Unethical Recruiting Practices


Over the last week, I have been attacked numerous time by a certain village.

Just recently, I have recieved a message saying that they will stop the attacks if I join their tribe.

Is this common practice, or just someone being a bastard?


but it only happens with tribes that arent strong and with people that dont have tribe or have weak tribe


enter in a strong tribe and have a big defense army with low points


enter in a strong tribe and have a big defense army with low points

So you have to join a tribe immediately?

Thats BS.

How the hell am I supposed to know anything about the tribes within the first few days?

Could you possible get to know every little detail about a new person you've met within a day or two? No, and if you say you can, you're a liar. It takes several days to know a single person, and these tribes are made up of multiple people.

You don't like another tribe? Fine, attack them all you want. But don't give bad impressions by attacking unaligned villages.


if you be the person with most points of your are and shows that you are very active some tribe will invite you and if one didnt try looking for one at the top25, when i started this game, it was with another account and like 8 months ago(i deleted that account) i read all the tutorials and get easily a tribe made a good defense, made some personal alliances


if you be the person with most points of your are and shows that you are very active some tribe will invite you and if one didnt try looking for one at the top25, when i started this game, it was with another account and like 8 months ago(i deleted that account) i read all the tutorials and get easily a tribe made a good defense, made some personal alliances

But like I said, how is one supposed to know anything about these tribes within a few days?

It doesn't matter how many people invite.


i dont know how others people are but i get the game very fast, and entered in a tribe before my protection over


i dont know how others people are but i get the game very fast, and entered in a tribe before my protection over

Perhaps running headlong into situations is what you prefer.

Not all of us do.


the fact is, you have no idea if a tribe is any good or not. sometimes you havwe to just take a chance.


Why is it so hard to figure out? Just join the tribe that is farming you and when you get big and bad enough leave the tribe and crush the Duke...its as easy as that. lol


The best thing to do when you start is either make personal alliances with a few of the people around you(not all) or make a tribe with a few people around you. That way you will be able to control that area and will be able to make those who you didnt ally with into farms which means you can progress much quicker than you otherwise would. Then you'll be the big guy and can make up the rules...Until a bigger guy decides you've lived to long....
Dog eat Dog game really.