Hello random people reading this! A few of you may remember ~TUA~, and so I would like to--- wait, you've never heard of ~TUA~? Oh, you know, the tribe that was based in k57 and 58, and now is randomly scattered in the Southeast corner of the world? Still no? I guess we've really been off the charts for months... *blink* Oh well. Well, I'm here to say we're back in business! And to help stimulate growth and activity (I hate those two words) we have declared war on LLS, a nice rim tribe that just happens to be in our area. Since then, I have gotten four messages from them wondering why were attacking and for us to please stop, and another from their diplomat asking for an alliance... Seriously. *longer blink* Anyways, expect them to be completely out of the picture shortly, as we plan on nobling them off within the next few weeks... okay, months. Fine, at our pace it'll be years, but it'll get done. Maybe. Anyways, I hope ~TUA~ will soon be back in the mix of tribes that actually do things in this world again, and I will personally see that hope become... Well, I won't make any promises. Long live The United Alliance!