As some of you know, I had left some months ago. Returned simply to see if some former-APOX players would be stabbed in the back in the Sith merger.
Was logging in once to twice a week with Sith & AE's crowd attacking me. Has surprosed how poorly they attacked (comeon 1 minute noble trains). They has to ask Drink! to help them (on a basically inactive account) & the difference was amazing. Drink! actually attacked properly & they've shown proper skill, which is lacking in Sith (Can't believe it's the original AE).
Not everything posted here by bdbranch is accurate .... so I would like to clarify a couple of things as far as DRINK! is concerned.
1. SITH have proved in their wars that they DO know how to attack ..... so random attacks on a semi active account without a proper op organised does not in any case show their skills. Whoever might be carried out by bdbranch's comments and thinks that SITH do not know the way to attack will be hugely suprised.
2. SITH never asked DRINK! to help them take out bdbranch. We would take him out anyway (I had promised so in these forums). But with the SITH-APOX merge taking place and new borderlines agreed between the tribes we had to delay our attacks and limit them to a specific area of K57
Those clarified ... 2 more points :
1. It definetely feels good to know that the biggest anti-DRINK! flamer in these forums finally admits that DRINK! are not the "mass-recruiting totally lacking skill tribe" he used to describe us two months ago. And once again I will repeat :
a. We might look like mass-recruiters to an outsider however our recruiting policy has very very spesific criteria (which of course I am not willing to reveal here)
b. It is not always about who you are recruiting but what you make out of him/her
2. It is also nice to see that finally we have proof that bdbranch is AW. Since when I and secret were claiming so everyone in x-APOX was saying that we do not have a clue about what we were talking about.
And last but not least
PS : All non G3 tribes should really declare on the G3 or join them. W28 is dead anyway & at least you'd have some fun in war instead of waiting to be picked off.
We really pray they will (declare that is .... not join) :icon_twisted: It would just make the job we have come to do in W28 even easier (and sooner).