing to get them but seeing how ill have to build a army up again i won't be getting them for another week or two

if i could have a couple days to build my workshop and build rams it would even the odds a lot. you put a lot of faith in a 700 point player. why don't you ask your stronger players?

you said 2 troops to every point which means i don't have the biggest offensive army here

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:22

excused excused excused just attack with your offense and ill make dammmm sure he dies and u can rebuild as the hero

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:23

3 tribemates were and are being attacked by him

your 3 brothers we dont wait we kill him

London Apr 28, 09:29

No matter how well i try to explain the situation you just are not getting it. You just want me to attack lord each wood with no support.....not even half a nuke with no rams and no cats in a fully stacked village.........with no fakes or anything strategic just a full up small army knock on his gates? I'm pretty sure another 24 hours with 50 rams and another 200 axes would make it a lot more in my favor

But as you wish ill attack when they all get here

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:32

General London .. what is the size of your axe and lc army

what is your best attack flag %

do u still have 15% attack boost

Have some balls and confidence we will win but some soldiers will die duh

The battle will be bloody BUT VICTORY for all tribemates in his 15x15 will be won

dont even suggest u need support ok ill fall off my couch

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:33

26 messages latter and your still questioning your leaders knowledge and skills to win the day

London Apr 28, 09:34

offensive luck 6% and no attacking benefits only d ones now. This is my first time playing tribal wars. do you want me to attack now? it aint the full army but it will have the same effect

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:35

Ok please listen

when will all your lc and axes be all home

How many do u have total of each

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:36

Go to your inventory

Look for the boost of 15% axe and lc u got from daily bonus ok

add it now

change your flag to highest luck or attack flag click on that now

Make damm sure u use paladin all axe and all lc in attack

add 1 single scout

London Apr 28, 09:38


Drowngod Apr 28, 09:38

Duty is Ours : Consequences are Gods

Never take consel from your fears

To arms ! We will show them the bayonet ..

I wish I was in the land of cotton

Look Away Look Away Dixieland

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:38

Victory is 1,000 times sweeter when your the underdog !!!

London Apr 28, 09:40

how old are you if you don't mind me asking?

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:42

Thats personal soldier London

so u said u have 1500 offensive soldiers

please tell me how many axe and lc u still didnt answer

London Apr 28, 09:44

710 axes

London Apr 28, 09:44

190 lc

London Apr 28, 09:44

200 scouts and a combined 200 spears and swords.

London Apr 28, 09:45

140 scouts mine died in suppoting that village

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:46

190 lc and 710 axe and 1 paladin and 1 scout

How soon will all be home to attack

London Apr 28, 09:47

you know he has over 5k troops stacked in his village right?

London Apr 28, 09:48

for every troops to come home over 3 hours

London Apr 28, 09:48

for most of them to come home 1 hour max

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:49

send what u have in 1 hr and copy and paste the time it lands for me

London Apr 28, 09:51

why does landing time matter?

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:54

london it matters I have a battle plan

and your job is to attack in 1 hr when most get home

this cant be your ist world bro and u lied when u said 1500 offensive soldier

stop ok

be honest with me and just listen and follow the orders

its whats best to win your area and tribe thats allllll u need to know

London Apr 28, 09:56

first world and from the way you treat your tribe members and team mates like garbage probably my last. no wonder no one respects you on the externals

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:57

next message u will send me is the copy of your attack army and time it hits lord eastwood

Im also planning 3 other enemys to be attacked

Follow my order or leave u will be dismissed for not attacking bro

its a game u dont really die get over it and dont cry when u loose some soldiers

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:57

externals of MY ENEMYs words bro

Drowngod Apr 28, 09:59

60 members joined

WE are here to play a game and win a war

Your here to read externals and play diplomat lol

YOUR affraid to attack and make offense lol

admit your affraid and will cry if u loose all 700 axe and 190 lc

admit it

London Apr 28, 10:00

stop messaging me I'm trying to reply

London Apr 28, 10:00


London Apr 28, 10:01


Drowngod Apr 28, 10:01

Your sitting behind the enemy lines



itzdizzy all front lines and now me



onceadream all attacked by lord eastwood with full armys and rams and cats

YOUR farming and NOT attacking doesnt look good

London Apr 28, 10:01

im sending them in a hour like you asked

London Apr 28, 10:01

unless you want me to send now

Drowngod Apr 28, 10:02

Can u read english i said three times in 1 hr when most get home

London Apr 28, 10:02

so then stop threatening to dismiss me for not attacking.

Drowngod Apr 28, 10:03

1 hr u said enough will be back

axe speed u said is 2 hr 41 min

OK ill be waiting for your report in arround 4 hrs


London Apr 28, 10:04

I call BS that they attacked with cats and rams and a full army with the amount of points they have. They don't even have level 30 farms. Why don't you attack then? just a question you should have a issue with answering after all your the strongest member of our tribe its a shame your getting the players with less then 500 point to do what you should be able to do by your self.

thats just me though i just think your a bad leader is all

Drowngod Apr 28, 10:06

I said in ENGLISH!!!! lord eastwood attacked all three with rams and cats

we all know your not going to attack because u will cry if u loose your soldiers

Your a tribemate with a MOUTH and in 4 hrs with NO report will be our enemy

London Apr 28, 10:09

When i show you a report i want an apology for your terrible leadership you want people to do your bidding you'll be more respectful and nicer to people.

and just hold on one second. I was born in England. english is my 1st thanks

Drowngod Apr 28, 10:12

london I have 10 yrs experience ok

U said u are in first world

Just a little advise never make enemys with a larger player and a duke of 60 members who surround your village even a new player should understand the consequences of that ..

THE tribe will love u for attacking and more will follow when they see how brave u are and less defense to kill ..

Or sit back farm and be dismissed and fight me and 59 others

Your choice brother to join my tribe

Your choice to stay and follow my orders

Your choice to leave or not follow orders

its all your choice

Drowngod Apr 28, 10:15

Duty is Ours : Consequences are Gods

Never take consel from your fears

dont be scared its all going to work out fine

Its exciting to attack u will see the game is more fun

London Apr 28, 10:15

yea 10 years and everyone hates you lol black flag such a imfamous name. There was a player you did the exact same thing to and you know what you did?

you asked for his troop count. you sat him killed all his troops then he was rimmed. All your doing.

You can't be calling Voodoo. a noob when you yourself do things like that.

You'll get your attack sent at 11 server time.

you'll get your report

i don't want to hear your mouth about troop count afterwards either

London Apr 28, 10:16

i have attacked many people already i know its fun i know he has 9k troops in his village from the spies i have in serenity so i know its pointless to attack him

Drowngod Apr 28, 10:19

full report we showed u

10 minutes ago uuu said he was stacked w 5000 defense

Now 10 minutes latter your imagination is working overtime and he suddenly has 9000 defense wow thats like magic man

London Apr 28, 10:19

don't you have reports?

you should know

London Apr 28, 10:20

but then again what do i know we have 400 point players will full nukes, cats and rams. i don't see you being a leader and attacking them just hiding behind everyones troops in your village. I already know your going to dismiss me so go ahead

Drowngod Apr 28, 10:20

U said this was your first world another lie

U keep referring to past worlds

why do u lie soooo much

Do u mind telling me how old or young u really are

are u a child under 13 ?

London Apr 28, 10:20

do it before i sent that attack thou

London Apr 28, 10:21

no I'm not a child under 13

I post on the externals i read the externals i have been told things about you in past worlds that made me question your leadership and your living up to your bad reputation

Drowngod Apr 28, 10:23

your choice no one is putting a gun to your head bro

U joined willingly and enjoyed 100% peace and farmed all our farms

Now that u made offense we only ask that u attack the tribes enemy serenity and the one closest to u is lord eastwood

Its a shame i had to email and ask u a warrior would have allready attacked

U decide what happens next

BUT im the duke and when anyone doesnt attack our tribe enemy when ordered they will be dismissed including uuuuu

Drowngod Apr 28, 10:25

Anyone can leave and they didnt only u want to leave so leave who is stopping u

U can have serenity as your enemy


U can have iron Born as your enemy

its really as simple as that

London Apr 28, 10:26

Hey you know what =) i got a better idea.

Im tired its early in the morning. Im going to go to sleep in the morning when i wake up ill have more troops and they will all be home ill have a work shop i can move rams out of. If you dismiss me then so be it IDC

If you don't ill send the attack.

Drowngod Apr 28, 10:27

That sounds like your 100th excuse to not attack and not follow order s

sleep well u will be dismissed in 4 hrs without attacking report

London Apr 28, 10:28

For a leader you are truly unfair unjust and a terrible leader

London Apr 28, 10:28


London Apr 28, 10:28

wrong person

London Apr 28, 10:28

how do i decline?

London Apr 28, 10:29

got it

London Apr 28, 10:30

oh lol okay well thats okay i guys snow that the cat is out the bag i hope you enjoy your war with legio and serene and bah

Drowngod Apr 28, 10:31

goodluck u have alot of red to play with and thanks for letting me know your troops count

London Apr 28, 11:02

you use your tribe mates for your own gain lol how can you play in such a way? i hope your not like this in real life.

The word is out you'll be done in a few days

Drowngod Apr 28, 11:05

Farms dont speak they get farmed

London Apr 28, 11:06

Im......waiting or are you gonna ask one of your tribe minions to do it? probably ask someone else to do it

London Apr 28, 11:20

It would have been great if he helped his tribemates in that area but he clearly is more worried about HIMSELF .. and those players need to be alone and tribeless

so why are you a leader if selfish players need to be alone?

you underestimate me Drowngod

London Apr 28, 11:40

London Apr 28, 11:40

Everyone in the tribe will know who you are

London Apr 28, 11:42



Active Member

JOINED:NOV 11, 2007



ooooh don't attack Black Flags the lil baby will demand his tribe for stacks then if he don't get his way he will kick his members we can't have that now can we.? lol

I never could get a word in when BF he would mail me in W84then block me he keeps me blocked

remember storm child?

London Apr 28, 11:44

Aliella on 22.09. at 19:00


Im Aliella, founder of [ally]GOO[/ally]. I've noticed in the last few days that you've merged with alot of tribes.

I've been told by [player]rayli123456789 [/player] that we merge, or suffer the consequences. Basically, I want to speak to the actual leaders, and find out exactly whats going on.

I refused his offer on the belief that families ALWAYS fail, its TW basics, but Im willing to listen to options.

Let me know,


Entregandoelmarron on 22.09. at 19:25

mingator is ruler of both have a great offer when you talk to him and a gift of a dead enemy

Aliella on 22.09. at 19:27

I dont speak in riddles, what does that mean?

This message has been forwarded by Aliella.

mingator on 22.09. at 19:47

everyone wants to join me so they dont get steamrolled tattoed and hung and driven into the ground ok can u kill an enemy of mine berbir or =bos= is the real question because if you cant why would i want you .. your worth more dead than alive then ... ask me when you have a dead enemy of mine with a report goodby

Aliella today at 10:14

First thing... you might want to read before you respond. You know how to do that right.

Here is my offer, I will never join a sinking tribe like yours. Why? I'll tell you. Your recruitment policy is to scare people into joining them? They are not loyal to you. Your players will flee at the first sign of trouble, they'll turn on you, your tribe will rot from the inside, your dukes and barons will rip your tribe into pieces and form tribes of there own, because they dont care about you or your tribe.

Oh... and how many dukes/barons do you have? And you trust them all? There loyal to you? No spies? Are you sure about that? Hmm... I would think twice about that.

My advice... be careful how you talk to people, it could get you in trouble.

And its spelled Goodbye.

remember when you was megaton? lol oh they where the bad days BF lol not your best

London Apr 28, 11:57

I feel bad for his tribe, one of his members had no choice but to restart, he sent a player in the tribe a sitting request, black told the sitter to send all of the guys def to him and use his Off to hit blacks enemies, and now the poor kid has no troops and they didn't even farm for him.

Looks like I'm now hunting down black for this world

[16:16:17] Noob of the chat: basically 9/10 FOOLS members will swear you blind

[16:16:32] Noob of the chat: its actually an entry requirement

remember when you did this? you haven't learned your lesson. your bad at sportsmanship you just want everyone to bow to you and you don't deserve it

Even though he is a whooping 3.3k himself he relies on 700 point players to clear villages for him. He wont attack players himself what kind of leader is this? He willl use his weaker tribe mates armies to benefit only himself. This is the work of a tyrant leader with no respect. He uses people and leaves them to die.

He wanted me to send that entire army to die. After I refused he dismissed me. His uglyy attitude was not missed.

History has repeated itself. He has asked multiple members to attack me and when they refused they was kicked from the tribal chat on skype.

Recently Black Flag posted up a vote to become the sister tribe of Lgio before the vote got a chance to get off the ground

MedievalLady today at 23:15 Thanks Quote

We were asked about our opinion on being a Legion academy, but the post is gone. What was the result of that vote? Where do we stand with Legion?

MedievalLady today at 23:26 Thanks Quote

I see we' have a shared forum. Are we an academy tribe with them? I'm assuming we are.

ayrflame9 today at 23:29 Thanks Quote

We are. 12 people voted.

Sir Mayhem III today at 23:30 Quote Edit Delete

the boss wanted it, it got done...

Post will be deleted... 3.2.1....

Sir Mayhem III today at 23:33 Quote Edit Delete

12 out of 50 odd...

Not that i'm a math teacher but i guess the vote is in...

ayrflame9 today at 23:35 Thanks Quote

I voted yes. But the vote should have been carried out in its entirety.

TheBarbarianHorde today at 23:39 Thanks Quote

i voted no and made clear i had no interest in being part of an academy , guess that didn't matter

cemgil1996 today at 23:40 Thanks Quote

Academy tribes usually tend to break up at some point, they never last long

ayrflame9 today at 23:44 Thanks Quote

My last academy actually surpassed the original and came 3rd in world. But I do agree that in gereral, they don't have much leadership as the leaders are stole for the main tribe.

TheBarbarianHorde today at 23:45 Thanks Quote

i would mind less if the vote wasnt closed after 12/57 people had voted on it.

cemgil1996 today at 23:46 Thanks Quote

I mean that at one point the academy tribe and the main tribe break up because of a difference in thoughts. But we'll see how it works out.

Apparently Black flag does not care what the people has to say. If black flag wants then black flag must get!!! After the actions of this was completed several members protested which resulted in the leaving of one player and the dismissal of another player. No to mention the two other players that where kicked from the tribal chat.

Apparently Black flag has tried to get members of his tribe whom he looks upon as if they where minions to attack me but several have refused. He has finally grown the hairs on certain body parts to send me attacks himself!!! but he was so scared he wanted to be stacked by everyone around him. A 3.3k player cowering behind the troops of his weaker tribe mates to a 800 point player! Typical black flag

There is rumor that a lot of people in that tribe are upset. But are to afraid to do anything for rear or being attacked and operated against by black flag.

for people who don't know who black flag is here is another thread about him

and yet again another thread

Time and time again he has plagued worlds with his foulness and bullied people. He is a coward. He is a tyrant poser. He is weak and will fall.

that will be it for now stay tuned for another is coming within hours
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IR went after Lord Eastwood because he threatened our entire tribe, cleared several of our 300-500 poin members near him, and stunted growth for the tribe. He was also very close to getting nobles. This post is pure propaganda, in order for the tribe to succeed he needed to die.


IR went after Lord Eastwood because he threatened our entire tribe, cleared several of our 300-500 poin members near him, and stunted growth for the tribe. He was also very close to getting nobles. This post is pure propaganda, in order for the tribe to succeed he needed to die.
In order for *Black Flag to succeed he had to go. but he is not gone. He is all but gone. You have no idea but half your tribe is ready to leave they don't like black flag. You'll see things are shifting into place that will cause you to double take. You won't be rooting for the flag for long.

Propaganda you may call it what you like but multiple posts about the same behavior over several worlds.....Actions speak louder then words. Lord eastwood sent a message! I know words hurt its the 21st century but what he has done is nothing compared to the tyrant actions of black flag over the course of worlds in tribal wars


He wanted a 700 point player to suicide his entire army so he could what? not suffer another 100 troops? No offense but he tried to use me for his own gain and i didn't let him.