Call me sappy but W30, for me, was a sort of 'coming-of-age' kinda deal.
Like many people, I'm sort of saddened by the end. Having said that I don't regret any single part of it.
The disbandment of Tardis, was a stoke of genius, it's no big secret that I regret disbanding the tribe.
One thing to think about is, what if i had kept up my alter-ego 'Dairyboy'. Nobody knew i was playing that account and what if took on that alternate persona and not disbanded Tardis... I don't think Phoenx would have won the world.
So you owe me a thank you PAJUNO.
But If i could travel back in time 3-4 years... I'd do it again.
(*For future reference, never let me join your tribe, when will some people learn? :icon_cool:*)
I had a long-winded speech planned out but i find my self sitting here and not being able to express my true feelings for once,
something I always prided myself on.
I guess it all comes down to wanting to be remembered.
Here are some of the most notable players to me and I feel I should give them a shout-out and a thank you:
- Inflrc - For nobling me on 6 different accounts
- ChamichA - For the same as inflrc only responding to my smack talk
- KarmaX - For introducing me to RAM
- Articbear - A very good friend and source of advice.
- Elecetricool - Great mid-game banter and fun with a few skirmishes
- Dan1000 - the damn scout *^*&*"$* (one time i woke up with 3 pages of scout reports from him)
- Dgoodhue - Mid game powerhouse - kindof like the Inflrc and Chamicha of Mid-game
- Jakedeazy - Mid game powerhouse - kindof like the Inflrc and Chamicha of Mid-game
- JungoJungo - Early game powerhouse
- Rethea - For never backing down in the face of adversary.
- Noobaxes - For being a nooooooooob

- Badlapje - Badass
- Gicusan - Really Badass
- Acidangel - Fast trains and powerfull nukes - gave pinky a run for her money.
- LiquidC - Seemed to... underachieve in this world.
- Belvalcor - Educated me on how to play tw and helped me relocate. (Bet all you guys are thankfull)
- R2D3 - The first robot to play TW successfully

- Lauradoom - For having the most D in the world.
- Killbow aka Tommy G - For taking a lot of abuse and laughing it off.
- Echao, for taking on that account and putting in the most amount of effort into an account that i have ever seen. Well done mate, in my opinion you won this world.
I also want to give a special shout out to these 2 people who made my TW experience Extra-Special.
- Smurks - For sticking by me no matter what. A true brother in arms.
- RavenJ - For being a complete genius, (s)he gets a lot of praise in the forums and in game and it is 100% deserved. (s)he had even supplied me with Premium when I was attacking him/her/it. I will never forget you Raven.:icon_wink:
And Finally, Just letting the people unfortunate enough to not see the end of this world that we still think of them my two tribemates who have unfortunately passed on:
*RIP* Dennis aka Crimson Angel, a Soldier who died for his country.
*RIP* Craftyandsly, Illness can take even the best.
On a lighter note I've switched over to the server.
Anyone that wants to get into a fight on that server... You know where to find me.
W30 was my first world and the people and memories will be with me forever.
Tribes, friends and enemies alike, wars, alliances and everything I will never forget.
I cannot be as poetic as Raven, but this is the best i can do:
Sionarra W30 - I shall never forget thee.
*SOLDIER 1st Class out*