W41 Updating Maps


everyone are eating whats left of it, just so i wont take the villa lol




wow great to see the huggiest world ever just about finished



wow great to see the huggiest world ever just about finished


Ive just looked at the map but dude families don't win the game. They will have to fight each other eventually until one tribe is left standing.


this world wasn't that huggy, look at the earlier days there was alot of K tribes fighting each other. the First AXE OCD war, the OCD, PWN, Motive vs Smexy (after merges) with hugger helping
twit vs badass AXEs vs knock, smerge vs motive SC vs AXEs AXes vs motive and *S*. the world did slow down but they all do when people start having 300+ villas, and less tribes and players around makes things stabler.

world 50 is more huggy then this....


A tribe that never merges and takes on new members does not win worlds. It takes 30-50 active members in a tribe at a particular time to keep things running smoothly. Just for an example, if Axes had never merged the number of active members we would have now would be 1, mohua (and its not the original owner anymore). Has Axes merged, of course, but we were always playing with the end in mind. You fight a war, kill off their leadership, destroy their weaker players and take in a few of their more active and better players. Then move on to the next target. This keeps a decent amount of skilled and active players in the tribe, prevents wars from becoming stagnant and boring exhibitions in annihilation. But I would say with a 150 member tribe limit, you couldn't call us huggers or mass-recuiters since the largest we have ever been was just south of 80 members after the SCC merge which within a month was back under 70.


You mean to tell me axes has not closed off this world yet...lol they should shut this world down already.


Just an update

You mean to tell me axes has not closed off this world yet...lol they should shut this world down already.

World IS closed for new registrations. We are down to well under 500 players. The bottom 200 players have only 1 village and most have less then 2k points.

We really more then anything are waiting on the mods to cut off restarts so we can knock these people out without them restarting.

In the meantime we are taking a ton of villages every day and many of the "active" non axes players left have just set their accounts on auto renew pp and pop in every couple weeks as a way to force us to waste a ton of time and troops killing em off. Rebuilds take time and there is somewhat disabling 291hr ennoblement rule :.(


How is this world not over yet? :D

If I had stayed active it would have been finished a LONG time ago :p

Plus Jarl sucks :p


Well its no secret that AXES ruled this world...it should be finished and the victory be named! Congrats AXES!:icon_twisted:


Well its no secret that AXES ruled this world...it should be finished and the victory be named! Congrats AXES!:icon_twisted:

Oh stealthy, if only end game rules made it that easy. No. instead we have to clear them 200 pointers. So many don't want let us win, that they just restart and we can't get to 100% until restarts are cut off. True, they should be done by now but based on new rules we have to get below 300 players on the world before that happens.

We at 388 last time I checked so out will happen soon.