Tribal Wars, A Dying Game?

Deleted User - 848983838

I'm a returning player, I was never very good but I played at high ranks a few times at various stages of worlds, with reasonable success. I came back last month because I was bored and joined w119 11 days late. Even after screwing up the startup because I'd never heard of scavenging before, by day nine I still plundered more in one day than the then rank 2 player (and current rank 1 by a mile) had plundered in any of their 20 days on the world. He had nine villages and could still barely crack 100k loot in a day which is just embarrassing, higher farming competition or not.

I'm sure we've all experienced something similar, although your opinion may depend on whether you were the abusee or abuser. In any case, my solution is to move to .de, where they release a non-p2w world every couple of months. And that's where I'm going to stay until that server goes the same way as .net. And then I'm going to quit, which is what it seems like most top players have done here already. It's a great pity, because the core of the game really is great. But it's hard to argue that this "strategy" game isn't dying when money >>>>>> strategy.

because they aren't farming they are scavenging, they literally aren't even bothering to farm because of how op scavenging is so being that much better at plundering doesn't really mean anything they pulled in more res scavenging that you did hauling, like you said as a returning player you didn't know, thats top players not being good at the game thats just you being in the mindset of the game pre scavenging which is the meta.

yes the most obvious answer is .de and .pl if yo are adamant about p2w because both servers release 2 worlds simultaneously and it's been made clear over and over again regular non p2w worlds wont happen except every major milestone 100,150,200 so literally many real world years in between non p2w servers that are not speed up like classic/HP which personally suck to me with the speed.

forums died once people started using skype and now discord.

Deleted User - 848994369

scavenging is only good up to a certain point. sending all your troops off to scavenge is wildly inefficient lol. and no, i checked their daily scavenging at the time too and it was barely better than mine. they were buying res, not farming or scavenging it

Deleted User - 848888788

scavenging is only good up to a certain point. sending all your troops off to scavenge is wildly inefficient lol. and no, i checked their daily scavenging at the time too and it was barely better than mine. they were buying res, not farming or scavenging it

What ropey is talking about is the PP+ scavenging combo.

You spend PP, noble barbs, make most of your villages defensive, use the spears to scav and rinse and repeat. That is a much more superior strategy to making offensive villages and farming. Plus farming is very time consuming.

Deleted User - 848994369

You spend PP, noble barbs, make most of your villages defensive, use the spears to scav and rinse and repeat. That is a much more superior strategy to making offensive villages and farming.

i really hope for your sake that you are joking here

in any case, scavenging falls off pretty hard beyond 1k spears per village so this "strategy" sounds awful. but i guess if you spend hundreds of dollars in a few weeks awful strategies can succeed.

Deleted User - 848888788

i really hope for your sake that you are joking here

in any case, scavenging falls off pretty hard beyond 1k spears per village so this "strategy" sounds awful. but i guess if you spend hundreds of dollars in a few weeks awful strategies can succeed.

Mate you really got no clue what you're talking about. Check the Scav and farmed numbes in w119.

I do not spend hundreds of dollars in a few weeks.

Deleted User - 848994369

the reference to money spent was about the people on that world who now finally have high scavenging counts. i'm genuinely confused how you think someone got 150 villages within the first two months of a world otherwise lol. yeah, his turtle scavenging strat was just that amazing! i'm going to stop responding to you now because i can feel my iq draining away

Deleted User - 848888788

the reference to money spent was about the people on that world who now finally have high scavenging counts. i'm genuinely confused how you think someone got 150 villages within the first two months of a world otherwise lol. yeah, his turtle scavenging strat was just that amazing! i'm going to stop responding to you now because i can feel my iq draining away

Tudadar farms his PP he does not spend money on the game. You really have no idea how the PP system works.
Yes a lot of people spend money on the game, but many farm it as well. And barbing+scaving is a good strategy, it isn't jus them throwing money at the screen.


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In my opinions, most people are using Facebook to create their account. Tribal war is nothing without public forum propaganda against a player or the whole tribe to gain victory. Logging throuhgt Facebook is hard and very difficult receive an account on public forum. Please create an account throught your email address to have access to the public forum. Speak out toward a player or a tribe, get everyone to know what is happening in your K. In short people that are playing tribal war gotta have access to the public forum for propaganda a person or tribe.



Non-stop Poster
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Merging mathematics. Most profiles (players) comprise of multiple owners. Many heads to one playing body. So the heads are still in TW. Its the bodies that are down. Its simply the only way to play to win and the most cost efficient way to pay to win. Multiple players with one profile they play. Only time you may see many bodies is on a new world before they start sacrificing their villages for a merged entity. Before merging into their respective multi headed body. Its just the way it as and the way it will stay.

Lady Madelina

Reaction score
Cheers to almost two years with no discussion here. Yes, it's dead. Or should be. I've just learned a few long-time players are not going to play any more worlds because of the cheating - and be honest, coplaying IS cheating. Try logging into Forge of Empires and sharing your account. Instant ban. Should be the same here. To get around the VPNs, use two stage authentication - a code sent to the account owner's mobile. I don't say that they won't ever get around it, but make it hard for them to coplay.


Active Member
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Nothing will be done here as for the co playing. Your right co playing is a form of cheating as your playing solo v`s 3-4 players on one account. Should be 1 v 1 but it will never happen.

duck that quacks

Well-Known Member
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Nothing will be done here as for the co playing. Your right co playing is a form of cheating as your playing solo v`s 3-4 players on one account. Should be 1 v 1 but it will never happen.
You know why? Because it is impossible.
You cant simply enforce people to not coplay.
You can coplay through sitting.
You can coplay through computer-sharing tools (anydesk, teamviewer)
There is absolutely no way for the support to control this at all, so it doesn't make sense to say coplaying is not allowed. It simply is not enforceable.


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Even if you would have to always identify yourself with your real life ID, socialnumber, etc. befor loggin in a sitter could just use that too or, like duck said, tools between the OGs PC and himself, like superlong HDMI- and USB-Wires or by internet.
On german servers multiple players in one acc is normal and legal for years. And still most players, no matter how long they have played, start solo and merge every time with an other tribe mate in each world, because situations are always different and especially when spawnin togethers is deactivated your chance to end up at the same area like your friends is minimal, so you have to find a new tribe with formally unknown players.

In think the focus should lay on how to distinguish between fair merges and pushin by merging with bot accounts, what is the state the german community is in for a few moths/years now.

TW is a 24/7 game, if you want to stay single in your acc its logical and fair that you wouldnt catch up with accs, wich are in fact 24/7 online. You even get night bonus 1/3 a day to have time to sleep! Finding partners to merge with isnt harder than finding a tribe and to get around tribe member limit you want to merge as much as rational possible anyway.

btw the also german based arch rival of TW, TR*V**N, has a coplay mechanism build in.
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Frying Pan Warrior

Still Going Strong
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Cheers to almost two years with no discussion here. Yes, it's dead. Or should be. I've just learned a few long-time players are not going to play any more worlds because of the cheating - and be honest, coplaying IS cheating. Try logging into Forge of Empires and sharing your account. Instant ban. Should be the same here. To get around the VPNs, use two stage authentication - a code sent to the account owner's mobile. I don't say that they won't ever get around it, but make it hard for them to coplay.

no way. tribalwars is already a life breaking game as it is. if you can't co play you'd need to be in your mom's basement playing 24/7 while she brings you the food and poop bucket. no way. you need to co players to function in life and do well in tw at the same time.

Zeddy le mange

Non-stop Poster
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My view, limited as it is:

The use of bots and general acceptance of co-playing seem to be recurring issues that have matured in recent worlds and are proving increasingly difficult for Inno to monitor, resource and police.

The game evolved somewhat with the advent of PP. It is true that with extreme use of PP, the game mechanics become flawed. The selective and reasonable use of PP and the market adds an excellent dimension.

1. Just allow bots. Nobody wants to do repetitive tasks all day to get ahead. Perhaps once developing scripts was an acceptable way to get an advantage, but those days are long gone (scripts are still great, don't get me wrong). Why not create an extra few PP packages e.g. FarmBot, ResourceBot, TagBot etc.
2. I'm no IT whizz, but surely if you allow bots, then you can allow AI to act as a co-player. Why multi account when you can train a machine copy you. Would be a fun, progressive step that would interest a new generation of players.
3. Put a cap on PP. It's just getting ridiculous now. People are spending so much to get ahead that it's traumatic for them to fall behind. The quick start advantage is totally out of hand. All of the fun elements of the game - politics, diplomacy and propaganda are all distorted out of context. Put a cap on and these key social elements to the game are more likely to return.
4. I think if you incentivise single playing enough, the advantage and attraction of multi accounting will reduce, especially if there are only marginal gains to be made via a PP cap.

Lady Madelina

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As an experienced senior manager (one level below board) in a large organisation, and owner of a management consultancy, I think I have a vague idea how to work with other people. Heck, I've been a leader on more worlds here than I can remember, they go back to somewhere around world 20. And I've seen this game change with the PP farms and cha-ching players, bad enough but the coplaying is what has killed it for me and many other long-term players. Who wants to be one of the guys with the brooms when one can be the one riding the elephant? I'm guessing our cute little puppy (love the selfie, btw) got participation trophies for things like, well, pooping in the bucket. Personally, I prefer to work with a bunch of individuals, learn their strengths and weaknesses, enjoy sharing a bit of our lives, and not have to remember the names of everyone playing each single account.

I succeeded in life - I was able to retire at age 54 with two houses, four cars, six Harleys, and the ability to do just about anything I choose. Self-esteem should never come from a browser game, but it's frustrating to see a good game going south at a rate of knots simply because of Inno's greed and the unlimited cheating potential in the game. I will never cheat to win anything, so no, I will not coplay.

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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I succeeded in life - I was able to retire at age 54 with two houses, four cars, six Harleys, and the ability to do just about anything I choose. Self-esteem should never come from a browser game, but it's frustrating to see a good game going south at a rate of knots simply because of Inno's greed and the unlimited cheating potential in the game. I will never cheat to win anything, so no, I will not coplay.
Coplaying and such haven't got anything to do with greed; it's just incredibly complicated with how technology has evolved to block without also harming a lot of players who don't coplay.