Not A Bug Troops can be sent out of the village before they have returned


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While trying to see what the limits are of sending out troops as quickly as possible after they return (in a way of preventing back-timing) I discovered that it is actually possible to send out troops earlier than when they return. I discovered this for the first time back on world 113, but I dismissed it as me miscounting the seconds or as some lag issue, but recently I was reminded of this again and I decided to test it again. I have been able to reproduce this bug on world 117, the tournament world and on

The bug
Because it may get a bit confusing to read this bug, I decided to make a screen capture instead which I will be describing. I uploaded the screen capture to a google drive folder and it can be found at the link below. Make sure to download it instead of watching the preview, cause I don't think the resolution in preview mode makes the milliseconds very readable.

What happens in the screen capture
I have a village with 1 paladin. I have no second paladin whatsoever so I can only launch a paladin attack with this 1 specific unit.
1. I launch an attack on a barbarian village at 02:54:30:486 with a travel time of exactly 10 minutes. Arrival time: 03:04:30:486
2. I wait 30 seconds and cancel the attack (I found this bug more easily reproduceable when waiting at least 30 seconds). Return time: 02:55:30:486
3. I open the map again and open the quick launch window for the same village that is exactly 10 minutes away from me. Here I input the 1 paladin that is not inside the village. After inputing text I will only need to press enter twice to launch an attack (if I have the units to launch this attack).
4. I wait until I get within half a second of the return time and then I start pressing the enter button repeatedly and as quickly as I can. Holding the key down doesn't work cause I'd send too many requests. This step is performed completely manually, no tools were used to send enter keypresses. I do this until I get the notification that an attack has been launched.
5. I go back to the village overview to see the arrival time of: 03:05:30:372 --> This means that my attack was launched 114 (486 - 372) milliseconds before the paladin came back from the cancelled attack. It should not have been possible to get an arrival time earlier than 03:05:30:486 because this time is exactly 10 minutes after the paladin comes back.

Some notes
- I have around 70 ping myself to the Tribalwars servers and this is around the ping I had when making the screen capture
- I found this bug easier to reproduce if I waited longer. I spent 30 minutes trying to get a screen capture of me doing this whilst waiting for a shorter period of time before I cancelled the attack. Once I waited 30 seconds I got it fairly consistently.
- I have not tested to see how this impacts attacks arriving on the same milliseconds as the return time or close to it.
- This is by no means consistent. I cannot reproduce it 100% of the time.
- I only found it possible to reproduce this bug using the quick launch popup on the map.