W114 - The Tribal Wars Academy


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Hello all,

On W114 I will largely be pp farming, but every world I enjoy to teach a couple new players. So I will be teaching many new players in a teaching focused tribe. I am looking for others who would be open to mentoring new players, to ensure that new players want to stick around for this game we all enjoy. How it would look/work:

Invite Only

I considered making the tribe open for anyone to join, this world enevitably fill up spaces with some people not so active or interested to learn. I will scout around the area for new players, or accept those who ask to learn. Tribes can even send players to me, if they found someone super active they like and want them to learn the game.


5-8 teachers total, with the remaining 17-20 as new players. Giving each teacher 3-5 players to teach. A more hands on and slighter higher number of the mentor system.

What will be taught

- Start up build
- Scavenging
- Farming
- Troop builds/village types

-Basic premium play
-Market/sniping res
-Playing the mail box (recruitment to tribes, PA's)

-How to choose targets
-Controlling the 9x9 15x15 etc
-Player Farming
-Script based Scavenging/farming

-Different trains (split, nuke noble, different escorts etc)
-Timing support/def

-Further scripts
-Further Techniques

Anything further people have to add or change an order in the curriculum taught to new players, I appreciate any insight and suggestions! The more brains in the better quality players we can put out, and these can be potential future co-players or members of your tribes.


Non-stop Poster
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Love the idea, sadly never had the time to do something myself in recent worlds. If I join the world I'll message you!


Well-Known Member
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Anyone who wants to know more or potentially be a part, just shoot me a PM here and we can discuss. Alternately, anything you think players need to be taught and I missed, or a specific order, please add your suggestions here.