Voluntary blog!


Well, as an update , so far I've done a few interviews.
Unknown 1, jisto duke of tank, and smurfpies, duke of Tuff.

Looking for some southern input, waves2u perhaps?

Igm me or mail me here for my Skype,
If interested in giving an interview.

Thankyou to everyone that has given of their
Time currently.

Best, Blue


Well, as an update , so far I've done a few interviews.
Unknown 1, jisto duke of tank, and smurfpies, duke of Tuff.

Looking for some southern input, waves2u perhaps?

Igm me or mail me here for my Skype,
If interested in giving an interview.

Thankyou to everyone that has given of their
Time currently.

Best, Blue

Im quite ready for my interview :icon_cool:


Well, as an update , so far I've done a few interviews.
Unknown 1, jisto duke of tank, and smurfpies, duke of Tuff.

Looking for some southern input, waves2u perhaps?

Igm me or mail me here for my Skype,
If interested in giving an interview.

Thankyou to everyone that has given of their
Time currently.

Best, Blue

I've been interviewed and honestly, stink at it :icon_sad:
I think rawr. (Aftershave account) or Slinkiestwizard (TheBegger) would be a more entertaining interview. Also, my co-duke is Jess (on Storytime account) if she has time. Me however, I tend to be dull. That said, if you feel an interview is needed my skype details are in my forum profile.



I've been interviewed and honestly, stink at it :icon_sad:
I think rawr. (Aftershave account) or Slinkiestwizard (TheBegger) would be a more entertaining interview. Also, my co-duke is Jess (on Storytime account) if she has time. Me however, I tend to be dull. That said, if you feel an interview is needed my skype details are in my forum profile.


Fine leave me out :icon_rolleyes:

Nice interviews Reza, pity some aren't relevant anymore, though a nice look back on events before they took place, and they help to piece together some things.


I've been interviewed and honestly, stink at it :icon_sad:
I think rawr. (Aftershave account) or Slinkiestwizard (TheBegger) would be a more entertaining interview. Also, my co-duke is Jess (on Storytime account) if she has time. Me however, I tend to be dull. That said, if you feel an interview is needed my skype details are in my forum profile.


i could give interviews to :p.


My blog shud be out on friday as promised :D

Look forward to it :)

I'm being careful not to set a date..but i'm closing in on it -
with luck might have first draft by the weekend :)

Thankyou for the volunteers and suggestions of whom to interview.

Best, Blue

ex cultu rex

Looking forward to the blog Reza, i hope the interviews are as good as the last ones :)


Just been interviewed,
wonder if he'll edit out the parts where he was flirting with me,



Reza, again a solid blog... Thanks for posting Googly's interview and to Googly, if you read this.. good luck in RL



So that was our Player overview. But now I will show you the only interview I have. With googly. He quit an hour after the interview, but I want you to hear him out. Sorry to googly, he asked me not to show this, but I have been asked many times by many different people to show it :

And then 15 minutes later:
19:53:49 ~Googly~
scrap the interview please
19:53:53 ~Googly~
I'm quitting W59
19:53:57 ~Googly~
cant deal with anthill
19:55:00 Reza the killer2
19:59:10 ~Googly~
[4:56:57 PM] ~Googly~: Best of luck - I cant lead when you are too close-minded to listen to anybody but yourself. [4:57:11 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: **** you
19:59:10 ~Googly~

Even verbally assaulting his own tribe mate and Duke :icon_rolleyes:
~Googly~ hopefully you see my point about Shahyd now

Thanks for the Blog Reza, another great edition.

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Blogs out :D
Next time will include more interviews ;)

Clearly, friendship with you was entirely misplaced. I've just lost all respect for you and all the value I had thought friendship with you had. Particularly when you included parts of conversation in your blog from after the interview had ended - you had no right to do that without asking me first.

I guess a blog is more important to you than a friend though.


Googly, I can understand your frustration (kind of) but the truth is, the interview was informative and intuitive. The remarks regarding Anthills isn't in any way disparaging of your leadership image or your external and in fact, shows the difficulties you obviously were facing. Also, outside of the above post regarding Reza, I and most of 59 believed when you took over that you were facing a very difficult up hill climb. Many have posted this and we all wish you the best of luck.

Reza, your blog was very respectable. Good read and unbiased. Everything I expect in a bloggers posts. Well done.


One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Had I cared particularly about image, I would have addressed the reasons for my stepping down here myself. I refused to do so, out of respect for my friends in U N M.

The "interview" posted should never have been posted without giving me warning at the very least, considering he had been asked twice not to post it. To go ahead and put it up, and then to even include a quote from a private conversation without so much as a "by-your-leave", is backstabbing. No other way to look at it. Not a nice thing for a "friend" to do.


in most situations I can and do agree with you. In this one however, where he in fact is the worlds voluntary journalist, he is expected to show no bais. Friendships, especially long stanging ones, shouldn't be wasted because someone is doing that which the job title requires them to do. Reza has been respectful in all his blogs. Your posts are always considerate, cordial and well spoken. Personally, I know you have it in you to forgive and move on.