Yes... One question for 2lC0... Have you read the Bible, not the Satanic one... but the Holy one? One thing, we dont know how long the earth really is... carbon dating may be a way of telling, but what if it isnt very accurate... how do we really know how old earth is... true the Bible only tells us about 6000 years of our history... but it never said how long we were in the Garden of Eden, so i do believe that the earth could have been around for a million years or even a billion...
Yeah, I've read it and I didn't find it truthful enough.
Regarding how old mankind is, Bible is not required to answer that. Its a text written very later as compared to the history of humanity. Humans have discovered bones and evolving human bones forming the missing links to our evolution and everything has been dated back. Everything is documented. Humans branched off from there common ancestors-Chimpanzees 5-7 million years ago. We didn't come from some Garden of Eden. lol. And the first primitive human who was able to walk on earth was 2.4 miliion years ago. And thats how old we are.
As for keeping track of how many people there are and who will be going where...God is all powerful, what do you expect from someone who is all powerful? you dont expect them to be like your average joe, do you? if you do, then what the heck do you think all powerful means? If you have read the Bible, then you should have the answers to most of your questions... No one except The Holy Trinity, and the people who are already in Heaven know where Heaven is... as for hell... no one knows, just as no one knows about heaven, my beliefs are different about hell than my religion, so i dont need to argue about people going there... because i believe that if you were bad enough to go to hell, then you cease to exist... just like what athiests believe happens when you die... oh look at that, what a coincidence.
Conclusion: Still no idea where heaven is. Still no idea where hell is. I would rather cease to exist after dyeing than go to such an unknown mysterious place which no one has any idea about and yet everyone wants to be there. lol.
As for keeping track of people, I never knew All Powerful meant being a ledger keeper for trillions. Now, probably I understand.
As for animals... your answer there is also on the Bible... God only gave human beings conscience, which i am sure you know gives us the ability to think about what is right or wrong, animals dont have that... they only think about surviving... because that is instinct... everything was given an instinct, but we were given a conscience. It also says that we are here to take care of the land and the animals, and ourselves, it also says not to let animals dominate us, but for us to dominate animals... that is why it is okay to eat animals... but still take care of the ones you dont eat... dont make their life difficult just becasue they dont know how to make your life better. Animals can be trained... so dont think i am saying they are stupid and will never know how to help someone.. they can be trained to help, but they will never have a conscience... they cant think beyond what they have been taught.
The simple reason they dont have a conscience like us is because they never needed it, they didn't evolve that way. We did.
In order to have a conscience, I believe you need to have some sort of sense of morality of good and evil. Animals are directed by their instincts, needs, and learned behaviors, not by a moral code unlike humans.
The animals are part of the world. We human beings but are more than a part of the world. We are co-creators and we are able to say yes or no to any drive or impulse based on the psycho-somatic level. An animal is not able to do that.
We humans are the result of our CHOICES and RESPONSES to what has happened to us.
Our conscience is based in the spiritual dimension in us and we have the capacity to love beyond the physical, to listen to our conscience beyond the influence of the superego, our creative abilities, our imagination, our ideas, to strive for ideals, to learn from the past and to project into the future.
Our identity is formed not by what we receive, but by what we give.
We as humans long to transcendent above ourself towards something else. A human being, a task, God etc.
Conscience is like an inner compass, which guides us to fulfilll our meaning as humans. Somehow something inside us always knows which way is "north", that is, what is right for us in life.
People are only truly happy if they fulfil a meaning in their life in opposite to animals which just live following their drives and impulses, but are also able to learn from experience.
If you were raised being taught the opposite of the way things really are... then we dont have control over the way we see things in the future... it starts where you start out, and where you were raised... which leads me to another one of my side beliefs... reincarnation... a very not provable belief, and not probable, but i believe it all the same, because of faith, as is the way you need to believe God exists... as written in the Bible... by faith... Anyway let me explain a little, even though it is a bizarre belief... Some people werent born into a religious family and sometimes they live their whole life without knowing God at all... not even hearing a whisper of His name... so why should they should they be punished, when they had no chance to even know God... therefore, dont you think God would give second chances... Maybe God even gives us many chances, but we dont know it, because we cant remember what our soul has gone through... only because we have never gotten past our brain... we can never let go of our thoughts and our senses and just believe... maybe if we just believe... we can remember all our past lives and all that we have gone through... I know it is bizarre... and not many people believe it, especially not in my religion... just wanted to share that with you
Thanks for sharing but I really don't think that is true.