W25 Blog


within a week I will be presenting a blog for this world. I will promise you all at least 2 blogs. beyond that depends on the participation that i receive. I need to start talking with people on skype you can reach me at kenenth.handsbury


well whatever i can do for you, just ask
i cant do much until the weekend though
i have exams all week(hence the crappy stats)


It makes no sense at all for there to be a weekly blog, maybe a one off end one but that is it, also the fact this is going to be done by someone who is not playing this world therefore knows nothing about this world and its history.


I wanted to do a final one, but I was unable to get in contact with Randy and everyone outside subv and other viewers just think it will be a subv congratulatory blog, i personally think we deserve one but im not going to do one which everyone but the few active members in wont enjoy


if you dont want your blogger, send him to world 38, we havnt had a blogger for a while :D

also, alex, i think you should do the final blog, your blogs were pretty good (better then most of the other worlds i have read) and if it's mainly subv directed, who cares, you guys done an awesome job of winning the world with superweifs help!!!! ;)


Gotta give alot of thanks to super for the win, and I am thinking about doing it just not to sure about how to do it.


What a world! is it still going! or have subv dominated every barbarian village their is left :)


Congrats to Sub-V and very nice "last blog" by Alex. I think that blog on Sub-V is indicative of how hard it is to hold together a group of players to get to the very end. People come and go and you have to try and keep everybody happy enough that the tribe is heading in the direction that will bring it to victory a daunting task to say the least. It may only be a game but the accomplishment is much greater to endure as you have. Congratulations.