Tribes most likely to fail in the Top 20


Sooner or later there will be only 1 tribes left.. So the little A-4ZL!, BAWLZ and -NYX- team up cant last for ever... Eventually one will have to turn on the other, so if i was one of them i'd maybe do something quick before you just get stabbed in the back... "well thanks for helping us kill INNOV.. Your turn now!" Those will be the words coming out of A-4ZL!.... Just thought id point that out there.

not that what ever i say matters, i mean who cares what i say im in a tribe thats 3 million points called TROY lol. YOU WILL ALL SEE!!!!! GO INNOV KICK SOME ASS!!!!

ooh oooh looks like i found my next side project...YAY...


The word project implies it will take effort,time and planning. Spare time play thing sounds more accurate.


Well unless my current project is successful it will take some time....not really effort and you know me dan the word plan is not in my dictionary....but yea yours sounds a little better.


Its Greg. Dans doesn't talk as much as me, prefers to kill and kill.

Eventually there won't be a top 20 ;D but innov, here and .7. Will fail


INNOV must jack up their strategy or skills. Their defensive points are around twice their attacking points. That's why they are #2 in rank. The Number 1 tribe has this ratio reversed, more or less. They attack more than defend, looking at the points. A-4ZL seem to be the more agressive tribe, or INNOV is just getting a hiding from them.
Anyone have more info, or comments on this?


Defending tribes can frustrate an unstable tribe comprised of better players to the point that they disband. I've seen it happen many times. However, when you KNOW that will not happen, then it is a terrible strategy. You may delay the conclusion, but you will never win if you take a defensive strategy against a solid offensive opponent. When you take a defensive strategy, you just delay the inevitable. Even if you defend all but 1 of 100 villages, you are still down unless you go on the offensive. You have to go on the offensive to win.
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INNOV start to internally noble Airz Artemis - who is then suddenly dismissed. To make stats less painfull to view?
That's the way to go folks - Dismissing a 3.6 mil account (therefore the Tribe losing some control of the troops in them), the reasoning has me puzzled.
It's like red carding your own player in the middle of a match. About time INNOV gave A-4ZL a decent go. Keep it up, and one tribe (guess which one) is on the road to nowhere.


You can't blame them for running out of people willing to take over that account.


nope can't blame them and I really don't think it's a stats thing either. I think we are all past the back and forths "u kicked them cos u don't wanna look bad in stats, blah blah"

-.- all u need do is look at A-4zl! conquers and losses to know how everyone in the world is really doing. Each INNOV leadership member at some time or other, in here, in their own way, has admitted they are going down, know it and just want to hang around as long as they can. I doubt kicking an acct for stats is really on their minds at this stage.

BUT...I could be wrong, I often am.


INNOV should just recruit me and they'd win the war. It's pretty much as simple as that.



Take Cheshire with you, Dan. They'd have the dynamic duo of laziness :icon_razz:


Look at the very first post at the start of this thread. Look at how many of the original tribes listed are still around..


INNOV basically won virtue of being the last major tribe to war us because they were the last major tribe in the world to get a border with us.

They haven't done anything of note aside from that.

There is not one single 24 hour period in the entire course of this war that they had more caps against us than we did them. Even during times when we weren't opping anyone. Sad, really.
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