Update Updates Versions 8.137 to 8.382

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Awesomest CM Ever
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Update to version 8.251 - 8.252

Hey everyone,

Our next update will be released on Monday, the 2nd of August and with it, we will be releasing a couple of bug fixes and improvements!

We skipped the changelog for version 8.251 because there were too many bug fixes that never made it from Beta to the actual game, so those bugs are also included here.


  • A problem that caused problems with invitations that have been sent out via Email was fixed.
  • A problem with rounding numbers in the Premium Exchange was fixed.
  • A problem with the Seas of Fortune quest icon in the new Quest System was fixed.
  • A problem with buildings not being upgradable in the classic village overview when the account manager is activated was fixed.
  • A problem with Quests being shown in the wrong language has been fixed.
  • A problem with the Rally Point preview overlapping in the quick preview window has been fixed.
  • A missing translation when renaming the note block tab has been added.
  • A wrong description in the Quest 'The Strongest Warrior' has been fixed.
Also, there is an improvement that you, our community, has been asking for:
  • You are now able to turn the quest arrow on and off as you choose. It will be stay enabled by default, but you can turn it off in the Settings menu > Game Options > General Settings > Quest Arrows.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
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Update to version 8.255

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on 23rd of August, and with it, we will be some minor bug fixes and three overhauls!


  • A problem with rewards of the new Quest System not working properly after transferring from one world to the other has been fixed.
  • A problem with different end times for the recruitment in a village and the recruitment overview has been fixed.
  • A problem with Rewards not restarting after account deletion has been fixed.
Also, we are happy to announce that we overhauled the endgames of Age Of Enlightenment, Great Siege, and Rune Wars! The biggest complaint about them that was brought to us by you, our community, was that the morale system breaks the endgames completely.
It was easily exploitable and therefore, let us be honest, just not very enjoyable for anyone. This has been fixed now! Let's go through them what happens exactly:
  • For Rune Wars, this means that if a low point player controls a rune village, attacks to the rune village will not be affected by morale if the attacker has more points.
  • For Age Of Enlightenment, this means that if a low point player controls a university village, attacks to the university village will not be affected by morale if the attacker has more points.
  • For The Great Siege, this means that city districts controlled by players will not benefit from morale protection if the attacker has more points.
We hope that those changes will fix the endgames and make them a great experience! This change will be (manually) activated a few days after the update has taken place. We will also announce this through an in-game message during the weekend and provide an exact timeline to the affected worlds.


If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic!.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.256

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on September 13th, and with it, there will be some bug fixes!


  • A problem with the Paladin not getting XP for construction, even while staying in the village, was fixed.
  • A problem with event quests not activating after a restart on the same market was fixed.
  • A problem with the Barricade Battle event quests still appearing after the event has ended was fixed.
  • A problem with the Barricade Battle event and one of its popups showing an error message instead was fixed.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over here!

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.260

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on October 25th, and with it, there will be a new addition to the game!

A few years ago we introduced a new feature that allows players to send noble-trains directly from within the rally point. Since then there has been a popular community suggestion from you guys to introduce the same functionality to regular commands, allowing you to send out fake trains as well. With this update, we want to fulfill this request!


Sending commands through the rally point will now allow you to send both fake and noble trains towards a target. The mechanics remain the same as before, but with a new template selection you will now be able to:
  • Choose to send a noble train, adding nobles to your additional attacks and balancing the offensive troops' overall attacks
  • Choose to send a fake train, adding a single available siege unit to your additional attacks
Additionally, you can still customize the additional attacks to your own preference.

Note that this feature only applies to attack commands and is not available for support.

Additionally, there are two small bug fixes that come with this update!


  • A problem with mass-withdrawing flags where you got a report in which there is a different locale for the word "world": - was fixed.
  • A problem with the values of units with a power bonus being shown incorrectly was fixed. Note that this was just a display error and did not affect your attacks.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic!

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.263

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released today (15/11), and with it, there will be two new features and one bug fix! We realize this is very short notice, for which we apologize.

  • Currently, there is a 'Select All' checkbox on the bottom of the reports page so the user has to scroll to the bottom of the page to select all. There now also will be a 'Select All' checkbox at the top so players don't have to scroll down to check the box.
  • You are now able to kick out 'yellow' players without receiving a penalty in prestige. So far, this only was possible for 'red' players that are inactive for more than 7 days.

  • A problem with the Sigil of Distress on the Mass Support screen, that showed the wrong values, was fixed.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.265

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on November 29th and with it, there will be some new additions to the game
  • The game didn't show decommissioning nobles as being decommissioned. It rather shows as it is being recruited, which caused confusion. This was now changed a little bit as the info about decommission should belong under existing Noblemen rather than Noblemen in education.
  • Currently, both rows in the LA are editable, but once saving it only saves one of the two. Now, there is a central save button that makes life easier!
  • You are now able to show or hide the last 5 internal tribe forums posts. So far, this has been a global setting for the tribe.
  • As there was confusion on where to find the Quest Rewards on Mobile, there now is a button on the second page in the Menu that instantly brings you there.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.266

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on December 6th, and with it, there will be some bug fixes!


  • A problem with Event quests being inactive after transferring from one world to another was fixed.
  • Two problems in relation to errors that happened within the preregistration for a world have been fixed.
  • A cosmetic error in the event shop has been fixed.
  • A problem with the in-game event banner showing up after the event has ended has been fixed.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.267

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released today, December 13th, and with it, there will be two improvements and two bug fixes!

Do you have a suggestion to improve the game? Head on over to our Improvements forum and make your suggestion!


  • Two problems with popup messages and a link within them were fixed.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team
Last edited:


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.268

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released today, January 10th and will contain the following changes:

  1. Cancelling commands from your own target village page
    When attacking or supporting your own village, you would usually have to switch to the overview page, or to the village the commands were given from. With this update, you will now also be able to cancel commands (sent at your own villages) directly from the target villages' info page!
  2. Incoming Troops display on the Village Overview

    A new section has been added to the Village Info screen, available for all villages you own. It will show incoming support, similar to how the Rally Point shows it as well. Below the existing section showing defenses in a village, the screen will now also show incoming support troops. Incoming attacks will not be shown. This will combine some of the Rally Point's functionalities to the Village Overview screen.

    The table with Incoming units will be visible only when:
    1. The incoming support is coming from a friend/tribemate
    2. There is at least one incoming support unit
    3. The support sent is send by the player to his own village

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.271

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on Monday January 31st, and we have some improvements and bug fixes for you! We're happy to see all three improvements are based on suggestions made by our very own community members!

Dynamic Groups - In transit
Groups that are "in transit" will be changed to either in transit (outgoing) / in transit (returning).
Dynamic Groups - Distance to Coordinates
There now is a Dynamic Group that shows the distance to a certain coordinate. This filter will contain 3 input fields, which are distance, coord x and coord y. The default values for coordinates will be selected village's coordinates.
Extend bracket limit on notebook
The bracket limit was increased to 5.000 and tabs have been increased to 10. To use this feature fully, you will need a premium account.


  • An error that caused the page size not to update properly after selecting all villages was fixed.
  • An error with the Account Manager showing empty pages in the village selection was fixed.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team
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Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.272

Dear players,

We apologize for the late changelog, but today there was an update to our game!


Village changes
  • University villages, Rune villages and City Districts can now be attacked, even if the difference in points between attacker and defender is significant. Keep in mind that this change only applies on worlds where the Morale setting is disabled for those villages.

Stronghold attacks
  • Timing issues regarding additional Stronghold attacks have been fixed.
"Recruiter" item not applying to Noblemen.
  • The "Recruiter" item is affecting Noble recruitment speeds, which was confusing, since Noblemen are not getting recruited but produced. We changed the item text to make this more clear, and it will now include Noblemen as well.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread!

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.277

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on Monday the 14th of March, and we have a multitude of things for you this time! Let us start with improvements and changes to the game!

  • We decided we will not allow two sessions between the Steam version and the browser version running at the same time.
Tribe Forum
  • New posts in the Tribe Forum will now be shown without refreshing the page. That's right! New additions to the thread will show up by themselves!
  • All threads will now have an option to mute and unmute them individually.
  • You are now able to tag other players in the Tribe Forums and get notified when you get mentioned. You are also able to turn off the in-line notifications that show up in the bottom right corner via the Forum settings.
  • On the mobile browser version of the Tribe Forum, the topics list is now closeable without doing a refresh first.
  • You now can choose how many replies you will see at once in the Tribe Forum. The default value for this will be 20.
Ally time
  • Currently, the existing support system in which you need to be in a tribe for several days rounds up its value to full days, which led to situations where support can be sent after being in the alliance for 0,6 days even though the limit is officially '1 day' (could be different per world, depending on settings).
    The new change now allows to track the exact time and only allows sending after a precise amount of time after they joined the tribe.

Tribe Forum
  • The link under the player's name led to the profile of the person who started the thread on the forum, not the person who replied to the topic. This is now fixed.
  • There was a lot of confusion on worlds where flags are disabled whenever a player earned a flag because of an achievement or quest. We now added a small information box in the report that says "Flags are disabled on this world. You can use this flag on a world with active flags."

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.279

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released tomorrow, March 28th and we have a few things for you this time! Let us start with improvements and changes to the game!


With this update, we will introduce a new log for the Tribe Forum. This Log is available for Barons and Dukes of a Tribe and is based on an improvement idea that was posted some years back on our very own forum: you can find it here - we would highly appreciate feedback on this log as soon as it is implemented and would like to ask you, our community, what you would like to see added to it and what is missing in your opinion.

Please let us know what you think in the feedback topic, linked at the bottom of this post.


Tribe Forum
An issue with deleting polls in the Tribe Forum was resolved.


If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.280

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on Monday, the 4th of April, and we are happy to tell you that this changelog is packed with goodness, so let us dive right into it, starting with a big, new feature that a lot of you have been asking about for years:

Group Chats
  • With the update, you will now be able to create a group chat with up to 20 total members.
    • How to create a Group Chat:
      • To create a Group Chat, open up your Chat section in the lower right corner of the interface, and click on the little icon with two people. This will open up a popup where you can enter multiple player names, which can be done in two ways:
        • By filling out each player's name individually into the provided fields. Typing in one of those inputs will automatically create another line for the next person you want to add.
        • By pasting names from a pre-prepared list, divided by a semicolon ";" into the player input.
      • Just like the normal chat, you will not be able to create a group chat with someone you have been blocked by.
        • If you have blocked a participant in the group chat their messages will be replaced with a note "Player blocked".
      • Creating a chat with a list of participants that are already a part of a group chat, will open the already existing chat instead.
    • Managing a Group Chat:
      • Group chats can be managed by using the cog item in the header of their chat window.
      • A group creator can manage the members of the group, adding new members and removing them. They also are able to delete a group chat entirely for all its members.
    • Member options:
      • Group Chat members can view a list of the chat members and are able to leave the chat via the cog menu.
      • If a player does not have the chat enabled or is playing on mobile, they can delete the chat from the messages list in order to leave the conversation.
Beginners Protection
  • You are now able to attack yourself, even if you are under beginner's protection, without the beginner's protection expiring. Obviously, you do need multiple villages to attack yourself ;)

Accepting forwarded reports
  • A bug that occurred when accepting Reports via "Select All" and clicking "Accept" that deleted all reports instead of accepting them has been fixed.
  • A bug that didn't show the full information of a shared command to others was fixed.
  • The popup to mass change flags now will inform you that it will apply to all villages in that group, not just per page.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.281

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on Monday, 11th of April. This release will mainly resolve a few bugs that we have been reported by you! We will list the most notable ones for you below.


  1. When a tribe member without forum moderation rights receives a live update from a reply they will no longer see "Edit" and "Delete" option in the reply.
  2. When cancelling an order from the Village Info screen, the game will no longer redirect to the Rally Point screen during the process. Instead, players will stay on the Village Info screen.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.282

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on Tuesday, 19th of April, and we have a small update for you!

Tribe Forum
  • We added some small improvements to the new tagging feature in the Tribe Forum. This includes a new button in the editor as well as a dropdown menu for selecting multiple methods to tagging players.

  • Some localized markets lost their 'month' abbreviations in their own language and they all defaulted to the English versions. This is now fixed.
  • We had some smaller bugs that were reported on our beta that we were able to fix before they went into the live environment.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.285

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released today, May 9th, and we have a small update for you!

Over the last weeks, we have been busy working on different smaller improvements in the background and bugs that needed an exterminator on Beta, and that were smashed before they hit the live markets. Did you know that reporting bugs on the Beta will be rewarded with Premium Points? Head there now and register to help us improve Tribal Wars every day: https://www.tribalwars.works/

Mobile Improvements

It is now possible to delete multiple posts in a thread in the Tribe Forum if you have the right to moderate the forum.
We have added a 'Recruit' Button on top of the village list on the Mass Recruitment page, so you don't have to scroll all the way down to do so.


Until one of the last updates, it was possible that when creating a trade route, the raw materials of a created route were still suggested for a second route. This was removed, but as a lot of you wanted to have it again, we added it back in.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.286

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released today, May 23rd, and we have a small update this week!

Changes & Improvements

Dynamic Groups
We have added the math operators > and < to the distance filter. This was a feature often requested on International.

We increased the 'Load More' in messages to 10 messages instead of 2.


We have fixed an issue that showed returning units in the category 'outgoing'. Thank you for reporting this issue to our support team.


If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.287

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released today (June 7th) and will contains some bugfixes as well as one minor change.

  • We have changed all tooltip designs to the usual Tribal Wars style.


  • A problem with the Noble Claim being longer than it should have been was fixed.
  • An error with our in-game polls not working properly on mobile devices was fixed.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread. Don't forget you can submit your own game suggestions on our Ideas & Improvements forum.

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.289

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on Monday the 27th of June. This time, we have a small summary from the last past two updates, 8.288 and 2.289, which included two bug fixes and one improvement to our mobile app.

Additionally, our developers have been working hard to get improvements out to the 'Here Be Dragons' event based on the feedback you provided. Those changes will be communicated in the announcement the next time the event runs and we have high hopes that it will make the event a whole lot more enjoyable.

  • We have added an 'Export Report' button to the in-app report display as it has been missing from the Mobile version of Tribal Wars in the past.

  • A problem with the 'Championship of the Horse Lords' event was fixed where some players did not receive the event summary popup at the end of it. This also caused the quest rewards window popping up on every page load.
  • An error with the Quest System was fixed where it showed a new quest being available without that being the case.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic!

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team
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