~TUA~ declared war on LLS


Hello random people reading this! A few of you may remember ~TUA~, and so I would like to--- wait, you've never heard of ~TUA~? Oh, you know, the tribe that was based in k57 and 58, and now is randomly scattered in the Southeast corner of the world? Still no? I guess we've really been off the charts for months... *blink* Oh well. Well, I'm here to say we're back in business! And to help stimulate growth and activity (I hate those two words) we have declared war on LLS, a nice rim tribe that just happens to be in our area. Since then, I have gotten four messages from them wondering why were attacking and for us to please stop, and another from their diplomat asking for an alliance... Seriously. *longer blink* Anyways, expect them to be completely out of the picture shortly, as we plan on nobling them off within the next few weeks... okay, months. Fine, at our pace it'll be years, but it'll get done. Maybe. Anyways, I hope ~TUA~ will soon be back in the mix of tribes that actually do things in this world again, and I will personally see that hope become... Well, I won't make any promises. Long live The United Alliance!


Hello random people reading this! A few of you may remember ~TUA~, and so I would like to--- wait, you've never heard of ~TUA~? Oh, you know, the tribe that was based in k57 and 58, and now is randomly scattered in the Southeast corner of the world? Still no? I guess we've really been off the charts for months... *blink* Oh well. Well, I'm here to say we're back in business! And to help stimulate growth and activity (I hate those two words) we have declared war on LLS, a nice rim tribe that just happens to be in our area. Since then, I have gotten four messages from them wondering why were attacking and for us to please stop, and another from their diplomat asking for an alliance... Seriously. *longer blink* Anyways, expect them to be completely out of the picture shortly, as we plan on nobling them off within the next few weeks... okay, months. Fine, at our pace it'll be years, but it'll get done. Maybe. Anyways, I hope ~TUA~ will soon be back in the mix of tribes that actually do things in this world again, and I will personally see that hope become... Well, I won't make any promises. Long live The United Alliance!

+1 for humor..... and because your name sounds familiar.


The United Alliance
Tag: ~TUA~
Number of members: 32
Points of the best 40 players: 7.884.505
Total points: 7.884.505
Average points: 246.390
Rank: 19
Opponents defeated: 218.076.197 (16.)


Last Legion Standing
Tag: ~LLS~
Number of members: 33
Points of the best 40 players: 3.545.132
Total points: 3.545.132
Average points: 107.428
Rank: 25
Opponents defeated: 30.189.482 (29.)


I'm not even sure what to say!

My vote goes for TUA just because their COA is cooler!





even though TUA is bigger, im still going for them, just cause they posted on the forums ;p

these forums need more activity.

no srsly :icon_neutral:


Well, I'm (un[ish])happy that three-and-a-half million of our points are courtesy of blacksnail, our new member. Sooooo, we had a lower average points than LLS at the start of it. But I believe our OD clearly states who the victor will be. =D And Tiger, I probably sound familiar because I've been sitting rotting in this word since the early start... go campers!.


Well, I'm (un[ish])happy that three-and-a-half million of our points are courtesy of blacksnail, our new member. Sooooo, we had a lower average points than LLS at the start of it. But I believe our OD clearly states who the victor will be. =D And Tiger, I probably sound familiar because I've been sitting rotting in this word since the early start... go campers!.

blacksnail..... lol. :icon_razz:

nah, i kid, he is a good player. im going to go out on a limb here and say he's also your best player :icon_wink:. expect him to get op'ed if LLS have any common sense. although i daresay from the looks of it, he could probably take half of LLS on by himself :icon_confused:.


The funny thing is i'm bigger then both tribes combined :D But i have to disagree i like Legion's COA better. However i like the self mockery in the declaration so i'm voting for TUA


lmao well from the fact there is like no border id wager there will be about 10 conquers and then you'll all get bored :p long distance nobling ftl

but, im rooting for ~TUA~ cause, well, anyone with a sense of humour gets my vote, althugh, i have to disagree with AYK, the legions COA is better


Have fun guys!

Good luck ~TUA~ I vaguely remember having an alliance with you when I was in Kings.


i vaguely remember blacksnail being a war refugee of a certain tribe.... would be a shame if LLS got a bit of help from a massive jerk like myself ...


the only reason LLs is even still alive is because they recruit lots everyday


i vaguely remember blacksnail being a war refugee of a certain tribe.... would be a shame if LLS got a bit of help from a massive jerk like myself ...

lol. dont drag outside forces into this.... or who knows.... you may find unexpected extra troops popping up :icon_surprised:

you've got a sea of inactives to noble, 1700+ villages in fact. i think you have more then enough to clean up without bullying some tiny tribe.


Nice to see some activity from the tribe I used to lead. Good work hezron, nice to see things getting back on track for you guys.


I feel like I could throw this war anyway I want :icon_twisted:... I'll support the tribe who didnt recruit our enemies. :icon_eek:


Im not sure which tribe to call on this one. It could theoretically be either tribe who wins this one and it will be interesting to see how it pans out. It might be good for ~TUA~ to talk about blacksnail to the N/A leadership, after all he is a refugee and if it is not sorted out, things might get sticky for ~TUA~. Other than that, wish both tribes the best of luck.


instead of whining about it, just noble blacksnail, or dont noble him. contact isnt needed. If you consider him a refugee, then noble him, if you arent bothered, then dont noble him. It really doesnt matter, and it really isnt like TUA is big enough to support him if you want to noble him, and it really isnt like theyre big enough to do anything about it if relations go sour, it will just mean OMNOMNOMNOM villages for your players if it does happen (im being realistic, sorry if im causing any offense to ~TUA~). Im sure that the duke of TUA is smart enough to know why he is a refugee and accept it if he gets nobled, in all likelyhood, he will probably message an N/A mem about it when you start sending attacks, and you can talk it over then.