W37 forums???


Topic says it all.What happened?:icon_eek:
Why so dead?
Is this world doomed??:icon_eek:
Is this what the real rim looks like?


:icon_eek: Plenty more^^^?:icon_eek:

What's the scoop?,,this should be named whats the scoop thread.

What should I do?
Sharpen my :spear:?
Or :axemen::icon_eek:
Or go on vacation?


Me stay thanks,,I won't be quiting like many others~lol

I've been there and have done that.I have ran with my tail between my legs, as have many lately.

But me learned me lesson the first time me met THE of W30.
Me likes them now and have grown to like fighting insted of running like a yeller belly:lol:

Actualy,I can taste the blood in the air,,me wants it real bad.:icon_eek:
Me actualy may even declare war on the whole world.All I need to do is recruit a member frome all tribes,,and all leaders will just pack a bag and head east to the french TW server~lol

Oh damn,,guess what,,me is there too:icon_eek:

My wife will rim you all.:icon_razz: