I'm presuming you are expecting them to take out the sitting feature as well, because that just skews the game! :icon_eek:
Just because you've always played alone doesn't mean that that's the only way to play the game. In fact, it may actually be more indicative of your personality and playing style. Just saying... :icon_cool:
this is the problem with you fella, i swear you read what is written and then take something completely different from what you have read. no where did i say anything about sitting being bad, without them the game would be pretty silly, you make it sound like i said all worlds should have no co players. yet alls i say is it would be good to have 1. as far not co playing go's i get offers, i prefer to play on my own though, if i lose then no one to blame but myself:icon_wink:
Sprinkles is indeed NPD, or at least, one part of it. I had some great fun with you as well!! I wasn't aware that asking someone why they had just nobled and stacked villages that I was being gifted was considered crying, let alone as hard as you make it out. But, whatever helps you sleep at night mate.
some more of that BS of yours, i will go find our convo and the reports you send of you losing nukes on gifted vills :icon_razz: you know aswell as i do that they werent gifted :lol: but hell guess your that intelligent eh that you can make a lie and have the world believe you......not that i care, just shows your character, i tell the truth whether it gets me infracted or not, i wont hold back my opinions and try to come up with some lame "cant say for fear of getting infwacted or bwanned, dweleted bla bla bla.
I'm sorry, are you trying to play down harassment because it happened over the internet and more specifically in a game? And that it's not a valid reason for leaving a world? Wow. Just wow. I had originally thought you were a, I don't think I am allowed to post my thoughts on either you as a person, or your general lack of intelligence without getting infracted and/or having my post deleted :icon_eek:
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this one is priceless, you made my day. needless to say have you seen the proof of this harassment? no ofc not just hearsay from the mouth of the person who claims to be stalked. i have spoken to tammy and why anyone would stalk someone so self centered and completely delusional is, well delusional, its ok though as i understand you loyalty to her, afterall raven likes to eat tribemates so you should watch what you say.
To raven, truly worse than allos!
just looking at those stats now wrinkley sprinkley, the vills you claim were "gifted" to you were from car battery. considering he gifted all his vills to homeland oh diddums, will work on getting the reports for you where you hit 30/8k stacks, some funny gifted vills if you ask me. will take a while though as i dont feel the need to archive every single report like raven does so not even sure if i still have them, defo dont have our convo no more which is a shame. do tell why car battery might have gifted you vills though, especially when you consider he was in leadership when nooble was around and you walked out on them :icon_wink: reason raven left nooble was because jaytamcam didnt get on with leadership was it not, assuming you left for the same reason
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