W100 Celebration "WHO ARE THE GREATEST PLAYERS?" [Borrowed from W14/W85]



Thought i'd share the links with you here since you choose to ignore the w95 forums.


Waiting to hear the excuses now.
Bark Beta Bark.
Already directly responded. No excuses. Feel free to go read it.

Michael Corleone.

I disagree with Nauz as being one of the greatest players on this server. He knows his stuff for start up but as people have said before (I won't reveal who said this):

"When planning an OP, I have to find a way to not include him cause he messes up all the time."

That is me paraphrasing, but to be considered great I think you need to be a multi-dimensional player.


I disagree with Nauz as being one of the greatest players on this server. He knows his stuff for start up but as people have said before (I won't reveal who said this):

"When planning an OP, I have to find a way to not include him cause he messes up all the time."

That is me paraphrasing, but to be considered great I think you need to be a multi-dimensional player.

Cause I said this lol


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
best players are the ones who got no job/school, friends and umm idk what else..

if youre not free to farm 24/7, time attacks etc, you cant be great...


best players are the ones who got no job/school, friends and umm idk what else..

if youre not free to farm 24/7, time attacks etc, you cant be great...
You can't have a world winning account.

When it comes down to the length of a world TW is a game that doesn't really reward the best players though, just the most lucky/invested/obsessive.

That's not to say that the guys that win worlds are bad players, they aren't. I don't think its unfair to suggest we've all seen plenty of players who've coasted through worlds doing very little other than internalling, staying out of the way, jumping ship at the right time, finishing in the top 10 though. We op the good players on enemy tribes until they quit.

I've met players that consistently dump a stack into a 10ms train of noble nukes. I couldn't send a load of nukes that tight, and it would blind luck if split one. Or look at an account with thousands on incoming not tagged and know the score instantly. That's the guy I want to sit me when shit got real and I need to sleep whether they've won a world or not.

I've rambled a bit there. :oops:
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Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
You can't have a world winning account.

When it comes down to the length of a world TW is a game that doesn't really reward the best players though, just the most lucky/invested/obsessive.

That's not to say that the guys that win worlds are bad players, they aren't. I don't think its unfair to suggest we've all seen plenty of players who've coasted through worlds doing very little other than internalling, staying out of the way, jumping ship at the right time, finishing in the top 10 though. We op the good players on enemy tribes until they quit.

I've met players that consistently dump a stack into a 10ms train of noble nukes. I couldn't send a load of nukes that tight, and it would blind luck if split one. Or look at an account with Ithousands on incoming not tagged and know the score instantlh. That's the guy I want to sit me when shit got real and I need to sleep whether they've won a world or not.

I've rambled a bit there. :oops:

who was talking about tw rewarding best players or not rewarding?

fact is, you cant be great if you cant spend countless hours on this game.. even the lucky and the ones who only internal etc, spend hours and hours...


who was talking about tw rewarding best players or not rewarding?

fact is, you cant be great if you cant spend countless hours on this game.. even the lucky and the ones who only internal etc, spend hours and hours...
I'm saying that the best players are not necessarily the ones with the biggest accounts in my experience.

I thought I was pretty clear in my post. I'm sorry if this is a radical opinion to you.

To me the best player in a tribe is typically the one where I think "thank Christ" when I'm getting opped and need a sitter. That is rarely the big bastard in my experience, he'll be there when someone needs to be internalled though.

That best player has moved onto a new world out of boredom by the time the world is over.


I'm saying that the best players are not necessarily the ones with the biggest accounts in my experience.

I thought I was pretty clear in my post. I'm sorry if this is a radical opinion to you.

To me the best player in a tribe is typically the one where I think "thank Christ" when I'm getting opped and need a sitter. That is rarely the big bastard in my experience, he'll be there when someone needs to be internalled though.

That best player has moved onto a new world out of boredom by the time the world is over.

While I agree, not all big accounts are good, all good accounts are big.... IMO, one of the main characteristics that makes a player great is their account management and their ability to plan for optimal growth while putting themselves in the best possible position to be successful. There is a reason the same few accounts are always at the top of the rankings and it doesn't all come down to activity.


While I agree, not all big accounts are good, all good accounts are big.... IMO, one of the main characteristics that makes a player great is their account management and their ability to plan for optimal growth while putting themselves in the best possible position to be successful. There is a reason the same few accounts are always at the top of the rankings and it doesn't all come down to activity.
Totally agree mate. I'm not saying for one second that those guys suck, they dont. I will say they are greedy, they need to be to get where they are. :D


I do agree with what has been said regarding the large accounts but also, sometimes these large accounts are the better players in a tribe that are more active and sometimes feeding them more internals will put the villages to better and more proactive use? Take for instance 95, The Ashen One, super solid players, finished rank 1 and fed internals all world. Sat a lot of accounts being OP'd moved Def and jumped on new frontlines all the time, not to mention nuking everyone.

I agree with what your saying majority of the time people are fed and are not always the best players. But there are always some occasions where the big accounts are the better players.

The Ashen Diety lives on...

Michael Corleone.

i changed my mind. the greatest .net player of all time is hodgy77


hodgy is good for paying to win..he dumps tons of cash into this game and never really gets anywhere with it.

The name sounded familiar. Turns out he was in DEFY with me in W90. Pretty sure I never even considered him one of the better players in our mediocre rim tribe, even before he fell for the divide-n-conquer propaganda of our enemies 2HARD - he joined their tribe, and two weeks later they kicked and nobled him. They were well known for that, so it's not as if he even had any political savvy. 'spose he could have been spying, as if that makes it any better :D

Unless there's somehow two hodgy77s - the one I'm talking about seems to have changed his name since then - I'm gonna hazard a guess that Michael was being facetious.