Non-stop Poster
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I felt like it was time to explain everything that happened.
Sorry if i failed to explain anything feel free to point out anything i didnt and i will elaborate (yes writing a long story isnt my strong point ive done my best sorry if it sucks)
So lets go all the way back to when Diane Kruger had that fit and left the tribe.
The story goes they left because they wernt getting enough internals and had a massive fit about it and then asked obey if they could join them.
Spyker was willing to do anything to bring them back as he had no faith in half the players to do anything if any and believed that they were the only way we could win i disagreed with him but hey ho who knows if it would of turned out differently,
So they came back and all was normal for awhile lets skip all the way to when Spyker got sick and almost died (he is fine now and back to fit as off when i last spoke to him) so at this stage he disappeared for a week and everyone was slightly panicking their was a lot of confusion because to be honest i cant even remember who had duke privileges but no one was duking and Trex wanted to as much as he made people believe that it was others who wanted him to. Turtle and Spyker had always kept Trex controled and with both of them leaving within a short time of each other Trex became Duke at which i pointed out it was a mistake and wouldn't work but as he was the only one willing to do it their was no other choice.
So that lead to mistake 1.....
Step 2 was Trex giving internals to xmachine and incoming impact i was fine with xmachine although shouldn't off been as many as it was as other players had worked hard to get here.... As off with Sam lets face it hes all talk with his £10000 computer he has (so what he said to me anyway when we were playing CS Go and he claimed he was so good and has been playing for year and i played 1 game for the 1st time in about 6 years and did better then him
his response was and i quote!!!! "I'm not use to playing against people this bad"
this lead to a division within the tribe and started to cause friction and I am pretty sure this is a big reason to why turtles cos started quitting in fact Turtlebear had blocked sam on tribal wars.
Step 3 was Trex being reluctant to let anyone do anything he was daft he is 100% not a leader and never will be hes an amazing player and a decent guy but not a leader the problem we had was ops wernt being planned and frontline players were being told to hold off on attacking people which didnt work as an opp was being planned once a week.....
While sometimes i managed to push Trex in the right direction he hated me because i was a pain and kept telling him to change but he didn't listen a few players told him what to do yet he didn't listen.
The next problem you had was a lot of frontline players were turtling up and not playing offensive yes i understand that they didnt want to lose villages but you cant win a war on the defensive.
This leads us all the way to Susuke or whatever his name was leaving obey this discussion had been going on for a 3-4 weeks their was also one or 2 others who where going to be leaving but i will not name them.. Trex and Darren and susuke had been discussing for a long time the theory goes they were leaving due to not being happy in obey what the real truth is i dont know but as soon as they left they gave Trex the sit which was never part of the plan in fact the plan was they dont attack obey or antyhing only if they get attacked 1st but looks like they couldnt handle a big account with a massive frontline.
Lets skip to the merge between the 2 tribes at this point i had quit and given the account to trex to internal I had played this world pretty much solo and almost all my cos had been inconsistent i had lost villas through the night and it kept happening and i coudnt be asked with solo but catbugg asked me to stay after i kept pondering so i stayed past the merge hence why i joined so late.
So Babin may be a good leader but yet again he tried to do it all by himself as i understand he didnt delegate and so on so after a week or 2 or however long he was getting more and more inactive he had problems in real life which i will not share and real life always comes 1st to that i understand. After awhile grim decided to step up and start sorting everything about a promote people to the council (me) at which point i joined the council which lasted all of 5 hours made a list of stuff to sort and well Babin was upset Grim didnt speak to him so i got domoted lol which didnt bother me to much.
If i remember Diane was being opped at this point at which no one was sniping or doing anything apart from me and Dwtrx in an opp from obey which didnt land for 5 days yet noone could snipe apart from us 2 and he was planning an opp while i Sniped about 80% of the trains this is how little the tribe was working together.
So as Dwtrx also had a lot going on in real life he stepped down at which point Pinky was leader and still nothing changed every leader did nothing the same as before since Spyker....
At which point trex had quit just before they got opped and Eoin had been playing for 4days straight and he wanted to go out so i sat him while have 300 nukes incoming myself which wasnt much and trying to do both accounts i spent about 6 hours and didnt find one so yes it was hard and yet again a point of people not doing anything. MOP had a massive go at me for doing it its like hello can you not see he was tired needed a break and was going to quit...
After things kept getting worse sam wanted to step up and got a few players on his side hence and pinky kicked him which led to a load of diff tribes but it only only got worst I was going to go solo till i died but Dwtrx asked me to join him which i did but i found out that MOP was the new leader which i knew we were screwed again his plan was declare war on wet yep an amazing idea....... please bare in mind Mo was barley playing this world.
So after MOP quit Ogill stepped up on the howzer account and was doiung a good job he planned on brining matt kruger in but he had problems in real life and wanted a week to take over after a week he wasnt interested. So after a few days i negotitated the merge back with Wet with a solijah so we had a chance of winning and me and Vicky where next the leader at which point i can honestly say the tribe became heavily more active stuff was getting sorted things were looking up and the main problem we had was so much interanaling to do and yet could of easily internaled 5 more players who wernt doing anything but everyone was slowly getting active again.. The plan was to buy time so we could sort everything out and kick obeys ass but looks like we couldnt get enough time to do this.
Tricky joined back and people started talking a bit more but looks like it wasnt enough. Me and vicky sat the backline accounts we found 800 Stacks on the backline........................................ I had the biggest backline by far but i had 200 stacks from the tribe with barley a cluster so that wasnt good but that was fine but then obey opped me and my co did an amazing job to maangae it as i was sort of burnt out and tired especially after wanting to quit a few months ago and staying..... But things where finally on the up as me and Vicky had sorted everything opps were planned the relationship between us and THC was fixed and so on.
On opp day it was okay though the person who asked me to stay Catbugg had quit on that day and requested 1 stack the whole time he was opp i asked for days if he needed anything and yet he said i dont know not in watchtower range and when they where nothing he just said im screwed. My co did an amazing job in defending and killed a lot of troops but seeing as i only had 200 stacks he did extremely well.
Im not qutting yet but here is a list of people who kept fighting till the end and deserved a lot of credit and are still putting 100% effort their are some more but im not sure about who is in THC also please bare in mind this is from my perspective and people i have spoken to so i may have missed a few peolpe.
Im not saying i was perfect heck i went i couldnt be asked and just let nukes hit while i was being opped because i was p***** noone would snipe or stack anything.
Destructive Blitzmarck
PiNkY BeNk
k i n g
xMachineZ (nope dont include darren in this....) This just includes vicky and dagmara they have done an amazing job.
grim reaper.
Under Average
Shadows of the Dying Sun
Ogill (howzer)
Eoin (diane Kruger)
Players not to play with again
Finalbarrage Pressed Delete no sit and did nothing all game all talk
Incomingimpact Pressed delete no sit and did nothing all game all talk
MOP (if its just MO i would but if its whatever the other guys name is i wouldn't) Pressed delete no sit
Spyker was an amazing leader he just had a way of doing it If you get the chance to play under him I would recommend it but he made 1 mistake putting so much into Trex.
Vicky was also a very good leader.
If obey do win this world congratz to them the best tribe will win at the end of the day maybe things could of been different but bad cr** happens.
The reason we have lost if we do i would say personally was lack of a capable leader until it was passed game over when me and vicky took over also to many people just pressed delete.
Sorry if i failed to explain anything feel free to point out anything i didnt and i will elaborate (yes writing a long story isnt my strong point ive done my best sorry if it sucks)
So lets go all the way back to when Diane Kruger had that fit and left the tribe.
The story goes they left because they wernt getting enough internals and had a massive fit about it and then asked obey if they could join them.
Spyker was willing to do anything to bring them back as he had no faith in half the players to do anything if any and believed that they were the only way we could win i disagreed with him but hey ho who knows if it would of turned out differently,
So they came back and all was normal for awhile lets skip all the way to when Spyker got sick and almost died (he is fine now and back to fit as off when i last spoke to him) so at this stage he disappeared for a week and everyone was slightly panicking their was a lot of confusion because to be honest i cant even remember who had duke privileges but no one was duking and Trex wanted to as much as he made people believe that it was others who wanted him to. Turtle and Spyker had always kept Trex controled and with both of them leaving within a short time of each other Trex became Duke at which i pointed out it was a mistake and wouldn't work but as he was the only one willing to do it their was no other choice.
So that lead to mistake 1.....
Step 2 was Trex giving internals to xmachine and incoming impact i was fine with xmachine although shouldn't off been as many as it was as other players had worked hard to get here.... As off with Sam lets face it hes all talk with his £10000 computer he has (so what he said to me anyway when we were playing CS Go and he claimed he was so good and has been playing for year and i played 1 game for the 1st time in about 6 years and did better then him
Step 3 was Trex being reluctant to let anyone do anything he was daft he is 100% not a leader and never will be hes an amazing player and a decent guy but not a leader the problem we had was ops wernt being planned and frontline players were being told to hold off on attacking people which didnt work as an opp was being planned once a week.....
While sometimes i managed to push Trex in the right direction he hated me because i was a pain and kept telling him to change but he didn't listen a few players told him what to do yet he didn't listen.
The next problem you had was a lot of frontline players were turtling up and not playing offensive yes i understand that they didnt want to lose villages but you cant win a war on the defensive.
This leads us all the way to Susuke or whatever his name was leaving obey this discussion had been going on for a 3-4 weeks their was also one or 2 others who where going to be leaving but i will not name them.. Trex and Darren and susuke had been discussing for a long time the theory goes they were leaving due to not being happy in obey what the real truth is i dont know but as soon as they left they gave Trex the sit which was never part of the plan in fact the plan was they dont attack obey or antyhing only if they get attacked 1st but looks like they couldnt handle a big account with a massive frontline.
Lets skip to the merge between the 2 tribes at this point i had quit and given the account to trex to internal I had played this world pretty much solo and almost all my cos had been inconsistent i had lost villas through the night and it kept happening and i coudnt be asked with solo but catbugg asked me to stay after i kept pondering so i stayed past the merge hence why i joined so late.
So Babin may be a good leader but yet again he tried to do it all by himself as i understand he didnt delegate and so on so after a week or 2 or however long he was getting more and more inactive he had problems in real life which i will not share and real life always comes 1st to that i understand. After awhile grim decided to step up and start sorting everything about a promote people to the council (me) at which point i joined the council which lasted all of 5 hours made a list of stuff to sort and well Babin was upset Grim didnt speak to him so i got domoted lol which didnt bother me to much.
If i remember Diane was being opped at this point at which no one was sniping or doing anything apart from me and Dwtrx in an opp from obey which didnt land for 5 days yet noone could snipe apart from us 2 and he was planning an opp while i Sniped about 80% of the trains this is how little the tribe was working together.
So as Dwtrx also had a lot going on in real life he stepped down at which point Pinky was leader and still nothing changed every leader did nothing the same as before since Spyker....
At which point trex had quit just before they got opped and Eoin had been playing for 4days straight and he wanted to go out so i sat him while have 300 nukes incoming myself which wasnt much and trying to do both accounts i spent about 6 hours and didnt find one so yes it was hard and yet again a point of people not doing anything. MOP had a massive go at me for doing it its like hello can you not see he was tired needed a break and was going to quit...
After things kept getting worse sam wanted to step up and got a few players on his side hence and pinky kicked him which led to a load of diff tribes but it only only got worst I was going to go solo till i died but Dwtrx asked me to join him which i did but i found out that MOP was the new leader which i knew we were screwed again his plan was declare war on wet yep an amazing idea....... please bare in mind Mo was barley playing this world.
So after MOP quit Ogill stepped up on the howzer account and was doiung a good job he planned on brining matt kruger in but he had problems in real life and wanted a week to take over after a week he wasnt interested. So after a few days i negotitated the merge back with Wet with a solijah so we had a chance of winning and me and Vicky where next the leader at which point i can honestly say the tribe became heavily more active stuff was getting sorted things were looking up and the main problem we had was so much interanaling to do and yet could of easily internaled 5 more players who wernt doing anything but everyone was slowly getting active again.. The plan was to buy time so we could sort everything out and kick obeys ass but looks like we couldnt get enough time to do this.
Tricky joined back and people started talking a bit more but looks like it wasnt enough. Me and vicky sat the backline accounts we found 800 Stacks on the backline........................................ I had the biggest backline by far but i had 200 stacks from the tribe with barley a cluster so that wasnt good but that was fine but then obey opped me and my co did an amazing job to maangae it as i was sort of burnt out and tired especially after wanting to quit a few months ago and staying..... But things where finally on the up as me and Vicky had sorted everything opps were planned the relationship between us and THC was fixed and so on.
On opp day it was okay though the person who asked me to stay Catbugg had quit on that day and requested 1 stack the whole time he was opp i asked for days if he needed anything and yet he said i dont know not in watchtower range and when they where nothing he just said im screwed. My co did an amazing job in defending and killed a lot of troops but seeing as i only had 200 stacks he did extremely well.
Im not qutting yet but here is a list of people who kept fighting till the end and deserved a lot of credit and are still putting 100% effort their are some more but im not sure about who is in THC also please bare in mind this is from my perspective and people i have spoken to so i may have missed a few peolpe.
Im not saying i was perfect heck i went i couldnt be asked and just let nukes hit while i was being opped because i was p***** noone would snipe or stack anything.
Destructive Blitzmarck
PiNkY BeNk
k i n g
xMachineZ (nope dont include darren in this....) This just includes vicky and dagmara they have done an amazing job.
grim reaper.
Under Average
Shadows of the Dying Sun
Ogill (howzer)
Eoin (diane Kruger)
Players not to play with again
Finalbarrage Pressed Delete no sit and did nothing all game all talk
Incomingimpact Pressed delete no sit and did nothing all game all talk
MOP (if its just MO i would but if its whatever the other guys name is i wouldn't) Pressed delete no sit
Spyker was an amazing leader he just had a way of doing it If you get the chance to play under him I would recommend it but he made 1 mistake putting so much into Trex.
Vicky was also a very good leader.
If obey do win this world congratz to them the best tribe will win at the end of the day maybe things could of been different but bad cr** happens.
The reason we have lost if we do i would say personally was lack of a capable leader until it was passed game over when me and vicky took over also to many people just pressed delete.
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