W21's Current Top 20


Its been a while since we've gotten a broad spectrum of opinions on tribes for the entire top 20.

So I thought its time for us to have a look at how our happy, sleepy little world has progressed since last we broke it down.

I will ask that if you are not prepared to post an opinion on each top 20 tribe, please refrain from posting.
Also it would be nice to get some input from the smaller tribes in the top 20, say outside the top 10, on what they think about the giants.

Heres mine:

1. TESB:
Still on top after suffering hit after hit! One gets the impression that they're hanging on by a thread, with their activity levels plummeting (TWstats), players ditching their tribe left right and center and in-fight after in-fight. They're still number 1.
Some might say due a decent crew of players that have taken over inactive accounts over there, I say it is more due simply to their immense size.
I think TESB have reached they're peak and they can go no further.

2. Puffin:
W21's Machiavellian pranksters. Haven't had a good war for a while and have been slowing down the pace a little over the past few months, I think they've been simming up for some heavy nobling. They've made a small but important jump into K57, opening up the box they were previously in. Seem to be heading north generally more than anything else.
With the North East completely destabilized now, will puffin capitalize? Time will tell.

3. ARG!:
We've almost finished wrapping up the Geometric Alliance, which turned out to be a lot more profitable than first assumed. Theres still plenty of rim for the pirates to plunder, far to the south and the east, but I have a few issues with Buschy taking over our tribes forums.
We'll stay our course and continue our expansion, and steady growth rates. Many of the visions that backwards saw for this tribe when they were ranked outside the top 50 for K75, have come to pass. He made them so. We are exactly where we want to be.

4. Dr No:
I was intrigued to find Dr No recruiting Bowline, be it old news, I didn't think they would take in TESB players. With TESB falling apart will this become a trend many will try?
I doubt Dr No would have it.
As always a solid tribe, with solid rim expansion available to them for potentially limitless growth. I heard that they had some tension with Sw1ft, not sure how that panned out.

5. IMP:
Head of the Imperial Dragoon Units, doing well in the daily caps, seem to be consolidating in K72, I can't see why, maybe simply to lock the K down. It bamboozles me how they can share such mixed territory with SW1FT and not want to fight each other.
I think they've made some bad decisions lately and now they're at crossroad which will decide whether they prevail or fall apart.

6. Knight:
The cream of the crop out of RON. I never understood why they merged in the first place. Better off they had have stuck it out and gone hard. Now they're getting back on track to where they belong.
They seem to be quickly re-establishing their original home turf and consolidating in there.
They say they need an ally to completely stabilize, I don't know about that, I think they could fly solo from where they're currently at.
I hope they take a bite out of ~BG~... that would be delicious.

7. TDR:
TDR are quiet, big, but they're growth rates are less than impressive. To me, they look like they will lose the first serious top 20 war they get themselves into. UWF would smash them.

8. UWF:
A tribe of 14 guys, ranked this high. That to me is impressive. They've got a tight knit core and they keep decent growth rates. They're leader is a clever guy who knows what he's doing. Experienced and has vision. They even have a bigger average player size than ARG! (something thats soon to change). But impressive none-the-less.
Clearly they're a tribe that has no dead weight. Hopefully they will never merge and be an example to us all ;)

9. ~BG~:
The bizzaro version of Knight. To me ~BG~ look like a group of guys that got left behind and decided to band together. I don't want to say that if Knight were RON's strength, then ~BG~ were its weakness's, because that would be far too general of a statement.
But its something along those lines. Not even in the top 20 for daily captures. They're growth rates suck. I doubt they'll be around long. Stronger tribes in the region Puffin/UWF/Knight will start feeding on them till theres nothing left.
If theres any good active players in that tribe they will leave and join better tribes.

10. SW1FT:
Made some good moves recently, I hope its not too late for them. Decided to pwn [L] and lock down their core. Growth patterns indicate they are nobling hard out there in K42, K41. Once they've finished with [L] you'd assume they'd have a look at TESB given its current state.
Still they've got members all over the world, which is not ideal >.<
They have a thin, but long stretching border with Dr No. If I were them, I would be prepared to lose that border.

11. IMP-U:
The academy within the IMP empire. Seem like decent guys. They're pretty much boxed in now between their own mother tribe and TESB. I know TESB was attacking them a few weeks back with little success.
Maybe its time they hit back?

12. MPFC:
Well well well. Monty Pythons Flying Circus, back for more. Didn't we destroy you guys a while back?
Looks like they've popped back up on the rim/fallen out of RON. Good luck to them, they're gonna need it up there. A new tribe, potentially unstable, has not yet found its feet. Fast food for UWF and ARG!, if we can be bothered stretching that far.

13. TSoH:
I honestly know very little about these guys. They appear to be the head of a large rim family.
By 'large' I mean many underling tribes, not actually large in size. They're profile seems kinda noob and they're a little spread out. I'm not expecting much from them, maybe they can fight ~BG~.
That would be funny to watch.

14. -AAS-:
A branch of the geometric alliance. Lead by Spacemanspiff92. She's a good leader, but she's lead her tribe astray. They started by mass-recruiting and forming a dysfunctional family alliance.
They're next move was to take in refugee's from literally every tribe ARG! ever went to war with, FFX, PWoT, ~FB~, UBS, the list goes on.
Now that we have trimmed their numbers a little Spaceman starts to see which of her tribesmates are reliable and which are there for protection (not that they were able to actually offer any).
Perhaps this will make them a better tribe, I hope so, they're nice people.

15. ~HOPE~:
If you look at the map, it would seem that HOPE "must" have some sort of deal with Dr No, because they're all over NO territory and they're still here :|

16. RDA:
Revenge of Dark Angels, fallen a few ranks over the last few weeks, probably due to the breaking up of RON into like 3 tribes.
In my opinion RDA are yet another family tribe in the constant parade of noobs who have no idea what they're doing which is W21.

17. T.T.T:
Totally team terminators. An odd name, my personal experience with them was only from the operations we took out against them. They're not great defenders, didn't send a single counter attack.
They're mostly too far away atm to continue eating.

18. SWIFT2:
I know very little about them. I guess they did their bit against [L], who seem to be mostly gone now. It kinda sucks how for these top 20 analysis's you have to say "see the mother tribe of this family" to state your opinion on them.
I'm sure SWIFT2 have their own independent agenda and culture to SW1FT, unfortunately due to a distinct lack of forum presence, we have no idea what that is.

19. IMPU:
These guys are too small to be of any consequence yet.

20. -ASA-:
Another one of three Geometric alliance tribes. I personally found -ASA- members to be the weakest of all three tribes. But there wasn't a huge difference.
I am fond of that gif that they all use in their profiles. If only their in-game skills were as 1337.
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Impressive posting, thank you!

And nice little slam on TESB. I'm not so sure they are falling apart tho. They're pressing us (PuFFiN) with full on cold war tactics. A little surprising, but I enjoy seeing the effort.

Rebuttal on PuFFiN, I don't believe they've played any pranks in the long recent past. Everything they do is above board and honest. I can understand your confusion however, since the ways of the elite are strange to the novice.

It was interesting to get to know what the semi-organized groups of misfits were doing below #3 Arg!, but I think you could have had a pretty comprehensive list with just the three.

Thanks again!


Rebuttal on PuFFiN, I don't believe they've played any pranks in the long recent past. Everything they do is above board and honest. I can understand your confusion however, since the ways of the elite are strange to the novice.

lol, then I guess your silly premium points offer is legit.

You're right, that is strange.


We've got several members who literally cannot afford PP. However, we can't do without them in our operations. It only takes us 3 weeks to grow back a completely destroyed nuke, and we have nothing going on at the moment. Thus, the offer is dead serious.


Isn't premium like 3 dollars per month?
Also would playing without premium be so bad? (personally I wouldn't do it, but the way you make it sound is as if they will quit the game if they can't have premium).


Isn't premium like 3 dollars per month?
Also would playing without premium be so bad? (personally I wouldn't do it, but the way you make it sound is as if they will quit the game if they can't have premium).

You have 137 villages. That means you have to go thru 137 villages every day just to harvest resources for packets. It means you don't know which villages aren't building troops. It means you don't know which villages need buildings upgraded. There is no mass recruit, no scripts to aid in faking.

And I know that the cost of a points is low by design. I've tried making the agrument of missing a meal per month to my tribemates, but its no joy. They like to eat.


Very well then, lets get back on track. Gimme some top 20 uberness Zoq.


1 TESB - Good tribe, friendly and more active than people think.
2 PuFFiN - Very skilled, the elites on W21
3 ARG! - Heard aibit about them, they look good.
4 Dr. NO - My old tribe, full of friendly people.
5 ~IMP~ - Dunno much about them?
6 Knight - 47Ron's old players, cant be that good.
7 TDR - Same as the above
8 UWF - Some great players, very good tribe.Like to see them declare on someone soon.
9 ~BG~ - :icon_eek:
10 SW1FT - Dunno
11 ~IMP~U - Dunno
12 MPFC - Dunno
13 TSoH - Dunno
14 -AAS- - Dunno
15 ~HOPE~ - Been around since my old iP days, lmao
16 RDA - Dunno
17 T.T.T - Dunno
18 SWIFT2 - Dunno
19 IMPU - Dunno
20 -ASA- - Dunno


Whenever I look into these tribes, and now its been a little while, I see several pretty hard working players at the top, and then the taper down effect is dramatic. Its like these gangs have about 10 players and the rest is fluff. The problem with TW is that the density of goodness outside of the middle 4 Ks is low. Tribes tend to connect the dots and backfill with plumber Joe. So, let me ask you, since you appear to have impressive knowledge of the landscape, do you think there is any opportunity for a few of these guys to merge together and sluff off their crudly players?

The other alternative, of course, is TESB to disband and reorganize into littler tribes while all of PuFFiN just does a mass quit. We've talked about it seriously before...but it would definitely level the playing field for everyone else. What do you think? Grasshoppers vs the Ants? Might be just as much fun as the battle of the titans.


Copies your template smivers, thanks. No worries, I changed comments.

1 TESB - Seem to be quiet and dead for the time being, lack leadership and have too many inactives to internally nobled. SHould be internally nobling for a month or 2... weak.
2 PuFFiN - Simply masterful.
3 ARG! - Don't know much about them but seem solid, backwards is doing a good job.
4 Dr. NO - Solid rimbuilders. Should grow well out there.
5 ~IMP~ - Family tribe, not a big fan.
6 Knight - Like it was said before, the strength from 47RON, cream of the crop.
7 TDR - Solid for the time being, wouldnt mind the best from here merging into knight, that'd be solid.
8 UWF - Small and powerful, 8/10 tribe.
9 ~BG~ - BOOOOOO. A disgrace to the old RON.
10 SW1FT - Dunno
11 ~IMP~U - Dunno
12 MPFC - Dunno
13 TSoH - Dunno
14 -AAS- - Dunno
15 ~HOPE~ - Dunno
16 RDA - Dunno
17 T.T.T - Dunno
18 SWIFT2 - Dunno
19 IMPU - Dunno
20 -ASA- - Dunno


Heres mine:

1. TESB:
puniful tribe. one of the worst ive seen:icon_eek:

2. Puffin:
W21 machines.
never really spoken to anyone from here but they are quite skilled players

3. ARG!:
One of my favourite tribes in W21. the dukes are great people. KBS. is ok. Midnights a good guy who would die for his tribe

4. Dr No:
not had to much talks with them. onl mattyj on skype occasionally. but we were just talking about low budget mexican films hahah.

5. IMP:
very conservative tribe. mainly defensive from what ive seen. the spam they produce is alot but quite horrible spamming ive ever seen

6. Knight:
dont know

7. TDR:
dont know

8. UWF:
small tribe. easier to comunicate and so on. good luck to them

9. ~BG~:

10. SW1FT:
ok tribe led by jbibble whom i met a long time back

11. IMP-U:
WOOOO GO UKwildcat

12. MPFC:

13. TSoH:

14. -AAS-:
Getting smashed by ARG! fun?

15. ~HOPE~:
hahah the hopeless famiy tribe from way back

16. RDA:
nice bunch. great personalities

17. T.T.T:
only survive when they have out side help

18. SWIFT2:

19. IMPU:
near me :icon_eek:

20. -ASA-:
must be having fun getting there arse kicked by ARG!


6. Knight:
The cream of the crop out of RON. I never understood why they merged in the first place. Better off they had have stuck it out and gone hard. Now they're getting back on track to where they belong.
They seem to be quickly re-establishing their original home turf and consolidating in there.


I am fond of the way you are able to muster an opinion through obvious lack of knowledge and ignorance (on your part) again, and again.

The cream of the crop out of RON.

This here is cute.

Now, I am not going to deny that there are some good players in Knight, but c'mon now, give your head a shake. How exactly did you come to this conclusion? Granted, these players have staying power, which alot of others including myself lacked.

For a start, not all of these players were in the original Knight tribe.

SUPER DOOPER SPORTACUS account has a new player. The old SDS (who was a member of my tribe before we even joined the RON family ourselves) did most of the work on that account. Could be wrong, but I am fairly sure the new owner is Geniuus who seems to be handling the account just fine.

Michaelturnbull was also a member of ours from the early stages of the world. I can tell you from experience that he was not 'the cream of the crop' of 47RON.

Nor are some of the others. It's laughable that you discount some ex-RON members in such a fashion.

Valsar on the otherhand is a good leader, and DJForbes is a great tribemate with the right mentality.

I never understood why they merged in the first place.

This, I am not surprised by. You wouldn't. Fact is, it didn't concern you, and so it was never explained to you.

Knight were a pretty small tribe before they merged with 47RON. In all honesty, they may never have got this far had the merge not occurred (and vice versa), because they, aswell as RON were threatened by a much larger - TESB, on our borders.

The merge was the right thing to do at the time for both tribes. Knight and 47RON were old allies, and both needed some fresh blood, not to mention we shared the same threat. The merge was a success for a time.

Best of luck to Knight, im sure they will do just fine. Pity things didn't work out the way I wanted.


1. TESB - Despite all the trauma of late, and the dreaded yellow dots they are supposedly suffering from, I wouldn't discount these guys. There is still alot of skill to be found there such as Morphus. If only they get their players active again, who knows.

2. PuFFiN - As i've always said, best tribe on the server. Hold the top 5 players. Influx of fresh blood recently which should do them good. Rellim and Mystic are PuFFiN quality for sure. Due to an isolated GoK account in the North-East, I predict PuFFiN will expand that way.

3. ARG! - As with all the big tribes, seem a little quiet. Have they waged war on a significant tribe since KKND? I'm not sure the PuFFiN/ARG! alliance can last until the end of the server, but we will see. If anything, ARG! would break the alliance imo due to borders. Formiddable opponents even for PuFFiN.

4. Dr. NO - Again, very quiet. W21 isn't the most exciting world right now, huh? Nothing new there then. Very strong tribe since their start, tight bunch. Look forward to seeing their next move.

5. IMP - I like Alexis, can't say I know much about the rest of the tribe, except they have some ex-RON accounts in there, which doesn't exactly please me. Despite what everyone predicted, they're still around. Solid thus far.



I am fond of the way you are able to muster an opinion through obvious lack of knowledge and ignorance (on your part) again, and again.

This here is cute.

Now, I am not going to deny that there are some good players in Knight, but c'mon now, give your head a shake. How exactly did you come to this conclusion? Granted, these players have staying power, which alot of others including myself lacked.

For a start, not all of these players were in the original Knight tribe.

SUPER DOOPER SPORTACUS account has a new player. The old SDS (who was a member of my tribe before we even joined the RON family ourselves) did most of the work on that account. Could be wrong, but I am fairly sure the new owner is Geniuus who seems to be handling the account just fine.

Michaelturnbull was also a member of ours from the early stages of the world. I can tell you from experience that he was not 'the cream of the crop' of 47RON.

Nor are some of the others. It's laughable that you discount some ex-RON members in such a fashion.

Valsar on the otherhand is a good leader, and DJForbes is a great tribemate with the right mentality.

This, I am not surprised by. You wouldn't. Fact is, it didn't concern you, and so it was never explained to you.

Knight were a pretty small tribe before they merged with 47RON. In all honesty, they may never have got this far had the merge not occurred (and vice versa), because they, aswell as RON were threatened by a much larger - TESB, on our borders.

The merge was the right thing to do at the time for both tribes. Knight and 47RON were old allies, and both needed some fresh blood, not to mention we shared the same threat. The merge was a success for a time.

Best of luck to Knight, im sure they will do just fine. Pity things didn't work out the way I wanted.

I am SDS, Geniuus is gone, yes I am the same person who played on Geniuus but plz refere to me as SDS now. And yes I am managing the account excellently, thank you very much.

I have done alot more for this account than you can imagine.


Michaelturnbull was also a member of ours from the early stages of the world. I can tell you from experience that he was not 'the cream of the crop' of 47RON.

having seen over 5k attacks in the Ron war (obviously most of them fakes), I can honestly say that aside from Valsar (who is an excellent leader and person), Michaelturnbull's attacks were by far the best that I saw and believe me, I fought the "best" that Ron had to offer. From Mystic Conjuror and afonalone to DJForbes and VyckaaLT, I really attacked nearly everyone I could find (I don't include GOK or Chivalee in this as the real Chivalee was a friend and gone by the time I tested the new account owner who isn't good at all and GOK was being sitted) all were a huge disappointment honestly except for those two.


Whenever I look into these tribes, and now its been a little while, I see several pretty hard working players at the top, and then the taper down effect is dramatic. Its like these gangs have about 10 players and the rest is fluff. The problem with TW is that the density of goodness outside of the middle 4 Ks is low. Tribes tend to connect the dots and backfill with plumber Joe. So, let me ask you, since you appear to have impressive knowledge of the landscape, do you think there is any opportunity for a few of these guys to merge together and sluff off their crudly players?

The other alternative, of course, is TESB to disband and reorganize into littler tribes while all of PuFFiN just does a mass quit. We've talked about it seriously before...but it would definitely level the playing field for everyone else. What do you think? Grasshoppers vs the Ants? Might be just as much fun as the battle of the titans.

"we've" you werent puffin then??? say it isnt so zoq - i will be devastated


I've taken on all attributes of the tribe, even to the extent of sprouting wings.