3DX war lasted about 1 month and the S.Q war was never a war as only one OP was mounted on them and that only happened because S.Q members were gloating about how well they were doing against the number one tribe.
The fact is TSL haven't got the long war experience, you've a lot of inactive members on the frontlines that are being frantically eaten up as we speak and unlike Skill/Anarky the average Skill levels in TSL are a lot lower.
However, this is not a flame fest. Alas, TSL is a very strong tribe, you're teamwork is second to none much better than Skill's and Anarky's and the first tribal OP is beastly.
The war between TSL/Candy will be the biggest & best war this world has ever seen not to mention the hardest war both tribes have ever fought.
Its just a question as to whether Teamwork can over power Skill. Obviously both side think their's is the best and I guess my words today may have rustled a few feathers within TSL, however, everything I said today is my opinion and I stand by it no matter how much you think its wrong.
Lets try not to turn this war into a flaming war, I have quite a few friends in TSL and although soon enough they will be enemies I'll still love them no matter how many villages I take from them! Specially you Rage
