Tribe you may want to know about!

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I am Levi and i am in charge of a tribe that stands for what i believe... Jesus, the Son of God, or the Son of Man... he goes by both... If you too believe in Jesus then please join. Don't you think it is worth the risk of the criticism... besides... in the book of MATTHEW-32"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.

Of course my name in the game is lelvis04 and the name of the tribe is Followers of Christ... or FOLLOW for short.
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No, we do not have any Sunday schools... The best way to learn the Bible is by reading it yourself... Church is only a start to wanting to be like Christ... but if you follow what others believe, such as what the church believes, and you never search for yourself, then you will never truly get the meaning. You must read the Bible yourself so that you can learn without all the crap that the church adds to it... that is my one and only lesson... so far.

You can go to church and listen but read the Bible yourself and see if what they say makes any sense... because most of the time it doesn't make sense... atleast not to me.


Sorry dude, but your breaking tw rules here.
Religion is not allowed to be discussed.
And by the looks of it, your only looking to invite catholics/Christians, which is also breaking the rules.


No, i will let anyone join... i am just telling everyone about my tribe so that if they do love Jesus then they might want to join... you have anything against mormons... they love Jesus too, not that i am one.


You're preaching about god... this is a war game. You're not loving thy neighbour by nuking their villages, so I think you should quit, to conform with your religion.


and on the seventh day, god created Tribal Wars and rested from all his work.


And on the monday he got a mail from a noob asking him to restart.


Its better to lock down this thread quickly before this guy gets out of control. This guy needs to be sent to tribalhugs.


Me? Why would i go out of control? I only explained myself because you asked... And i told everyone what i believe, i never said what religion i was, did I? I am not breaking rules... i simply stated what my tribe stands for and that your all welcome... and i provided a reference from a very reliable source... The Bible.

As for loving my neighbor... why did we all join this game? For fun right? yeah, so if i attacked my neighbor, it would make the game just a little more fun... whether you see it that way or not, it does... attaking or being attacked adds to the excitement of logging back on, and it gives you something to do other than sit around and silently grow un-noticed... so really, by attacking your neighbor you add to the fun of the game thus giving them love.


As for loving my neighbor... why did we all join this game? For fun right? yeah, so if i attacked my neighbor, it would make the game just a little more fun... whether you see it that way or not, it does... attaking or being attacked adds to the excitement of logging back on, and it gives you something to do other than sit around and silently grow un-noticed... so really, by attacking your neighbor you add to the fun of the game thus giving them love.

Actually, no. If you attacked me I'd be very annoyed and upset. :icon_cry:


Ha, the bible is reliable? I'm catholic and even I've realised that the bible is one of the most unreliable piece of serious texts to date. It contradicts itself throughout, and parts of it are obviously not true, if you consider modern day science.


Modern day scientists have it stuck in their head that they know it all... And yes the NIV Bible is pretty messed up... but if you read the hebrew one i am sure it would make a lot more sense, although it wouldnt make perfect sense because God didnt want it to be to easy and to the point, duh. Why would he do that? Life is basically a test and tests are not supposed to be easy, Which brings me back to modern day scientists, who think they know everything, most scientists are not religious so you cant believe everything they say... they might just say it to trick you into believing there is no God. Just a question, what about modern day science do you you think contradict the Bible?

The Bible is true though... you want proof... noahs ark found... look it up... and if you dont believe what you see then your just stubborn... that is proof that it is not ficticious.


Why do you have to try and push your beliefs on others? If people want to become religious, then they will of their own accord. As for scientists, where has the impression been given that they want to prove your beliefs wrong? There are a lot of people who are the complete opposite.

Prove to me that god exists, go for it. The problem I think people have is that they are asked to spend all this time and devotion to an almighty being with may or may not exist. You can't prove it. You can prove that people like Jesus existed, but you can't prove that he is the son of God. He could have just been a crazy person.


if all crazy people turn water to wine then consider me that crazy man's best buddeh D:

also doesn't look like hes trying to push his beliefs of god hes just saying don't take a biased opinion with the scientists side... because they are trying to say

Nothing condensed into itself and for some reason nothing caused it to expand outwards and nothing caused some lucky gasses that formed from nothing caught fire and made rocks circle it and nothing made those rocks conveniently within the perfect distance to support life...

Scientists can't explain a lot of things that happen in the world but they can explain everything that has been created by man :)

Life is full of mysteries that are not explained by scientists or the bible :p then again the bible wasn't written to explain things you don't understand just to inform you what the popstar jesus did back in the day :) and to tell you god is with you yada yada yada...

I can't say much for the bible... I have only read a childrens copy with pictures when i was younger :D lmfao...

Silly science trying to teach kids things they don't need to know... diagram of a cell really if I'm a cop how did making that diagram of a cell help in the least bit?


We don't know that Jesus turned water into wine truly. There are a lot of explanations for the things that Jesus did, but all in all, we don't know if he actually did them or not. We can prove he existed from a lot of different means, but specific events like turning water into wine could be purely fabricated, or just misunderstood.

What I was trying to say before is not to judge scientists from your owned warped view of their beliefs. You do not know these people individually, so you can't automatically stereotype them as god hating atheists. We cannot explain the original cause for the universe, and that's why the scientists are searching for the Higgs Boson particle, primarily known as the "God Particle". Just because they don't believe in the creation story doesn't mean they can't believe in God. As I said before, the whole bible is filled with contradictions, and to follow every belief from it would be ridiculous.

I believe in God, I'm not going to avoid that point, but I don't believe that it's supposed to be told in a literal sense. It's my firm belief that it is a purely metaphorical lesson on how you should lead you life, and whether God is the cause behind these rules or not, it is a good thing.

I don't really get what you're trying to say in your last sentence. You don't need to know science, nor do you need to know anything that you learn in upper schools, but it is still useful in a lot of circumstances. Where would be without science after all? I would go into what the world would be like without religion, but I'd probably end up ranting about "holy wars" and stuff.


I am not pushing my religion on other people, you people keep posting things that make me want to defend myself and what i believe in.

I didnt say that all scientists were God hating athiests... you need to read my posts again... all i said was that most scientists are not religious... and if you take the meaning of most as what it really means. It means the majority, which even if 51% of scientists are not religious... it would still mean most of them are not religious.

As for proving God... He/She/It doesnt want to be proven as real. If you have read the Bible then you know that people do things for God based on their faith that he exists, in very few cases do people do things for God because they actually have seen him.

And i looked up the particle... interesting stuff, but i think it is very dangerous. Lets just say perhaps they succeed in creating the particle... If it truly did create the universe then how will they stop the one they create from making a new universe... it could end up bad is all i am saying... but interesting.
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