A tribe that never merges and takes on new members does not win worlds. It takes 30-50 active members in a tribe at a particular time to keep things running smoothly. Just for an example, if Axes had never merged the number of active members we would have now would be 1, mohua (and its not the original owner anymore). Has Axes merged, of course, but we were always playing with the end in mind. You fight a war, kill off their leadership, destroy their weaker players and take in a few of their more active and better players. Then move on to the next target. This keeps a decent amount of skilled and active players in the tribe, prevents wars from becoming stagnant and boring exhibitions in annihilation. But I would say with a 150 member tribe limit, you couldn't call us huggers or mass-recuiters since the largest we have ever been was just south of 80 members after the SCC merge which within a month was back under 70.