In a perfect world, i would be as short in my answers as Liam. But if i start answering this list, i have a feeling my brain want to explain my reasoning, give a few (a lot of) honourable mentions and my opinion why Buff have been a clear winner tribe since start.
01). Best all-round player: Messenger of Peace
Mo have been grinding on frontline(s) and exploited every single oppurtunity to damage the enemy as much as possible throughout the world. Compared to a lot of players, Mo dont use PP as much as them. Mo´s strength is to do everything in his power to noble in tribe operations and noble big and built villages throughout the world. That way he dont need to build barbs from bottom up, constant flow of troop production etc. etc. (Which is easier said than done)
In terms of defence, Mo is very mature and dont stress or freak out - no matter how big operation landing on him. Mo is very analytic and is giving good, easy and clear messages to council about defence situations on his account. This, combined with his high skillset as both defender and attacker, makes him a beast on any given frontline.
Also worth mentioning that there is NEVER any problems with Mo. He is easy to share frontline with. He is not greedy. He do what he gets told, but at the same time always manage to do more than expected, without beeing annoying. Mo is a team player i would love to play with every world.
Honourable mentions:
HelloHeidy: Before Fred and Lavim had to use a lot of IRL time on work, they did very well as a team. Lucky for them, CG always lurking in the background and help when needed.
Dwtrnx: Mert, together with Luka, mrkki and Trev have been more and more of a power-house account. With Merts commitment to winning the world, his defencive skillset and aggressive mindset, the account have been important for several months.
02). Best attacker:
Simply because i feel like ive tried to annoy the enemy as much as possible throughout the world. Always try and nobel on the 3. frontlines ive had. But at the same time, ive nuked as much for tribemates as for myself. Which is the key to success in my opinion. Also timing as many nukes on the same second as possible is super pain, but very effective against PP-players boosting wall.
03). Best defender:
WarDog/ HelloHeidy/ Dwtrnx/ Messenger of Peace
Ive been debating this one with myself, and i cant give this to just one player. All four have shown excellent defensive skillset throughout the world. Explanation for each below:
WarDog: Both Hugo and Xfire have some serious skillset defending. With 60-100 trains coming in, both Xfire and Hugo manage so stay calm and be productive defending and sniping it. Ive been under heat many times this world, but not even near the heat these guys were in the start. And my experience is that getting that many trains and nukes landing on an isolated area is very difficult to deal with. And both of them did really good every single operation on them.
HelloHeidy: Lavim is the first person id send my sit too if i go to sleep. Lavim is legit the sniping king, sending full defence villages as snipes on tens and hundreds of trains. Both from his own account and as sitter. Always keep calm and prepare to save any tribemember if stacks blow and things shatter. He will be the rescue.
Dwtrnx: Mert probably got ice in his veins. Stone cold analyst on any operation. Never accept players to "overstack" villages and want to be 98% certain where the "real deal" hits before organising defence. This is both excellent skillset defending, but also a great leader quality as council. Worth mentioning he is also a snipe king and take sits like a hero. Would never hesitate sending sit to Mert.
Messenger of Peace: Like mentioned earlier, Mo is a beast defending huge operations. Stays calm, good at communicating with tribemembers and council. Always good recommendations and high skillset overall defensive.
Honourable mention:
Griff: One of the most efficient leaders, specially close to a operation landing on his tribe. He gets defence coordinated where needed in the exact perfect time, not overstacking - but perfectly balanced throughout a frontline.
Rick: When Rick decides to fix defence for an incoming operation, he is very good at getting overview of the situation and makes good decisions. Then makes things happend in his very mature and friendly tone towards tribe members.
04). Best strategic player:
I Like Trains
Mitch played on I Like Trains this world,
originally plays on
Superdog. Im very glad ive been able to council together with Mitch. His overview of accounts, enemies and diplomatics is superb. Also appreciate his mature way of seeing things. Analytic, realistic and good leader.
Ive appreciated our voice-council chats very much.
Honourable mention:
Griff: Simply a pleasure reading his essays. Both the official ones, and the unofficial ones in council chats. Fearless, not afraid of disagreeing with all other council members. Sees the big picture, thinking ahead and also appreciate ever single tribe-member.
Hope you are well, Griff.
05). Best player that got rimmed:
Z1ppa chose to be internalled due to IRL got a little too buisy. Z1ppa is one of the purest personalities ive ever seen, and have been a social and friendly breath of fresh air for Buff. Im not saying Z1ppa have been a beast on the battlefield, but you should never underestimate the power of internal friendship and good vibe in a tribe
(In my experience Mr. Noob was very delusional and Darkheart crumbled first operation on him - not putting up even close to as hard as a fight as he could have. Not impressed)
06). Biggest Barb taker: Our pooga prince
Mesut <3
Simply because he rather take barbs early world, rather than players
07). Best tribe:
In short Buff as a tribe have been working very well together since start. Account channels on discord is doing wonders, every member wanting to help out sending deff is a great mindset and we have a lot of lovely players always keen on helping out. Players like absolute ruler, maxxie on james fraser, war-peace account, hellosilver etc. etc. is essential for a tribe to function. Always keen on helping with defence to frontline, beeing active throughout the world and so on. (I could mention A LOT of accounts, but those were the first who came to mind)
Also very fun to see council members step up when needed. Liam did brilliantly taking charge when basically all of council either were gone or buisy IRL. Griff and Rick when operations land. Mert and Lavim carrying with sits and as council in the end-game war. Gotta love it.
08). Runner-up Tribe:
I cant reason myself 100% to this answer, but ill explain why i still go with NoSpec.
A common saying is that activity wins a world. In terms of Hydra, V, Scylla and the other smaller tribes part of the coalition - i havent seen activity as a problem. Basically a combination of poor leadership AND poor aggressive skillset from everyone. (Not timing nukes, not doing all sends, not prepping proper fangs etc.)
In NoSpec its the other way around. The skillset is extremely good, and when the council is active - the council is damn good.
In general accounts in NoSpec have a skillset so high i am impressed. I havent played on the same side as Trex and his boys before, but with activity and effort - i understand why they are feared. They should be.
09). The most enjoyable player to piss off:
In short Cazzanova is so unreasonable its funny. Shoutout to Pietje and Suushi for carrying the acc before the force internal. Without you boys, the account would either be dead or perma-sit.
10). The player you never want to piss off:
Mesut (Timothy Mus)
My personal relation with Mesut have been growing strong the last couple months, and i consider him a good friend of mine now. But i would never piss him off, he comes at you so hard your gut hurts!
11). Best team (group of players): -
(Honourable mention to my team on Kreiz mid-game. Specially to Josh for always making sure the account runs. Building villages, shipping ress manually, fixing templates etc etc. Also a shoutout to Gabbe - you are a beast
when you play.)
12). Funniest player:
Your extensively long circular mails and your accusations of photoshop, manipulating smaller tribes and exploiting others have been very fun to read.
(Glad ive got to known you the last few weeks, you have been an excellent tribe member in Buff)
Honourable mention:
Dark Magician: Simply a fun character
Mesut: Pooga soldier!
Dasake: Gotta love ya
13). Best war: -
(Watchtower is making it difficult to "good" warfare, sadly)
14). Who would you most like to meet?:
Mitch, Mert, Liam, Mo, hellosilver, Maxxie, Myhr, Alex, Z1ppa, ruler acc, Norgeswrap, pietje, Mesut, dasake and Lavim comes to mind
15). Who's computer would you most like to break?: My own, tribal wars is a drug
16). Most overrated player:
Goddess Bestla
Loads of points and villages, very little impact on frontline. Ive been front with GB for months, only got threatened once when i was on vacation. You dont win a world beeing on a frontline as turtle and internalling.
17). Most improved player: -
18). Most annoying player(s):
Dasake and Mesut when they dont agree with you <3
Honourable mention:
Mr. Walk: We have a good relation, and i like you as a person. But its damn hard to coordinate a frontline with you - which is annoying
Cazzanova: So delusional and greedy it hurts. Refuse to share villages on "his" frontline
19). Luckiest player: -
20). Best alliance:
Buff and Nospec
Feel like ive given reasons for it earlier
22). Best mail:
Your legendary circular mails!
23). Most dramatic:
Dasake <3
24). Most paranoid:
Mesut <3
25). Most underhanded:
GB, Lathcky and Apostle
Internalling more than leading and fighting
26). Most loyal:
Trusting council 100%. Joining NoSpec and have been a great tribe member all world
27). Greatest spy: -
(I honestly havent gotten much spy info. Other in council need to answer that)
28). Biggest Stat padder:
Gordon Ramsay
And it works! Getting the ODS Badge!
29). Best leader:
Reasons mentioned earlier
30). Worst leader:
Goddess Bestla
Backstabs. Points fingers on other in leadership. Complaints and internal. Not my cup of tea.
31). Best team player:
Shared between Lavim, Mo and Mert
No doubt in my opinion
32). Worst team player:
Shared between Apostle and Goddess Bestla
As council you should have the oversight to understand where to stack heavy, and where to snipe or dodge. Both Apostle account and GB account have several times overstacked, not helping out tribemates and try to hide it when the dust settles. No bueno
33). Laziest player:
Truth is the defence you provided to several fronts have been crucial, and i appreciate that a lot. But beeing afk for days and days is lazy.
Thanks for the experience of playing this world!
Its been a great ride, and i appreciate all of you. Sorry if ive stepped on a few toes here and there to achieve rank 1, please forgive me.
Appreciate all the work council have done throughout the world, and the team-spirit in Nospec & Buff alliance.
Wish you all the best and a good summer!