Tribal Wars Ultimatum - No Scripts


Yesterday after the update, when we logged back in we realised most of our scripts we need to function were not working. I assumed this was a mistake from Innogames which would soon be changed. It turns out they just made a visually irrelevant change which had no real purpose apart from tidying up the code a little. They have since said 'We don't make scripts, it's not our responsibility' - or something along these lines
This is correct, but your responsiblity is keeping the players on the game happy and able to play the game ( I can't tag 2k incomings with the current ingame tagger). Finally why are you still making changes like this to TW, could you not leave it alone and focus on TW2 for new updates like this that change the mechanics of scripts.

Sadly I can't play on like this and I'm sure many more people also cannot. This means you will be losing a premium player from day one, and I know lots of my tribe are also considering deleting. I would consider staying if InnoGames listed to their paying customers, and reverted back this change so that we can tag,rename, resource balance again.

Please post below if you plan on leaving or your thoughts on the update

The Majority of PFF have clicked delete. Was the best tribe I've ever been in just sad it had to end like this without a proper war.
I had a great time with everyone in the tribe, and wish Knock and Jager well!
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Congratulations, you succeeded in making a bigger time machine than Tony Abbott. I think we're back in the stone age with this one.

Let's change something no one cares about, and break something every high tier player cares about.


What did we expect after 3 updates within the last 6 months that all added unneeded, cluttered, redundant, superfluous features while breaking previously essential game functions. We're not being listened to and it's very apparent that we are thought of as suckers rather than paying and valued customers.

It's not even about the scripts.. We found a scripter (an ex player) who made progress restoring a tagger to it's regular function last night but could not restore it completely. He took time out of his day with no request for compensation to fix what the update broke while the response from game staff is tantamount to "haha, not our problem - it happens almost every time we do this, so get used to it!"

Very classy.... Anyone wannt buy some PP from a local farmer rather than the corporate slaughterhouse? I made too much off of selling res to noobs on p2w worlds and now I'm not really planning on using it..


Absolute farce. Well done Innogames in ruining Tribalwars. But at least my wife looks happy :)


Ridiculous, how is this even possible Innogames. You're supposed to look after your players, who pay for their accounts!


Non-stop Poster
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Yep. Now is when we all just walk away. The mods/developers are capable of doing this and then refuse to acknowledge all of the negative feedback from their customers.

You just threw away months of work for a lot of people, because now we no longer have enough time to play the game in the state it's in.

It's almost like a pretty well coordinated kick in the teeth, to the loyal vets in the game. Mass sabotage maybe? You effectively just dropped nukes on your own population. Truly baffling..

Shame on you, Innogames.


After more years than I care to admit supporting InnoGames and the attitude that long term customer's opinion do not matter, I have also made the decision I cannot support a game that does not care about it's customers.


Originally Posted by valtheran88
You could always tag the way it was originally set up in the meantime. Also this IMO has always been a common thing when updates occur if you do back reading here or even in the scripts forum. It is actually expected that updates will break scripts as they adjust where things are and table counts etc...which will automatically break some scripts.

I think this post more than anything else has really annoyed people.

Have you ever tried tagging 1000s of incomings with the in game tagger? Perhaps you can tell us how many hours it would take to tag 1000 incomings? Seriously ...

I've played this game continuously since W7 so this is a big decision for me. Not one I'm taking lightly.

I'm deleting my account, so are most of my tribe.

The fact that the game can only be made 'playable' is when unpaid, volunteer, scriptwriters are expected to come up with script amendments every time Innogames decide to improve the game is quite frankly outrageous and arrogant in the extreme.

We all play this game for fun. I'm not willing to even contemplate spending hours of my day tagging when I used to be able to do it in minutes.

Well done Innogames.

Duplicate of my post on the Update to version 8.20 thread ...


Contributing Poster
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the lack of respect and abundance of arrogance from innogames is what frustrates me if this needed to happen they could at least apologize for the inconvenience instead of just laughing at us


The official word from inno on this matter is that it is the scripter's fault. You know the people they make pay for premium on the beta server so that the rest of us can enjoy efficiency and functionality on later game accounts (the ones that subscribe and re-subscribe to premium while worlds drag on sometimes for years)

It's absolutely not inno's fault though, they didn't release an experimental update without proper testing which disabled important approved scripts, added strange lagging hang times, checkered my map in missing image links, and failed to add any features that there were not already 3 indicators for (like seriously? An animated loading bar when we've already got a time of completion and a clock counting down? Do they not teach how to read digital clocks anymore?) This is again change for the sake of change and when confronted about it the inno position is one of infallibility while they blame it on the hard working scripters who have made all of the wonderful tools that every serious TW player has used and take it out on the supporting community. Very impressive.

I'll be joining the deletions after 8 long years of playing (since world 2 o_o). I've had a great time in my tribe. PFF operated like a well oiled machine from day 1. When we made the premade and joined we agreed that we were playing this world for fun regardless of the outcome. We had a lot of fun together! It was an honor playing with you all :)

@Knock! sorry we're not going to get a chance to kick things off properly - it promised to be a fun war. Hope you all understand where we're coming from with this. We're just casual gamers trying to have fun however the recent update and the mod's response (or lack there of) to the community is baffling and we no longer wish to take part.

Good games everyone!
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Deleted User - 10770065

Seems like I would of quit regardless, Innogames has gradually destroyed the game and trying so hard to make the game unplayable.

Whether the mass deletion will actually happen or not, I'm not sure. But I wish all you PFF players the best, one of the strongest end game tribes I've seen.
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One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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It's a shame that it has come to this.

Particularly on a world where people play it to avoid the time consumption that farming worlds have...I can see just how painful this back-date is. Whilst I do not play this world and have not for some time, I feel for all of you.


i've been gone for quite a long time but after reading about the update etc i don't think i even wanna come back.


PFF was very enjoyable for the time I was there, it was a pleasure to play with you all.

Good luck to Knock and Jager.
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A poor decision by inno has resulted in a loss of market share for them. But even sadder is to cause the mass deletion of a whole tribe.

I greatly enjoyed being in PFF for the past 6 months. Sad to see it end like this with a promising battle with Knock on the horizon.


I am sorry to see PFF quitting this world. It was a pleasure for me to meet you guys, you are a very good team and you have all my respects.

Good Luck to all of you.


In the old days, hobbyists would spend time coming up with scripts using their javascript knowledge (not actual game development). Times have changed, and now scripts have become essential to playing the TW game. The players in TW are getting older and older, most players who survive have played the game for years, largely because scripts are passed around as simple plain text to "stick up the quickbar". Few might have the endurance to face this learning curve, but how helpless will they be against more experienced players?

I don't see a good reason why scripts are not standardized more. Why waste player time with figuring out what scripts do and how to use them all effectively. Why not just have a standard "script bar" with explanations? Why not test these scripts, and update them yourselves instead of dumping responsibility on scripters who no longer care?

I am simply voicing my opinion. I've played this game for almost 2 years, and notice a lot of patterns that has room for improvement. Rarely does TW get an update with actual conceptually game changers, but mostly shifting GUI around that breaks a lot of custom script. Why not useful changes occasionally? These village notebooks, once you have 1000 villages, how useful are they going to be? It would be nice to have a table like editable structure where we can easily check and modify these contents, which in turn will be nice to look at from the map. Or adding more units, even races?

Otherwise, the game is kind of at a standstill (sometimes even moving backwards), and is not super interesting to play anymore.


Contributing Poster
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and the worst part about all this is someone is gonna make new scripts.

some of those will be against the rules im sure, so there will be bans, bans for people just trying to play the game.. imagine how players being opped must feel right now watching there incs grow and nothing they can do but tag 1 attack at a time..


I'm sure someone will make new scripts cody but somehow that's just not the point any longer. Monkey makes some good points in much of what he said, perhaps the game has reached some kind of tipping point now. Too many scripts, too many experts, no chance for the noobs.