Tribal Wars Planer (


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Good day. I would like to introduce you to the website It's been running for more than 4 years now, so this is not anything shiny, it is not some exciting new tool that came out of nowhere yesterday evening. It is stable and well tested software. The main target was Polish language version for now, but after struggling with proper translation, script being approved and all of the things needed, I though time has come to write about it on forum and see what happens, if anybody would be interested at all. :D

In brief summary, it is a tool for tribe administrators, who coordinates off attacks from every tribe member on specific date. You can learn everything on rich project documentation, there is also a dedicated Test World to give it a try without much effort.

For tools like this that is a site when you input any data from your tribe, privacy and data safety concerns are natural. First, note that people from Poland and playing on Polish language version, trust me they take these issues very seriously too :p and here we are in 2024 after +4 years from the start when this tool is de facto standard and is commonly used on basically every world out there. And shortly about me, I'm a Software Engineer living in Wrocław, currently working in Opera, ex Samsung and ex Nokia. You can easily find more about me on the site, there is link to my site in the footer. Fastest way to reach me out is via discord, on discord channel.

Thank you!