W20 Endgame Phase


When does the endgame phase start? Prime/RIM/S-3 have got points combined. Thats more than double the rest of all tribes put together...

Whats the percentage of Allied control we need to have?


Why are you counting S-3. No affiliation to Prime and irrelevent


when prime get rid of me the point whore hi xstefanx


The endgame phase is relatively new in Tribal Wars history and there is no set rule as to when a world will begin the end phase. When it is decided that a world is ready for endgame phase, an announcement will be made along with the conditions for winning the world, until then everyone involved has to just keep at it.


Actually this is from TW newsletter #10, published in September 2010:

We’re also aware that a lot of players are interested in how worlds end or are won and so would like to explain a little more about that.
Stage 1:
Once a world has roughly less than 1000 players, we run a survey to see if players would like half price coins/packets.
Stage 2:
When the world reaches less than 500 players we run a second survey with the option to reduce coin/packet costs further to 1/3rd of the standard cost.
Stage 3:
When a tribe (or family of tribes) reaches between 70% and 80% domination we will start the endgame phase. This involves closing the world to new registrations (if not already done), preventing players from starting over after being conquered and reducing coin/packet coins to 25% of the standard cost.
We then give the winning tribe three months to either finish by eliminating all opposition and thus end the world early (DNY did this) otherwise the world will be closed and whichever tribe has the most points will be declared the winner. If players wish for a world to continue past the 3 months, the dominating tribe must split up into smaller, warring factions.

Right now Prime and R.I.M are at 71.87% domination... Are you going to wait til 75%? That would be exactly 'between 70% and 80% domination'...


Its not a set percentage, moreso a these tribes have enough of the world in their control, and things are pretty much solid for the world. That said, I will make sure to give morthy a notice about the status of the world.


never mind counting theres still plenty fighting to do lol


Surely we're just about to start the endgame phase now? Prime+allies are up to 79.9% domination...


prime have not won this world even if it ends they have recruited it
prime is now full of cowards tribal god is the latest
its better to go down fighting than be remembered as a prime coward
w20 is not tribal wars its prime hugs anyone and every one


prime have not won this world even if it ends they have recruited it
prime is now full of cowards tribal god is the latest
its better to go down fighting than be remembered as a prime coward
w20 is not tribal wars its prime hugs anyone and every one

wow lol you are real power defense player! :icon_eek:


yes still having fun but i see your fellow tribe mates have lost interest in me seems they have new targets my incoming is a poor 2000 but no good complaining my turn will come i may need to go on the offensive see who i can annoy lol
see you at the end lol


prime have not won this world even if it ends they have recruited it
prime is now full of cowards tribal god is the latest
its better to go down fighting than be remembered as a prime coward
w20 is not tribal wars its prime hugs anyone and every one
umm i never went to prime? unless the new person on my account did...

this world seems to have gone to shit. i havent played in a couple months to see my account in prime. thats kinda sad. who is playing my account even? and i see some of my old mates have gone over now. well it was fun while it lated eh?
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yes tg w20 is shite now prime have recruited there way to winning the world pity as this was an excellent world to play still made some friends on here so it was worth playing and im still enjoying annoying prime players
what i will say on primes behalf is they have had good leadership and have played a tactical game with regards recruitment but not my idea of how to win :}


I want Prime to win though... S-3 have always been on their side or at least fighting the same tribes.