Update on the super war to end the server

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Well i'll give you a reason for my post backie. there are only two possible reasons i can think of for midnight making this thread. 1)to gloat, but midnight doesn't seem like that type of person or 2)to spark more activity in the world forums. I went with number 2 and since everyone seemed to just be thanking midnight, someone needed to try their best to somewhat flame the post to cause more activity. Cause everyone likes to post once flaming begins :) and i won't deny i was a total noob when i played W21. I only used IE back then and my fastest noble train was like 15 seconds :p


Yer who would want to be on a team with Dr. No, maybe i should post some of there pro trains ive just sniped xD

I thought you quit W21 after you got kicked off of the kethrin account?

Anyhow, thanks for the update Midnight. I really do admire the time and work you put into these.

I agree with Darkwatch - The GA in all of her glory is against the might of PnP in the corner of the world alone.
Our diplomacy with other tribes has been the same for the past two years. No alliances, no naps.
But I do think PnP has done a good job of completely cutting us off from the rest of the world with Jimmy nobling on the Southern side of K69 blocking off MPFC (as if they would help us) and SFP1977 among other members of PnP mass-nobling in K95/K96 cutting us off from the IMP~F.

However, as Space said in an earlier post, we grow faster than PnP can noble us which I sometimes laugh at. But then I am sure you guys aren't putting your full effort into things, until you do - I will continue having nightmares about it.


I will speak only for the GA, but
at least we have daily growth, at this point, PnP may be munching on us, but we grow faster then they can munch. :D

Um... no you don't?
We beat you in daily conquers every single day.

Now unless you are going to pull out some panzy excuse like "oh but if we average the caps and then multiply them by 5, to the power of 2, you can actually see that we are slightly in front sometimes." The cold hard fact remains, that we are beating you in both total caps and caps against.

Now, it seems to me that backwards has already summed up darkwatch's failure, so I shall move on.

Thanks for the stats update Midnight. Always good to see an analysis of world wars from someone as yourself. Just a quick correction (or perhaps just something to argue :p) as your post seems to give the impression that a large number of Dr. No's ennoblements have come from Zeervi and Blurg whereas the stats show these ennoblements only accounting for 20 or only about 13% of ennoblements against the "gang bangers" (see stats below) with 95% of these takes coming a full 17+ days after Rellim/Mystic's last ennoblement against zeervi and nearly a month after Rellim/mystic's last ennoblement on Blurg (though pnp is doing well against him in k35 shout out to jackcrop's new(?) owner/sitter)(*side note* Dr. No have kept attacks against Blurg to a minimum in an effort to limit our capitalizing on pnp's excellent work against him which is why you will see only 1 ennoblement against him). It is not merely a matter of them still attacking and not nobling either as Rellim's ODA has not moved for nearly 3 weeks and Mystic's for 3 and a half.

Meh, fair enough.
And yes, the guy playing Jackcrop currently is a TW veteran :D
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Well i'll give you a reason for my post backie. there are only two possible reasons i can think of for midnight making this thread. 1)to gloat, but midnight doesn't seem like that type of person or 2)to spark more activity in the world forums. I went with number 2 and since everyone seemed to just be thanking midnight, someone needed to try their best to somewhat flame the post to cause more activity. Cause everyone likes to post once flaming begins :) and i won't deny i was a total noob when i played W21. I only used IE back then and my fastest noble train was like 15 seconds :p


Midnight posted because of (1). After all, this forum is for politics and propaganda. All opinions and stats will be twisted and biased in favor of the poster's side.

In our case, less so. You can try to un-bias it but it will still look damn good for PnP :p


I thought you quit W21 after you got kicked off of the kethrin account?

Anyhow, thanks for the update Midnight. I really do admire the time and work you put into these.

I agree with Darkwatch - The GA in all of her glory is against the might of PnP in the corner of the world alone.
Our diplomacy with other tribes has been the same for the past two years. No alliances, no naps.
But I do think PnP has done a good job of completely cutting us off from the rest of the world with Jimmy nobling on the Southern side of K69 blocking off MPFC (as if they would help us) and SFP1977 among other members of PnP mass-nobling in K95/K96 cutting us off from the IMP~F.

However, as Space said in an earlier post, we grow faster than PnP can noble us which I sometimes laugh at. But then I am sure you guys aren't putting your full effort into things, until you do - I will continue having nightmares about it.

Yes i quit after i LEFT THE ACCOUNT ON MY OWN ACORD. but yet nothing wrong with helping a friend out here and there.


Hard to let go is it amm255

Surely there must be something to fill the void, think of how much spare time all those players who have over 1 million points and then retire and all that free time they would have

Then think of all the fun you would be missing on W21 (Blackjack)
If you dont have an account i recommend you find one that suits the amount of time you can give.


it's not so much teams. Just what tribes have a mutual benefit to one another through their own wars. The GA also looks to be getting hit from MPFC aswell in K 69

MPFC wants to clean the house or so it seems...some of our members get constant attacks up in their Ks, but nothing big YET. We're not that important...

South i agree is dead, most action happens north


Originally Posted by chachi277
Thanks for the stats update Midnight. Always good to see an analysis of world wars from someone as yourself. Just a quick correction (or perhaps just something to argue :p) as your post seems to give the impression that a large number of Dr. No's ennoblements have come from Zeervi and Blurg whereas the stats show these ennoblements only accounting for 20 or only about 13% of ennoblements against the "gang bangers" (see stats below) with 95% of these takes coming a full 17+ days after Rellim/Mystic's last ennoblement against zeervi and nearly a month after Rellim/mystic's last ennoblement on Blurg (though pnp is doing well against him in k35 shout out to jackcrop's new(?) owner/sitter)(*side note* Dr. No have kept attacks against Blurg to a minimum in an effort to limit our capitalizing on pnp's excellent work against him which is why you will see only 1 ennoblement against him). It is not merely a matter of them still attacking and not nobling either as Rellim's ODA has not moved for nearly 3 weeks and Mystic's for 3 and a half.

Chachi, what you forget to say is that our ODA moved over 20million when we attacked Zeeri and that Rellim and I took over 100 of his villages. Hmmm, think that weaken Zeervi? Do you think less villages means less defense for him to move around? While I understand you not wanting to paint a full picture, I'll help you out. You can thank me later. ;)


I bet no ones ODD is getting any higher from Zeervi (significant movement)

For you to take that many villages, how long did it take you to save up that many packets?


teehee. you haz world 21 now? PM me it 0.o

lol, you will notice the name of the defender to be very familiar, and no it's not me.

They might've underestimated, watever the case i don't think Synced lost a single village.


For you to take that many villages, how long did it take you to save up that many packets?

In any event, those extra villages will output extra packets, so it doesn't really matter. The benefit was well worth the effort.


In any event, those extra villages will output extra packets, so it doesn't really matter. The benefit was well worth the effort.

Very true, Zeervi's tight clusters will be a bonus for anyone, would be hard for anyone to take from PnP

although i see PnP as great attackers but will never be tested for Defence
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