meh, it's not the best i have seen, but it IS a map.
if i am not given a better one ( i doubt it ) i am using the one sf made.
btw, thanks sf for the map.
This is what i was thinking to write as a description for the map:
-ORC-BANG! war continues, even if it has become a stalemate.GUNs is giving a hand to ORC against BANG! (does KOTF have any involvement in this war? also someone please confirm the GUNs involvement )
-CND-C² war continues
-some players leave ~I~ to form meh, but ~I~ (and meh) collapse and leave the tribe top 20.
-KOTF/KTF familly split into the KOTF familly and Ad Inf familly
what more should i add?
I didn't know GUNs were helping us? We and Plight merged with them...they are we get more room their players will come over to us......