You can't have a world winning account.
When it comes down to the length of a world TW is a game that doesn't really reward the best players though, just the most lucky/invested/obsessive.
That's not to say that the guys that win worlds are bad players, they aren't. I don't think its unfair to suggest we've all seen plenty of players who've coasted through worlds doing very little other than internalling, staying out of the way, jumping ship at the right time, finishing in the top 10 though. We op the good players on enemy tribes until they quit.
I've met players that consistently dump a stack into a 10ms train of noble nukes. I couldn't send a load of nukes that tight, and it would blind luck if split one. Or look at an account with Ithousands on incoming not tagged and know the score instantlh. That's the guy I want to sit me when shit got real and I need to sleep whether they've won a world or not.
I've rambled a bit there.