TribalWars Auto-Updating Map Maker


What is this?:
This is a project I started years ago, but never fully finished. That is, until recently. This is an open-sourced project to allow anyone to handle automatically creating maps for worlds/servers.

What maps does it produce?:
Top 15 tribes and players

Top 15 ODA tribes and players

Top 15 ODD tribes and players

Top 15 ODS players

Top 15 Conquering tribes and players

Top 15 Losing tribes and players

General Information:
All dependencies are in the dependencies folder, download the entire repo, and link the .lib files as needed. This project was developed in MSVC 2015, so other compilers/environments may not compile correctly.

To properly use the program, you must first edit the /Servers/servers.txt file, placing a ';' in front of any server(s) you do not wish to make maps for. Afterwards, edit the corresponding server world list file(s) in /Servers/Worlds/. Again, any world you decide you do not want to create maps for, you can simply put a ';' in front of.

Then, ensure the server world(s) have their corresponding /Servers/maps/ folders. It goes /Servers/Maps/%server%/%world%, where %server% is the server(e.g. international is 'en'), and %world% is the world's number. I know this is tedious, but currently the program does not handle creating folders.


Things to work on:
Currently, the program keeps the colors linear in assignment, which is a problem for the conquer/loss maps, this needs to be addressed.
There are several maps I would like to include as well, such as the Top 15 average points tribes.
Unable to handle unicode, so non-ASCII names/tags are not parsed correctly.
URLEncode not parsed properly, numbers not formatted.