A year has passed and many (well not so many) things happened in w16.I gathered here some significant maps that should present the w16 history (don't ask me about the early days maps when every map had totally different tribes in it). I don't have that good of a memory or will to search all the threads in w16 , so i will ask your help to write a short description to each map (e.g. x merged with y, x wars z, z disbanded and so on).
This has been made with the courtesy of moomix1 (w9 player) who had the original idea. Many thanks to those who made the maps and to those who contributed with constructive criticism and descriptions.
Here it goes :
The beginning:
-tribes stabilise
-early conflicts between Hippos and Center & CND
-LOME - ~300~ war (if you can call it this way at this stage)
Disband and merge time!
-Phail merge with Piep
-LIVE merge with IP
-ANH disbands , remains go to Haznog and Center
-LOME, ~300~ and nRu disband (last one merges with Hippos)
- NSK (or ~WMA~)/-PRO-/REF merged into ORC
-XXL disbands
-Boe disbands ,Plight arises on it's ashes , with RatedR helping absorbing the players from Boe
-CND&Center vs Hippos continues
-ORC at war with MILK and Hippos, though very little gain is made in both wars.
-PIEP merge into MILK, CND continue the fight against the newly formed tribe
-VILE disbands , RatedR takes on the remains
-Haznog merges into Hippos (or at least the top players)
The big merges & and the big wars
-Center CND merge
-IP merges into C²
-Ratedr-Hippos war , which ends quickly and abruptly after the dissapearance of LordAOE, the leader of Ratedr
-Plight joins the war against Hippos, with the pretext of NA(a target of plgiht) merging into Hippos
-ST merged with ORC and boosted them to the top 8
-BANG! fight MILK
-Soap disbands , members go to HRV and ~I~
-RatedR disbands, Plight,Orc and Hippos take the spoils of war
-C² war TIF
The fall of Hippos
-Hippos disbands
-Milk disbands, most of the members go to BANG! and Virus, the latter one attracts on it the wrath of CND (lol) because of this recruitment
-Lofs merges with Ni! to form GUNs, shortly after GUNs declares on Plight, helping their allie ORC
-TIF disbands, members go to C² , or BFL (the presumed academy of C²)
-Plight declares war on ORC
-AIDS is formed against LOD (HRV,~I~, Plight and HOT form a temporary alliance to fight LOD)
-BANG! fight Virus
-LOD disbands, ~I~ and HRV take the spoils of war. However, tensions arise between the too because of the recruitment
-Plight has major internal and external issues, tribes declares on itself, changing the name in Ni!, loosing the war against GUNs and ORc
-Virus falls out of top20
-skirmishes appear between C² and CND after the drop of the NAP between the two
-Ni! is back to it's original name, Plight , as Plight stabilizes after internal conflicts , runaway members are welcomed back in the tribe
-Plight, ORC ,and GUNs sign a peace treaty
-GUNs merges into Plight and ORC, but the remaining members stick to the tribe
-HRV declares on ~I~, ~LS~ joins the war
-A large number of tribes in the Northwest form the KTF/KOTF family
Wars go on!
-ORC-BANG! war continues, even if it has become a stalemate.
-CND-C² war continues
-some players leave ~I~ to form meh, but ~I~ (and meh) collapse and leave the tribe top 20,being nobled by HRV and LS.
-KOTF/KTF familly split into the KOTF familly and Ad Inf familly
-HRV declared on Blitz
-BANG! and ORC continue to fight their war
-CND and C² seem to be doing very little in their conflict
-KOTF+ vs TARI war
- C² vs CND war finally ends due to the inactivity in CND, the latter one merging into C²
-Nothing changes on the BANG!-ORC front
-Dust vs. ~LS~ war
-GUNs disbands; former members join either Ni! or What?
-ORC players defecting from the BANG!/ORC war join What? which changes its name to ~PnX~
-~PnX~ declares on BANG?! (merger of ORC and BANG!)
-Ad Inf declares on BANG?!
-IAR continue their conflict with Ad Inf
-Plight declares on ~PnX~, ORC jump ship to Plight.
-LS vs Dust conflict continues, having HRV joined the fun against Dust.
-|BFL| merges into C²
-TKR declared on Ad Inf
-~LS~ & =HRV= merge in to LSHRV
-C² drops the alliance with LSHRV and a war starts
-~PnX~ is more or less destroyed
-The TKR/Bang! "war" against Ad Inf continues
-The w16 forum community is taken over by a plush toy avatar craze
================================================== ====================
- C² vs. LSHRV war continues with C² making slow but steady gains
- TKR merges into Bang!
- Dust/Sunny continues to hold out against LSHRV
- Ad Inf crumbles
This has been made with the courtesy of moomix1 (w9 player) who had the original idea. Many thanks to those who made the maps and to those who contributed with constructive criticism and descriptions.
Here it goes :

The beginning:
-tribes stabilise
-early conflicts between Hippos and Center & CND
-LOME - ~300~ war (if you can call it this way at this stage)

Disband and merge time!
-Phail merge with Piep
-LIVE merge with IP
-ANH disbands , remains go to Haznog and Center
-LOME, ~300~ and nRu disband (last one merges with Hippos)
- NSK (or ~WMA~)/-PRO-/REF merged into ORC

-XXL disbands
-Boe disbands ,Plight arises on it's ashes , with RatedR helping absorbing the players from Boe
-CND&Center vs Hippos continues
-ORC at war with MILK and Hippos, though very little gain is made in both wars.

-PIEP merge into MILK, CND continue the fight against the newly formed tribe
-VILE disbands , RatedR takes on the remains
-Haznog merges into Hippos (or at least the top players)

The big merges & and the big wars
-Center CND merge
-IP merges into C²
-Ratedr-Hippos war , which ends quickly and abruptly after the dissapearance of LordAOE, the leader of Ratedr
-Plight joins the war against Hippos, with the pretext of NA(a target of plgiht) merging into Hippos
-ST merged with ORC and boosted them to the top 8
-BANG! fight MILK

-Soap disbands , members go to HRV and ~I~
-RatedR disbands, Plight,Orc and Hippos take the spoils of war
-C² war TIF

The fall of Hippos
-Hippos disbands
-Milk disbands, most of the members go to BANG! and Virus, the latter one attracts on it the wrath of CND (lol) because of this recruitment
-Lofs merges with Ni! to form GUNs, shortly after GUNs declares on Plight, helping their allie ORC
-TIF disbands, members go to C² , or BFL (the presumed academy of C²)
-Plight declares war on ORC
-AIDS is formed against LOD (HRV,~I~, Plight and HOT form a temporary alliance to fight LOD)
-BANG! fight Virus

-LOD disbands, ~I~ and HRV take the spoils of war. However, tensions arise between the too because of the recruitment
-Plight has major internal and external issues, tribes declares on itself, changing the name in Ni!, loosing the war against GUNs and ORc
-Virus falls out of top20
-skirmishes appear between C² and CND after the drop of the NAP between the two

-Ni! is back to it's original name, Plight , as Plight stabilizes after internal conflicts , runaway members are welcomed back in the tribe
-Plight, ORC ,and GUNs sign a peace treaty
-GUNs merges into Plight and ORC, but the remaining members stick to the tribe
-HRV declares on ~I~, ~LS~ joins the war
-A large number of tribes in the Northwest form the KTF/KOTF family

Wars go on!
-ORC-BANG! war continues, even if it has become a stalemate.
-CND-C² war continues
-some players leave ~I~ to form meh, but ~I~ (and meh) collapse and leave the tribe top 20,being nobled by HRV and LS.
-KOTF/KTF familly split into the KOTF familly and Ad Inf familly

-HRV declared on Blitz
-BANG! and ORC continue to fight their war
-CND and C² seem to be doing very little in their conflict
-KOTF+ vs TARI war

- C² vs CND war finally ends due to the inactivity in CND, the latter one merging into C²
-Nothing changes on the BANG!-ORC front
-Dust vs. ~LS~ war
-GUNs disbands; former members join either Ni! or What?
-ORC players defecting from the BANG!/ORC war join What? which changes its name to ~PnX~

-~PnX~ declares on BANG?! (merger of ORC and BANG!)
-Ad Inf declares on BANG?!
-IAR continue their conflict with Ad Inf
-Plight declares on ~PnX~, ORC jump ship to Plight.
-LS vs Dust conflict continues, having HRV joined the fun against Dust.
-|BFL| merges into C²
-TKR declared on Ad Inf

-~LS~ & =HRV= merge in to LSHRV
-C² drops the alliance with LSHRV and a war starts
-~PnX~ is more or less destroyed
-The TKR/Bang! "war" against Ad Inf continues
-The w16 forum community is taken over by a plush toy avatar craze
================================================== ====================

- C² vs. LSHRV war continues with C² making slow but steady gains
- TKR merges into Bang!
- Dust/Sunny continues to hold out against LSHRV
- Ad Inf crumbles
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