Update Updates Versions 8.137 to 8.382

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Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
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Update to version 8.378

Hello everyone,

Version 8.378 will be released on December 16th


  • The option to display or skip the confirmation prompt for combining flags can now be set in the game settings.


  • Fixed an issue where the tribe logs were not displaying in the order of their creation date.


We hope these changes enhance your gaming experience. Thank you for your continued support!

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
Reaction score
Update to version 8.379

Hello everyone,

Version 8.379 will be released on January 13th


  • Browser push notifications now open the relevant screen directly upon clicking.


  • The 'Join' button in the Speed World is now positioned on a separate line from the 'Current' button.
  • Fixed an issue where players received repeated push notifications for event energy being full due to incorrect tracking of previously sent notifications, leading to unnecessary disruptions.
  • Numerous under-the-hood fixes and technical improvements.


We hope these changes enhance your gaming experience. Thank you for your continued support!

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread.

Kind regards,
Your Tribal Wars Team


Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
Reaction score
Update to version 8.380

Hello everyone,

Version 8.380 will be released on January 21st


  • Recurring Resource Deliveries:
    - Introduced a checkbox for setting recurring deliveries on the "Deliveries" page, allowing options like hourly intervals with all days pre-selected.
    - Added a recurring icon and tooltip for specifying time intervals; the list now shows recurring delivery times and the next delivery dates
  • Added a confirmation dialog before upgrading a flag to prevent unintentional improvements, available on both web and mobile platforms.
  • Updated Hall of Fame to credit the tribe that fulfills victory conditions, even if not ranked first, ensuring accurate recognition in scenarios like the Age of Enlightenment. The change is not applied retroactively.
  • Enhanced the supply routes interface to allow creating multiple routes from several villages to one target city using dynamic or manual groups, improving efficiency for players with large accounts.


We hope these changes enhance your gaming experience. Thank you for your continued support!

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread.

Kind regards,
Your Tribal Wars Team


Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
Reaction score
Update to version 8.381

Hello everyone,

Version 8.381 will be released on January 27th (EN/CH)/ January 28th (everyone else)


  • This release includes general game improvements and bug fixes.


We hope these changes enhance your gaming experience. Thank you for your continued support!

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so on discord

Kind regards,
Your Tribal Wars Team


Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
Reaction score
Update to version 8.382

Hello everyone,

Version 8.382 will be released on February 3rd


  • The configuration of additional milliseconds will now be shown in the world settings overview.
  • In the simulator now is possible to use the tribe name for strongholds.
  • When cycling villages in the map the quick commands template will no longer reset with the change.

We hope these changes enhance your gaming experience. Thank you for your continued support!

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread or on Discord.

Kind regards,
Your Tribal Wars Team
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