February 21st 2009
Current rank = 1 (as i wrote this, Juiced passed them in the rankings) :icon_rolleyes:
No. of members = 48
Points of the best 40 players = 41.439.834
Total points = 42.672.302
Positioning = Core
Duke = DreamBrothers
Interview with = Jasmineyerp and Crazy Dante (DB)
- Crazy Dante (Background) = ”from my knowledge, I'm the longest-serving TW addict. I started when World 2 first came out. On that world, I was just about your average newbie, not bothering to read the rules and the help section, not wanting to get attacked, et cetera.”
- Jasmineyerp (background) = "2 years? 2.5 years? With a 5 month gap in the middle where i didn’t play. My first world was w6, when it first opened. Was in CHE”
Both joined W23 as they played in BIO and joined the remake of BIO in this world, so now we get to the tribe:
So, we all know about REBELZ, if you don’t, you obviously don’t play W23! We know they are the number one tribe and have been for the last month or so. We know that it is lead by the renowned DreamBrothers, the number 1 rank account of W23, but this newsletter gives us ordinary players, those that don’t quite qualify to be a part of the ‘DREAM TEAM’ a sneaky peak behind the scenes at what they’re all up to in there!! :icon_twisted:
Not all that long ago there was much scepticism about the future of REBELZ. After a controversial split from What? DB formed what was for a little while was known as “What would DreamBrothers do?” After bringing in some top players and a slight rename, REBELZ was born. The reason for the split at the time was, in What?, “recruitment got slacker and slacker, id been raising concerns for months,” and so DB made at shot at things themselves.
Early on there was a concern that the tribe was too spread out. “That's something I've never understood, how people can call us as being 'widespread'. If you look at the map closely, you can see we're not at all spaced out as people would suggest.” It turns out Dante was right (despite my own opinion :icon_redface
DB started in K46 and further strengthened there by merging in the best of TCE. They have been fighting BIA in the core to create a stronger dominance of K44 and now are in a quiet war with BOSS. This was caused when BOSS chose to merge in ‘refugees’ from BIA.
Also skirmishes with +DD+ have taken place. “War with DD fuelled by attacks on Cvoid. Cvoid being account sat at time so REBELZ didn’t realize. Sitter attacks DD and they swipe back. War with DD starts … Fact is, nearly all of the REBELZ, once we noticed Cvoid's decline, sent support to all their villages - not knowing the situation of any of the villages at all, which ones were being nobled, which ones were not stacked, et cetera.” +DD+ war I believe has been left somewhat in the air.
REBELZ main goal for the future is “CORE DOMINATION!” It is a simple request and it is one REBELZ fully expect to achieve. While WWDDD? and Interrobang (?!?) are allied with REBELZ, BOSS are the only other prominent core force and they are already at war. It will not be long till REBELZ own the core, then from there, it is anyone’s guess.
Recent inactivity has hit in a couple of places as it has to everyone in the world but REBELZ is one tribe i believe can over come there problems and push on. Small membership means each loss is a large one but with their current activity, they should cope!
I like REBELZ and they are a great tribe who have owned and will continue to own the top spot. The core will become theirs one way or another but it is what happens after that which is where we step into uncharted territory. An aggressive tribe makes enemies and even the top tribe isn’t invincible. REBELZ will be around for some time yet and if things go there way they will soon become unstoppable. While I would like to see what REBELZ can achieve I wish them no luck. A large dominant core tribe owning the world is not good for anyone except REBELZ but hell, it makes for some exciting wars to come!!! :icon_biggrin:
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Current rank = 1 (wait, what?)
No. of members = 65
best 40 players = 40.990.867
Total points = 54.460.390
Positioning = North west
Duke = Kingjame$
Interview with = Mr Wolfe
-Mr Wolfe (background) = “This is actually my first world believe it or not” :icon_eek:
Member of the council in Juiced
Juiced, a tribe that has been growing at a rate of knots out on the west rim. They must be the fastest growing tribe of W23 for 2009 and I am impressed, but lets see what is going on behind the doors, into the world of the sweet citrus fruit loving Juice members.
Juiced was originally formed through merger between Milked and HugZ which unfortunately failed. “It happened too fast. Juiced guys were fine with it because we were basically staying the same. The problem seems to have come from the Hugz members (don't get me wrong I respect all of them and they are a great bunch) theirs and our tribe were very much different. We seemed far more agressive and we were already all tightly knit with a set of goals and we set them in place right after the merge. It was a big chance for them and I can understand why they left. I don't know the exact reasons but those are what I pieced together (I wasn't on the council at the time)”
Edit: The reasoning for this split is viewed from the side of Milked. When posted, ex-members of HuGZ contested this. Their view of the events are:
"Milked more aggressive!? HuGZ! were ranked 2 in ODA at the time way way higher than Milked was.
The issue came when the HuGZ! were lead to believe that Blue...Heart (ex HuGZ! leader) would lead the HuGZ! side of K34 and King James the K32. We would both work in K33 and meet in the middle.
A few HuGZ! members we're peeved becuase within days of the merge we were asked to send troops to defend an imminent attack in K32.
As such people sent their troops. A week went by and nothing happened. We got no more info but were expected to leave troops there. A few memebers got the feeling our troops were used to provide safety.
As regarding the split.
King James started barking out orders to the K34 players. Due to our thinking that Blue...Heart was meant to lead the ex HuGZ! players in K34 not King James. But I kind of took objection to KJ and subsequently left. Within hours BH left too and reformed HuGZ!. Then due to RL issues some time down the line BH could not lead anymore. Neither I or Drunk Otter wanted to lead so the decision was made to disband HuGZ!.
Players were told days in advance at what day the tribe would be disbanded.
We found homes for K33 players in Juiced. K23 had the choice to go into SoT-HG but decided to form s23. The main K34 players decided to go into - H -."
Remember these are simple views of the split, please do not contest these opinions but i have posted both so the world are aware of both sides of the argument.
Juiced quickly got over the failed merge “we just kept expanding to the east and the west. We were hesitant to branch too far into K33 due to Hugz also expanding that way. So we kept having our K31 members push on. A few K33 decided they would be best with us and joined up with us rather then stay Hugz !” This time lead to the famous 100% dominance. Juiced is still the only tribe to have managed that in World 23!
Since that time, they have been a part of a few small wars and had some merge into them, giving them the vast continent dominance they have managed to obtain. They had wars with TNG, ~TC~ and ESP. “We picked up about 12 WP members since they showed the spirit and heart of a Juiced member and at the same time S23 collapsed and we picked up a few ex-hugz and Joker members that didn't have a tribe at the time and turned to us.”
So this is juiced past but what is the plan for the future? “Same things every tribe wants... To take over the world. But seriously we have some things we are working on now and getting out of the way but expect something big sometime soon!” Unfortunately although I have some idea what Juiced is planning, I can’t disclose it to the world or even give hints, but as the man said, keep an eye out!!
Recently, Juiced has been asked about co-players and basher tribes. I thought It appropriate to ask about this and see what Juiced were up to. “Can say it's true about me. Others might be co-playing or inactive... But it sure doesn't hurt our reputation that all Juiced account will be on 24/7 now does it?”
And the bashers?!? Well apparently, Asgard is of no association to Juiced, FIVE is an ally, “FIVE is not our basher tribe either. I don't see what's wrong with an Ally attacking the same tribe as you. That's why they are there right?” The only tribes that have basher status is Oj and Pulp. “Now Oj!? started out as a few players spread out and wasn't a tribe. But when each member needed to clear a certain person to clear a 30% morale fully defended target they had to mail multiple people and wait a while for a response. We grouped them into a tribe to make communication a lot easier. Pulp came about due to the fact that WP broke apart and the members left over wanted to server for Juiced. We made the mistake of letting a few of them and they would be relocated. They have yet to comply. We are well aware that it is a problem and there are things under way to cut the numbers drastically. The point was to have a few people here and there so our players don't waste nuke after nuke on low morale targets”
Inactivity has been a large hit to the world at large and Juiced haven’t entirely escaped that. “We have had our share of inactivity but he actives get rid of those players very well. The bunch we have are very loyal and very active. Hasn't been a big hit. Hence why we are always at the top of the charts in nobling.”
Juiced is a great tribe and i have been exceptionally impressed with their growth. I am very much looking forward to their future exploits as i'm sure you all are also. I see this tribe going far however there new size is their biggest draw back. They have grown a lot of attention and size often means more organization. I'm not saying it is impossible for a large tribe to be organized but it is harder! I hope they pull it off. :icon_biggrin:
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