VVV VS DE/RS/Whatever


World 5 has allies so that we can all huggle each other to death because the big guys are all scared of a real war(props to R2 for breaking the mold)

R2 got declared on by sciros and also had already been at war with the PKs, declared by the PKs. Not sure if you've got the right image of R2 here.


I will disregard everything else you said in your post as it was not directed at me.

I dont think that anybody could penetrate your thick skull xJezuzx. Your generalizations exceed yourself... although I cannot PROVE it, just like you cannot prove we are stacked by SCI, I have no need to lie over issues concerning DE.

SCI is certainly not using us, and we have been in K4 long before SCIOVA even took over the #1 spot last year. If it turns out our motives are the same, then woohoo yay hooray :icon_rolleyes:. Just because we fight VVV doesnt mean we are used by anybody. Maybe HOPLON is using you to fight LFKD? Idiotic isnt it? Well, generally thats the logic you are trying to throw in my face. Get it out of here.

Let me promise you, xJezuzx, that if we were stacked by SCI and we were in fact a dummy tribe... I assure you we would not have lost one village during the VVV assault. Its not my problem if you cannot accept that fact, and if you cant see past your own little box. I only think that you should stop attempting to convince me of why you think my tribe could be. Your Duke of TSE. Not the world. Get over yourself.


darkwhatever your name is.

It's obvoius that you're stacked and when you're pre-stacked then it's easy ro move around your own troops to stack even further. However even with stacknig you can lose villages, even stacking of 100k each can be taken down if you were unaware of since it seemed as such.

You weren't good enough to keep them. You're stacked only a dumb idiot would say otherwise. As long you stands up means the longer Sciova do, Sci wont have to war both R2-tru and VVV at the same time which they want to avoid obvoiusly.


Resorting to making fun of my name? Boy, your getting desperate, xJezuzx. Dont worry, your ego wont be ruined here :lol: or will it

IF ITS SO OBVIOUS... YOU MUST HAVE EVIDENCE AND IT SHOULD BE BEYOND WHAT YOU THINK IS "COMMON SENSE". Otherwise, you dont belong on the PnP acting like you have a valid point if you cant back up your arguments.

Not good enough to keep my villages? Everbody loses villages. Is nyxx not good enough for the villages he has lost to RFG in the past? I guess you might say so. Only 3 villages have been nobled from my core, and I have gained about almost 7 million OD in the past week. You know whats funny? You are the only one on here who pisses and moans about this issue. I dont see V V V coming on here and whining, so why do you feel its your job? Mind your own darn business, and come back when you can prove to me that you have a valid argument.


Resorting to making fun of my name? Boy, your getting desperate, xJezuzx. Dont worry, your ego wont be ruined here :lol: or will it

IF ITS SO OBVIOUS... YOU MUST HAVE EVIDENCE AND IT SHOULD BE BEYOND WHAT YOU THINK IS "COMMON SENSE". Otherwise, you dont belong on the PnP acting like you have a valid point if you cant back up your arguments.

Not good enough to keep my villages? Everbody loses villages. Is nyxx not good enough for the villages he has lost to RFG in the past? I guess you might say so. Only 3 villages have been nobled from my core, and I have gained about almost 7 million OD in the past week. You know whats funny? You are the only one on here who pisses and moans about this issue. I dont see V V V coming on here and whining, so why do you feel its your job? Mind your own darn business, and come back when you can prove to me that you have a valid argument.

Wow, that made total sense. Well said. Nice on the 7mil OD lols.


Fenks, finney :)

Now that your in ReV, I expect to see your OD climb
Use the secrets only some of us learned in INW 2 :lol: :lol: :lol:


OD is useless unless you survive and grow stronger.

"I assure you we would not have lost one village during the VVV assault." I belive that's your words. In that case yes you suck, to bad.

No need for evidence, we all know how the game is played, unless you're an idiot of course. If you weren't stacked you would have lsot at a more rapid rate. However these number will increase and soon you'll be merging into Pks or DL, th'at for Sci though. DE will merge into Rev or VVV unless they're erased which I belive would be prefered to assure that people do not safe support.

We weren't wrong before so we wouldn't be wrong now. It's all to obvious. If Evidence is needed then you're on the wrong forum.


I usualy don't waist time here, but I think I have to make something clear.

It took less then 2 weeks time to prepare this mission.

Dark you are stacked! I've seen some reports so don't lie.
And btw we can rebuild those 7 mio. troops in 10~14 days.
How fast can you re-build and re-stuck? And this wasn't all what we are capable of.
We are what 190 members in VVV and VVV+. And those attack were sent from maybe 20 members.

Now do the math and then be a wiseguy :p
You and your 11 friends have no future in W5!

Over and out



@ xJezuzx: Enough with the name calling. You are basing your argument purely on opinion, not fact. So yes, this being the PnP forum, evidence is needed. Your mistaken, I am not the idiot. If you are going to accuse, back yourself up. Otherwise, like I have already said countless times, you dont have a valid point. Surely the Dukie ~TSE~ can understand that. But it you havent yet then I am seriously questioning your ability to reason. I am stacked with my very own troops. What, did you think that I was pure nuke? I have built plenty of defense... surprise :icon_neutral:

@ Maka01: Clearly I am stacked, but not necessarily by SCI troops. Boy, you all are quick to accuse, arentcha? Tsk tsk... if you have to know for the 50th time, the reports you have seen are indeed of stacked villages, my own handiwork :) It doesnt take a skilled player to put his some defense into a village to fend off nukes. And if there are 190 of you... then surely you should have been able to take us out by now, especially if that operation only took 2 weeks to plan. Where have all you been? I would hope thats not all you are capable of... if it was then you had better steer clear of any war at all. :lol:
Now you do the math. If thats how you fight against a few players in one continent, then you and your friends have no future in W5.

W5 is a gutless world.

FFS, enough whining from you all.