We’re also aware that a lot of players are interested in how worlds end or are won and so would like to explain a little more about that.
Stage 1:
Once a world has roughly less than 1000 players, we run a survey to see if players would like half price coins/packets.
Stage 2:
When the world reaches less than 500 players we run a second survey with the option to reduce coin/packet costs further to 1/3rd of the standard cost.
Stage 3:
When a tribe (or family of tribes) reaches between 70% and 80% domination we will start the endgame phase. This involves closing the world to new registrations (if not already done), preventing players from starting over after being conquered and reducing coin/packet coins to 25% of the standard cost.
We then give the winning tribe three months to either finish by eliminating all opposition and thus end the world early (DNY did this) otherwise the world will be closed and whichever tribe has the most points will be declared the winner. If players wish for a world to continue past the 3 months, the dominating tribe must split up into smaller, warring factions.