I told UBM I'd give him some of my backstory, he wanted details... 
[12/04/2018 16:48:49] Undead Billy Mays: oh yeah- just give me the details
[13/04/2018 08:34:54 | Edited 08:51:56] h0llygh0st/Jasper/FiveNobleDeathPunch: Alright, well this will be quite long so be warned. For people reading this in the future I suggest putting on some music, I suggest Doom's OST (
But perhaps Lofi hiphop radio is better suited as it's far more relaxed. (
Before I begin with telling you who I am and what I've done on TW over the years. I'd like to remind you that when I started playing this game, it was completely different than what it is now. At the beginning, everybody was a noob and me especially, I was 15 years old and I've spend so much time on this damn game that I had to redo 2 of my school years. Though it's likely that if I hadn't wasted time here, I would have wasted it somewhere else instead.
So I began playing TW in 2006, september. Both on W1 and W2 together. W1 had been going since the spring but W2 was more new. And it's where I put most of my focus.
W1: I was a noob like I said, but I managed to join HNR (Honour) which was the academy of RoBaC, most people won't recognize that name but old school people might. RoBaC v TW was one of the most fun wars I've happened to be able to spectate (As I was rimmed very easily by TW's allies) and sadly enough the PnP and effort put into it haven't even been matched since... I fooled around after getting rimmed involving myself in PP (Paladins Paladins) a parody tribe mocking the Paladin family tribe, which were the noobs of the noobs back in the day.
W2: I joined and landed in K75, joined a local tribe named Condo and then joined it's leadership. It was a fun smallish tribe in a world with massive family tribes, there were at least 10 large family tribes with 2-5 branches each or more. One such family was XiG, and I liked them. Their leaders posted on the externals and were pretty aggressive and so was I back then. I managed to help convince my tribe to merge into XiG but it only lasted for a few days because a new power was rising named RUM (Regional Underground Movement). Which at its peak had a massive 52 family branches... Like I said, it was a completely different game back then. Our tribe (I was no longer involved in the leadership after the merge) decided to leave the XiG family and join RUM instead. I quite disliked that and left to join a friend's tribe called TUBA (The UnBeatable Alliance? ... I think.) But I didn't stop to check the diplomacy of the world. Apparently they were being gangbanged by most tribes around. Smoker, FTR, XiG, ... So I was rimmed. I didn't quit there though. I restarted and went NW to join close to a RL friend of mine. I joined StW which was allied to XiG which I still liked. Here I finally managed to grow to a respectable size and noticed for the first time that... I dislike playing TW. A large account was boring (Large being 20+ villages) So I quit and fooled around on W2 like in W1, joining ROFL which made hilarious threads on the externals. After a year or 2 I spoke to some friends of mine still playing W2 and joined TW. But again, large accounts bored me... So I quit W2 once more. It was still my favourite world to follow though.
W5: Still a noob here, I got rimmed early on by WOLVES.
W6: The first world where I really started to learn the game. I joined with a few friends and we made a family tribe in the North of the world. I was a duke for the first time. After a few weeks though we started slipping in the rankings as family tribes do and I also grew tired of my fellow dukes recruiting people without bothering to even talk to them properly. I spoke to a local 6 man tribe called STONED. Which was being lead by Alphabonkers and... I think Stonesour? And these guys showed me the ropes. I left my family tribe but took their best members with me and joined STONED. Which would do quite well in W6, we eventually formed w00t with another tribe in the south (I think lead by Matt?!) and fought CHE!!! lead by Bloodhood. I grew large again though and got bored. Still kept in contact though.
Now follows a series of worlds where I truly enjoyed the fun part of TW, startup. During and after W6 I finally managed to make somewhat of a name for myself. I was still pretty much a noob but I did notice I had some talents in leading. I grew my accounts fast but got bored with them equally fast.
W7: I was a baron in a premade I believe was called "BIRDS" lead by Xavirus but disbanded by Friskybird. I grew to a few villages in size before quitting as the next world came out.
W8: I was a baron in CEG, a gathering of W2 players from XiG and StW. I went on vacation though and had to put a sitter. After I came back my account had barely grown... I grew to a few villages in size before quitting as the next world came out.
W9: I was a baron in NGR. A grouping of several W8 premades, mostly NG and REL (New Generation and Relentless) I grew to a few villages in size before quitting as the next world came out.
W10: I was a baron in IBAN, lead by... Omnitank? and a few others who's name I'm forgetting atm. (Sp.Ag was also a baron I believe.) This world had some amazing PnP banter and I believe was the first speed 2 world. We had a good group going but internal discord and I believe a better showing by a neighbouring premade made life hard. I grew to a few villages in size before quitting as the next world came out.
W12: I was a baron in XiG, yes the same XiG as in W2 again. I should also mention that people like Tyr Hades, Warhawg and Bill were also from XiG. We were pretty good friends. This world was also speed 2 and by this time Tribalwars was truly becoming a big game, the world opened and immediately the center K's were filled up. It was insane, XiG had several branches and joined a coalition called "The Fantastic Four" I had great fun here but being a diplomat and coordinator of this coalition was taking a lot out of me. Keeping our duke Warhawg from attacking everyone at once was also troublesome. I grew a bit larger here before ultimately quitting again. School/family was also starting to pressure me more about spending less time on the PC. My grades were failing...
W13: But that didn't stop me from playing yet another world. In W13 it was the first time since W2 where I wasn't in the leadership. I joined Thargoran's tribe n00bs and while I learned a lot from them about actually playing the game, I felt I couldn't quite play at their level and I decided I didn't like utilizing scripts as much as they did (Guess I was still a noob.) I quit around the time nobles came out.
W14: I was a baron in -Bio! under Sp.Ag and this was the first world where I co-played someone, JoeyKangaroo. Another forum poster with to much time on their hands like myself. We did really well and managed top 10 I believe, but... You know the drill by now. I grew to about 10 villages in size before quitting as the next world came out.
W16: A very hyped up premade called Hippos and lead by Openeye was joining this world and I wanted to be a part of it. Now this is where my memory fails me for the first time. I'm not sure if I was a baron or not, but I do believe I was council... Regardless, this was also the first 0,5 speed world. 4 times slower than worlds 10 and 12 had been. Hippos did pretty well as was expected with their line-up but then our duke got into an accident. Although later I learned he just couldn't cope with duking anymore and needed an excuse. Which I can understand having been a duke myself. I ultimately quit that world as growth was truly slow. I did manage to farm an elder mod on that world though which made it all worthwhile (The mods had given me so many infractions over the years...)
[13/04/2018 08:51:28] h0llygh0st/Jasper/FiveNobleDeathPunch:
W17: Here I joined the world with an intention of duking once again. I joined a bit later in the rim and behind a tribe lead by Bloodhood, an enemy in W6 but a friend in W12. The tribe was called -Evo- and we grew quite well, we took control over about 2K's with 40 members, no more family tribe shenanigans. I went on a school vacation for almost 2 weeks to Greece though and I only had very limited internet access, I left the tribe under my co-duke's management, Wickerman. He did well considering I basically dumped the tribe on him. The tribe's influence grew to being dominant over 3 K's and we had a fairly secure backline to our east and a secure North thanks to our allies. In our south though... Was Wisdom. Anyways, after my vacation I took back the dukkeship but felt that I wasn't really enjoying it much anymore. People had been recruited whom I didn't know and friends of mine had quit. I quit the world as well soon after I returned. Our tribe fell to Wisdom who I believe managed to win the world in the end.
I did some more world hopping in W19 and 20 I believe, but by now you get the gist of it. Besides not much noteworthy stuck in my memory from those worlds.
W21: I was a baron in SHYT, which was basically our XiG friends from the past. (Like Bill and Tyr) We fooled around a LOT on the externals with our tribetag and basically got told that is enough is enough, change the name or start getting bans. So we merged with some friends to form Static (We were only 20 or so members after the merge) Then again a merge with another small premade to form Sexy! (I chose that name ^^) And Sexy had a pretty damn good line-up at this point. With a very active leadership. However... Sexy! as a name meant that we also had quite a few IG threads in our forum about well, sexy things. And apparently pornography isn't allowed there. Which resulted in almost half our tribe getting banned, including our duke and some barons. I and 1 other person were left to lead the remains of our tribe after the banwave and this was right around the time that a war with Puffin was starting (Another merged premade, PoE and Muffin) Basically, we got wrecked. Perhaps without the bans things would've been different but who knows. We disbanded. Some of our members ended up winning the world though in the end (Go Busamad!)
I slowed down in joining worlds around this time. Probably a good thing, I was redoing 1 of my years.)
W30: I joined a premade under Bloodhood this time. Again as a diplomat like in W12. Me and Rob (Bloodhood) had been friends for a while now as we kept playing the same worlds. We had great fun on this world, owned some noob family tribes and stuff. The usual, but we soon met another strong tribe to our North. BD (Black Dawn) And I believe I even lost all my original vills and had to relocate. Eventually if I remember right, our tribe fell and the leftovers were recruited into our allies, PHX lead by Pajuno. Who (Again my memory is hazy and I'm to lazy to go and factcheck) ended up winning the world.
W34: I tried co-playing again, with GravyBoatCaptain, a cool guy but yeah... Wasn't for me this co-playing business. We played in Muppet under Allyboo, but the tribe was pretty tryhard and it didn't quite suit me. I quit fairly early into the world.
Now in between 34 and 40 I focused more on school but didn't stop playing, I was a mod around this time (Strange how things go...) and mods had the privilege back then to join worlds before they realized and mess around while Morthy tests things. The staff back then for this game was far larger than you'd think as well. IG mods, forum mods, bloggers, wiki people, TW even had a radiostation at one point! But anyways. On one of these "Testworlds" I formed a small tribe and had to give it a name, I called it Apathy. And me and 7 other guys smashes the other staff to win ^^ And it gave me the urge to lead again.
W40: By this time worlds came out 2 at a time. So when I had announced my premade to be on W40 I was taking a risk. But W40/41 were coming out in the summer and after the exams. I had 2 months to play a world and have fun. W40's settings weren't to the liking of a lot of my players though, more than half decided to play 41 instead in a friends tribe. Another baron from W21's Sexy! But I'm forgetting his name... Regardless, since we had a smaller group (About 10) we decided to join a bit late and just mess around not taking things seriously, Apathy was a suitable name. We joined in IBAN's backline (Sameish tribe as W10 lead by Sp.AG) and secured their backline for them. We basically owned family tribes 10 times our size and ridiculed them on the external forums. I was still a teen mind you...

We really had loads of fun but when summer came to and end so did our success, we kept punching above our size but I couldn't continue with school starting. I merged the tribe into IBAN and quit. IBAN fell soon after though.
[13/04/2018 08:52:23] h0llygh0st/Jasper/FiveNobleDeathPunch: Taking a break for now, the next world is a really long type. I finished my nightshift and need sleep, will continue tomorrow most likely
[23/04/2018 22:27:34] h0llygh0st/Jasper/FiveNobleDeathPunch: Alright, took me a week or so longer but I'll continue.
After W40 I took a long break, about a year. I had just received the news that I had to redo my final year so I wanted to make time for that. Unfortunately I didn't... But I did pass.
And so I announced a premade, this time a serious one. For W51, called Apathy again.
We honestly had an amazing line-up and a great start as well. When we as a tribe hit 1 mill, the #2 wasn't even at 700K yet. We we're dominating most of the SE except for K65. And I was closest to that. Now during the first few months nothing much happened, I had a decent leadership but a lot of the strain still fell upon me and my co-duke Grawler/Krakkan. But a month after I graduated I got myself a job and started working, I noticed I didn't have that much so I handed duke to Grawler and let myself be co-duke. But... He was also losing in activity. Basically we had a shortage of capable and active leadership. While trying to work on that we received an OP from a small tribe named Axte since we had hit friends of theirs in another tribe. We lost some vills and they took that as an incentive to continue.
By now I should highlight the main issue in our tribe, K55 and especially the border region around K65, was struggling... While K56 was doing really well for growth. Even venturing North somewhat and also into K57. The core needed help from the rim, I was in the core and Grawler on the rim. Apparently our continued struggling formed a rift in our tribe. I had a chat with Grawler about me taking back the title of duke to try and create more cohesion in the tribe and Axte merged in their friends and launched another OP. Causing me to lose vills while there was still uncertainty and division in our tribe.
Next thing I know, Grawler leaves the tribe (Apparently disgruntled I tried to demote him) and forms his own tribe, inviting the people from K56. Most follow suit, some ask me what's going on. Apparently a lot of the people who followed thought I was on board with the idea. Regardless our struggling K55 part was now alone and Grawler had worked out a deal with our enemies Axte for them to rim me and then ally. I didn't take it well... But me and the people close to me were rimmed nonetheless. I still had plenty of friends in the new tribe Grawler formed, but since I was rimmed they couldn't help me...
I restarted on the rim, deciding to go SE again and hopefully grow large again. 2 others restarted with me but they didn't grow much and quit before nobling once more.
From there I regrew Apathy without disbanding, we climbed back up to #6 after absorbing other tribes 8 months or so later. And we're prepping to face either Sheeps, or Axte. The 2 top tribes in the world.
I wanted to hit Axte... But my tribe favoured hitting Sheeps. Axte had starting hitting our allies Metal though (Lead by DA Nemesis) which to me meant my hand was forced and we'd go against Axte while working with Sheeps. Like I said though, my tribe was a collection of recruits gathered from different tribes. One such tribe was being led by Anthils/Shahyd. And he didn't get in, but did speak to Axte. He managed to convince a former member of his to hand over his sit to him, coincidentally our largest member. I felt forced to kick him as apparently our largest member had quit, giving the acc to him. Axte recruited him soon after... And 2 others followed. At this point I just couldn't handle it anymore... Betrayed again. I should mention that everything leadership related was done by me in the last, well almost year. I've had more than 10 people in my leadership and none did as you'd expect due to various reasons... I just burned out...
After W51 I really felt like quitting TW altogether, and I did for another year or so. I played Grepolis and other games such as AoE2 and loads of Total War. Eventually Innogames came out with another game, Forge of Empires, on which I met a lot of old TW players again. They somehow managed to drag me back for W61

God damn it...
So, Riot! W61. Tbh I don't remember as much as I should. I co'd Skux and we did real well, holding a top 5 rank for a long while, even hitting #1 for a brief moment. I was doing diplomacy (Which I love) and Riot! was dominating their starting K. Our duke, Sacredfool, quit though. And the rest of our leadership (Royalist, Alphabonkers.) were people I had trouble getting along with, though I honestly can't remember why. I do remember quitting and joining again on the rim, leaving my old acc to Skux to finish the world. On the rim I met Bill again and a few other friends, we joined a family tribe and took over but it was harder than we thought. We soon had to give up. This time I was determined to quit for good though. I uninstalled my Skype and before that asked Jirki to permaban me on the externals. My account was still lost on Skux.
Then W77 was my next stop, about 18 months later. I don't know why I came back... It started with reinstalling Skype, a week later asking Jirki to unban me and then eventually I even got my account back. What was I thinking? But 2 days ahead of W77 I got dragged into a premade (Pow!) lead by Muldie. I did quite well, getting top 10-20 for the first few weeks.
Somehow I got made into a diplomat, then a baron, and eventually I was duke. I say eventually but this all happened in the span of 2 weeks or so. Muldie left me a tribe that had drama, an ongoing war with Krieger and no real leadership. It was quite a mess... I allied our West so we could focus on Krieger in the East (Who did not want to speak of peace.) But Krieger started real clustered up while we were spread out, this was my first no hauls world so I might have made the same mistake had I been leadership pre-world, but still another thing Muldie left me. We kept bleeding villages eventhough the tribe did quite well all in all. Leading in a losing tribe is rough though, you get the sits, the shit and it's all on you. I merged us into our allies to the West and let myself be internalled. Apparently Krieger couldn't be stopped though. When I checked later he had wiped them all out, though he did recruit a few. for some reason Krieger asked me if I wanted to co on an acc for a while, I accepted. It had been a few years since I played on an acc larger than a 1 mill. It was kinda refreshing, though after a month the original co came back and I tapped out.
I then played in a HP world with Arabela which we won (sun) While planning a new premade for W83. This one was to be lead by Bill, who was also on W77 btw, and he wanted me for diplomacy.
[23/04/2018 22:39:27] Undead Billy Mays:

- this is longer than our entire blog (j/k)
[23/04/2018 22:48:34] h0llygh0st/Jasper/FiveNobleDeathPunch:
Now, W83 Golden was the best fun I've had in a long long while on TW... Probably the most fun altogether since W40.
We had a great leadership team, a strong roster and I had a lot of time during start up

Not unimportant. We started off strong, dominating our corner of the world, and eventhough I was nearly rimmed (If the enemy's noble had landed 30 min earlier...) we had loads of laughs on VC and in the normal Skype chat. We allied 4 tribes on that world. And merged in all 4 of them, some were small (5 players.) And others were large (30 players.) But I do prefer to merge in allies rather than betraying them. Besides, after the long defense, against NAM, we had to do of our ally trough sits... We were quite done. Taking on our allies after that would have burned out our leadership completely.
I could go on and on about W83 and it's tribes (Freak, Blue!, Google, Warpigs, NBD) and my interactions with them as diplomat. But in short... This world was going to be Golden on 1 side and NAM on the other. NAM gladly took the "bad guys" tag and that helped us quite a bit to convince other people to join "our" side. While NAM was nobling tribes that would have gladly sided with them. What started as 2 equal loose coalitions, ended in a 2v1 against NAM. Bill and Krieger has also been our leaders since the start of the world while NAM had a coming and going of leaders. The stronger tribe won out in the end is all I'll say about that.
After W83 I took another break, though this time I remained involved in the TW community. Which was far smaller now than it had been...
I fooled around on a few worlds, and agreed to lead a tribe on W100 with Bill and Tris. Bill was playing on W80 and 90, Tris was being a community manager on Travian (Lol) and I decided to mess around like in the good old days of W40 with a premade called Apathy.
I had it planned for W91 and a lot of old friends turned up ^^ Bill and James joined to try and rim me for shits and giggles early game, but landed on the other side of the K.
Soon though I noticed that quite a few people I had recruited didn't understand that I wasn't actually going to lead much. We'd just goof around normally and have fun picking on weaker tribes. But that wasn't meant to be I guess. Meanwhile in the K next to us, Incoming Impact (Sam) was duking another tribe with a few people abusing the p2w system with him. I declared war on them for fun and got peace soon after, but contact was made. Sam asked me if he could recruit around myself and thus secure a passage to the rim for his tribe, he'd internal me when I was done having fun. I was not amused by that, finding it pretty arrogant as a suggestion and declined him. He didn't take kindly to that though... And turned hostile, he went on to recruit the people he planned to earlier and I was now pretty much surrounded.
Seeing my earlier plans of not caring and just doing whatever going up in smoke if I took this seriously... And I did. For some reason, people asking me to do so and my pride getting hurt were the main factors I suppose. I started recruiting in the NE and started doing diplomacy. All in all, things went very well for us. The larger portion of the premade died out soon and we were left with a more capable tribe than most premades would be. We even had a functioning leadership unlike in W51. I soon noticed though that being on the frontline while also being duke and having a RL did not mix if you wanted to also then sleep. I felt myself slipping and losing interest as time went on... "Just going trough the motions" I'd still talk to our tribe and even make video's, but I no longer believed we'd win the world in my heart.
To the south was our long term enemy Corp (Sam's tribe) To the West were a NAP'd tribe called BeCool who had helped us sporadically against Corp but wanted to do more if possible. And in the SW you had our allies Rimjob, a merger between 2 tribes lead by friends of mine. (Ronnie and Barzy) We had been fighting Corp for a few months now and they had consistently been almost twice our size. Yet the score was pretty much even. Some time ago we decided to make it official and also declared on the externals. Before we did so we got confirmation from Rimjob that they'd join in on our side 2 weeks or so after.
Yet... That help never came, instead they wanted to take down the other last remaining power, BeCool. Which was suffering from infighting and inactivity. Admittedly a far easier target than Corp looked to be. But... That would mean that Apathy was to fight Corp alone, twice their size, while Rimjob which was almost equal in size to Corp would be munching on easy caps without helping in any way.
Well that's not an alliance in my book. I tried to talk to their leadership on multiple occasions but never got trough to them properly, I felt like they were just stalling me. I proposed to split up BeCool, us recruiting 1-3 and them recruiting/nobling the rest. We wouldn't even noble any of them as long as they'd help us against Corp. (I still liked my odds against Yahoo after Corp was done for if we had those at least.) But nope. They made it clear that I was to just stall Corp until they could beat Corp and then us due to the mere size difference. And that pissed me off. So I figured, if Apathy is to have NONE of BeCool (We also weren't allowed to noble them). Then we'll take it all. And I merged in BeCool creating a family :d Honestly a stupid thing to do, but man did it shake things up! For a time it was unclear what Rimjob would do, but when it became clear that they'd turn on us, well things got rough. I recruited more to try and equalize the size difference but it still came out as Apathy being the same size as both Corp and Rimjob separately. Fighting a 1v2 war would be rough and would take forever... I really felt betrayed by Rimjob's council and lost my motivation. We held out for another few weeks, but again I was "Going trough the motions.) In the end I spoke with Sam and decided to merge my tribe into his. Because eventhough we had been enemies all world long, at least he never lied or pretended to me. He was actually always straightforward in what he wanted, even if it was more than I could give him. I would quit very soon after, but I figured Corp would win being now 2 times larger than Rimjob.
I was wrong... In the end Rimjob won, but I do have to remark that Apathy members on both sides of that final war fought better than the players from the other 2 tribes. My biggest regret that world was giving up when it was 1v2, or perhaps merging in BeCool... But I shouldn't have given up. We could have still win... To late now though.
Now, after W91 and before we get to W100. I shortly played in Obey on W96.
Not much to say here, I co'd Arabela and we dominated our area early game. At the end of the year though work became to much for me (Sick colleagues) and I was going on a near 2 week trip to Tenerife (Where I later bough an apartment) The mood inside the tribe wasn't something I was used to, it was quite serious and fairly selfish. I didn't feel at home... Tribemates got angry at me for nobling vills that should have been freebies for them and everyone was so damn competitive... I mean, c'mon guys! It's only a game. Fight with people outside of the tribe not inside. Anyways, after I got done travelling I came back for a short while but still didn't feel at home. I decided to quit.
And now we're back to W100

Should be a fun world!
[23/04/2018 22:48:40] h0llygh0st/Jasper/FiveNobleDeathPunch: Yeah I know it's a bit long :d
[23/04/2018 22:48:45] h0llygh0st/Jasper/FiveNobleDeathPunch: I just felt like writing it down tbh
[23/04/2018 22:49:13] h0llygh0st/Jasper/FiveNobleDeathPunch: Now when someone asks me "Hmm, your name sounds familiar, where do I know you from?" I can just bombard them with a huge copy pasta, and tell them to figure it out for themselves
[23/04/2018 22:49:47] Undead Billy Mays: That sounds like a great plan!